I don't know if it's too early to shoot out a mail-time question. If it is sorry.
Mail-time Question:
Do you guys think that there will be any announcement from Nintendo regarding a new home console in the near future (e3)? The SNES came out in 1991 (in America), the N64 came out in 1996, the Gamecube came out in 2001, and the Wii came out in 2006. If we look back at the trends that Nintendo has set, (Gamecube being announced 2 years before launch, Wii being announced 2 years before launch) then this is theoretically they year that we will hear about a new Nintendo system. I know it seems a bit soon to be thinking about this, but with the Xbox 360 and PS3 being completely HD compatible, it might be time Nintendo moves into that territory. Also, just because the Wii is making money doesn't mean they can't push another system; think DSi.