One of the big things that scares me about 3.5 is how little people know Kirby's overall design is one of the worst, and wont get to be made better since it could be seen as perfectly fine, or just okay if you fix a few things. Puffs overall design is much better than Kirby's, Kirby may be better balance wise but its because of his bad design. Dash Attack/Suicide Stock the character is very similar to a slow Sonic (in that Dash Attack is just as polarizing as Spin Shot but worse, and the character is carried by their design) with a much worse moveset, bad mobility, dies earlier, less range, rock is basically MK's dair with more combo potential, and heavily relies on a very mobile relatively low endlag infinite command grab that can kill people at 0% with an edgeguard if needed... basically an aerial wobble. Like wtf is this character lol!? If spamming dash attack until you have the stock lead and then kirbyciding all remaining stocks is a viable strategy, you know somethings very wrong.
Puff just has a below-average moveset, a few really good moves, a few "useless" moves, a lacking ground game, and a very punishable if missed move that kills around 30%, but still relatively close to a fundamental based character which we want. Prob a few more things im forgetting. Dont get me wrong, her design is definitely not something to praise, just sayin its not as bad as people seem to make it since there are characters with much worse designs.