ok, ness....
chase ness..... this is the easiest way to kill him imo. i love fighting ness because once i get him off the ledge, he's dead... force the 2nd jump... then **** the slow recovery, he can only be so fast with hitting himself with electric ball.... and oli's fair by the right player is faster. i also noticed that your attacks looked premeditated as if they weren't dependednt on where your opponent was or what they were doing... maybe you got frustrated idk but it the 2nd match i noticed it a lot
lucario... i know you said you haven't played alot of them so this is more for future reference
first thing... someone previously stated that the worst position for olimar is under lucario (i'm calling him luc i'm lazy) this is a myth. luc's dair is amazing but oli's uair is amazing plus 1... there is very little that goes through oli's uair... so as long as you have time to uair, you are advantageous to luc in the air. now if luc is aboce you and he is too close for you to uar, then you need to move, because his dair will go thgouth oli's up-smash
next thing, your fair vs luc fair.... fair vs fair... you lose... but, spaced properly ypu can kinda hit luc on the head or do it either right before or right after it comes out and hit luc... i can't explain it i just do it, but you can get around the move
that leads into the next point.... chase.... again lol i don't say chase every onpponent, but what can luc really do? you can get through his fair, his up-b has a slow start up nor does it hurt you. so when he's off the edge, chase, and be in his face so that you fair when he up-b's... you can actually hit him while he is up-bing. it takes some practice but luc is another one of the characters that you don't let get back on the stage... during this match, you were also trying to force the up-smash quite a bit, don't expect to kill luc with it, there a re a few openings, but noramlly luc will out prioritze it since the opening is noramlly while they are aboce you and dair goes through oli's uair
so to sum up, expect to kill luc with mind gamed d-smash, gimpsing his recovery, and chasing him... if he leaves the stage make him pay
just something random, i've noticed that you up edgegaured alot, i understand its safer, but you should look into practiing the fair to edge gaurd since there is less lag and you go after opponents further out with it, plus it knocks opponents further, and done correctly you won't be in a position to get gimped....
this is the end of my post, it was longer and better put together .... but i'm very lazy and got frustrated fromt he first post not getting posted lol
edit: ahhhh, i coppied so i could paste it on the above post, i guess i got half way to the goal by copying lol