Saying there's zero chance FE was vt was hasty and dumb. I missed him saying, based on flavor, that he thinks he's the only VT. FE, there's no reason not to and it could easily help your claim if you would tell us your flavor name. Depending on that I think most of us can tell if he's telling the truth or not.
Zenny is on my suspicion list for his blatant riding of Jex's **** for no reason as well as his constant nudge trying to get me to talk more about FE possibly being a PR which is ridiculous and the entire reason I deleted the information, it should be incredibly obvious to everyone what else was there. But Zenny wanted to pretend he didn't see it? I cannot imagine what Zenny thought would be useful there, and I wanted to see how he'd push it and watch him.
But more then that, we can wait until FE posts his flavor name, which he absolutely should