Oh, you just made a terrible mistake... it's British accent time!
Oh dear God...
Wh..What?! Alright, quit with the strawman, where have I said drugs don't impair your judgement? You'd have to be able to prove that this was, somehow, my position my dear.
As for the pleasure thing, you do know that recreational drugs induce activity in your reward system which higher the concentration of serotonin level and even sometimes dopamine level. Each drug changes things in his way, but we can classify them following certain chemistry criteria. So how could you deny they induce pleasure my dear?
I didn't DENY that they give you pleasure, I said that you said that they give you ONLY pleasure. In other words, that you said that they don't affect other people.
As for your position on it not affecting the brain, maybe I interpreted this wrong, but...
Which basically means that you never showed any link between drug use and increased violence, you just stated an example and blamed drugs because your minimal understanding gave you the right to say nonsensical crap. "It affects the brain, it's dangerous" is just as right as saying "I've eaten aspirins and now I'm feeling enraged".
...okay, the way you're saying my dear, it just sounds patronizing, and I do not appreciate that. That's why I told you not to call me that.
My poor dear, people are using drugs as of now, so you'd have to prove to me that people with no initial problem with develop a criminal tendency. Drugs with high risks of addiction are allowed, as of now, because pharmaceutical companies keep the monopoly under their legal drugs. Stimulant in prescription look alike amphetamines, Adderall is a replica of cocaine, but all this money better come back to corporates. Why this double standard?
I'd like to know what made you think that drugs (oh but don't touch tobacco, acetaminophen, alcohol...) kill. This is outrageously dumb.
I'm not talking about criminally stupid, I'm talking about the sort of idiots that drive drunk now. They're not necessarily criminals, they just are stupid enough to think that they can drive fine drunk.
With prescription drugs being the same as the illegal ones, there's a reason, it is not a double standard; they are
perscription drugs. You need a doctor's perscription to get it.
That's why there's your so-called double standard.
And irresponsibility's to blame? How about you don't take more and more and more and keep some money in your pocket. Drugs like crack are indeed something I wouldn't make legal because it's extremely addictive and completely brain blowing, but why can't we teach people and put warnings on drugs like we do with tobacco? That doesn't mean I defend opiates and amphetamines, but psychedelics don't deal with anything else than emotional dependence. Craving chocolate's an example of this.
They are addictive, and if you're addicted, you're going to take more and more.
Actually, you bring up a good point; if you're not for making crack legal, then which drugs exactly are you for legalizing? That would probably help to know.
If drugs were made legal, we could very well put warnings. In fact, if they were to be legalized, I would definitely want that.
I'll get back to you with an ad hominem: you sound like a soccer mom.
I'm not even female...how do I sound like a soccer mom?
This is where history and bad politics strike!
Other drugs like amphetamines and stimulants have no reason to be allowed by the government because, unlike alcohol, they couldn't make any profit out of it. Meanwhile, corporates are allowed to sell molecules that look similar in certain way to illegal drugs, but their industry is a political friend.
Wow, that
is stupid. Well, I did always know the government is greedy for money...they take about half of your paycheck for taxes.
Personally, I think you're just pulling a strawman to say 'I don't know what could refute this and prefer avoid bringing something intelligent'.
Actually, I didn't mean to avoid the argument...I just wrote that and sort of forgot to reply to that. But anyways...
Again, lies that the drug made her kill her husband in a rush of anger.
Oops, misworded that...I meant to say, she was already messed up (depressed or something I believe), but was also taking drugs...my bad.
In any case, let's drop the Phil Hartman story from the argument, I clearly can't prove anything about it being related to the cocaine (although I still believe that it had something to do with it), and as such, it doesn't belong in this debate.
My dear, it's far from being bad. I don't point finger at virgins when I see them.
True, but it souded like you were surprised or something that I hadn't...I don't know, it's hard to tell emotions through the internet.
You still blame drugs instead of blaming idiocy, and you never backed up what you said with anything past your opinion. If you're an alcoholic and think it's perfectly fine to drive and drink, you're the problem, not alcohol.
I'm not blaming drugs; I'm saying that people will use drugs, and they're idiots. Which I suppose isn't a valid argument against drugs.
What I've been saying all along; that people can get irritated and kill...which sort of goes along with the Phil Hartman argument in that I really can't prove it...in fact, that incident was really the only backup for that argument I had.
Basically, I suppose the only instance in which you can cause harm to others would be being high while driving.