Hey Youko, like you, I enjoy music. I've been a musician for as long as I can remember, and have had very high successes in bands (with links to illscarlett, death from above 1979, etc.). It seems to me that you use other peoples instrumentals (for example, the interview sound bit), to make SMYN. Well, to make the show with as little help from outside sources, I'd be willing to help you put together some quick sound bytes. Although I have not pursued this passion, and rather gone into the medical field, my close friend is currently going to school to be an engineer/producer, so I have unlimited use of professional equipment at my disposal. Let me know in a PM or e-mail (pistols_at_noon@hotmail.com) if you are both interested or not interested (so I know at least that you've read this). Thanks, hope to hear from you soon, we can discuss details later.