Wow... Just... Wow.
I've only now finished part 2, so I'm not even done yet, but I'm *really* enjoying it so far. I enjoy finally being able to read (or in this case, listen to) an in-depth analysis of Brawl's gameplay that doesn't focus on just the technical side. Obviously, I don't agree with you on all points (modded or unmodded, nothing beats the GameCube controller, but I honestly found that I liked the plain Wiimote setup much better than I could ever imagine), but I'm so glad that someone has taken the time to discuss other aspects of the gameplay. I do wish that you could have rigged a second camera to watch the screen so that you could cut to the gameplay from time-to-time. It's a bit boring to watch two people trying to podcast while smash sticks and buttons, playing and actively refering to something we can't see. XD
While I'm at it, I have to agree with your conclusion that Brawl is more "strategic" than Melee was, and I *like* that. I enjoy that you have to put more thought into your moves, advances, and defenses and that you can't just rely on strings of combos that you memorized in practice. But that's probably just me (and I wouldn't be surprised if the technical aspect of Brawl comes back in full force a year or two from now after people have had more playtime).
But now I'm just rambling. Thank you so much for your work on this project! It's always enjoyable to be able to hear the opinions of people who enjoy the series as much as we do! ^_^