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Pacific West [Sep 12, 2015] Salem Smashfests (Weekly) [Smash 4, Brawl] (Salem, Or)


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Will there be PM and Melee every week as well or do you rotate through the games played? @ Jaxas Jaxas
Melee, Project: M, and Smash 4 happen every week, no rotation.
Brawl happens any time there's enough entrants who are interested, which is almost every week.

Only exceptions are some Saturdays when there are larger tournaments in Eugene/Portland, so our events don't happen (because most people go to those).


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US

Short Version:
There's a chance that we won't be at GameStar tomorrow, but if we are and you have any tables/chairs that you could bring to the event this Saturday that would be most appreciated.

Full Version:
I've received word from the guy who runs GameStar that there will be a large tournament out at the Lancaster GameStar.
While our GameStar will still be available, the other one will be borrowing almost all of the tables and chairs from ours here in south Salem.

@gmanownyou and I are trying to contact potential other this-week-only venues (such as Meta-Gaming), but so far that hasn't returned anywhere we can use.

SO! Even if I can't find another place to hold the tournament, it will still happen.
There is a decent chance that it will happen on the floor, though.
Due to this, we will likely need chairs and tables, so if you have any that you could bring that would be very helpful.

Thanks everyone!


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Thanks to everyone who made it out today, we had to improvise a bit but it was still a great time!

Results are as follows:

Smash 4 Singles
1st) @gmanownyou
2nd) @ Jaxas Jaxas
3rd) @ 9Tales 9Tales

Smash 4 Triples
1st) Gold Team Rules (@ Jaxas Jaxas / @gmanownyou / Zeno)
2nd) Pocket Monsters (Blake / @Charey / Urban Lion)

Project M
1st) Blake
2nd) Monce
3rd) Bubbles

Speaking of Bubbles, a huge shoutout to him for donating chairs to us; thanks a ton!

Like always, you can find the bracket here: http://salemsmashfests.challonge.com/

Angel X

Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2015
Forest Grove, OR
With any wii U battles am i able to connect the 3DS as a controller?

-neeeeeeeeevermind, i just found the rules XD
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Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, two announcements:

FIRST: Mewtwo will NOT be legal in our standard Smash 4 tournaments until after the 28th of April. After this date, he will be legal, just like every other character.

SECOND: We will be running a Mewtwo-only special bracket at this Saturday's tournament!

Rules are:
- $1 entry
- Mewtwo is the only legal character
- Customs OFF (Because it DOESN'T MATTER ;_;)
- All games Bo3 except for Grand Finals
- Double Elimination (potential for Single Elimination if it starts too late and we have to, but it will be decided at the start of the tournament. It won't switch part-way through.)
- Everything else standard (Stage List, 2stock/6min, etc)

Bring an extra dollar for it, and we'll still aim to have standard doubles in as well (so bring another dollar for that!).


and @ Reuben Herrera Reuben Herrera and @ Angel X Angel X , I hope to see you guys there!


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Thanks to everyone who made it out today! We surprisingly ended up on the floor again, but it worked out just fine in the end. (And while the tables won't be there by tomorrow for Melee, we will have them next week for sure)


Smash 4 Singles
1st) @ Jaxas Jaxas
2nd) @ 9Tales 9Tales
3rd) Shy

Smash 4 Doubles
1st) The Cosmic Kings (@ Jaxas Jaxas / @gmanownyou )
2nd) Shy Tales (Shy / @ 9Tales 9Tales )

Smash 4 Mewtwo-Bracket
1st) @ Jaxas Jaxas
2nd) @gmanownyou
3rd) @Charey

Project: M Singles
1st) Nick
2nd) @Charey
3rd) Kid

Project: M Doubles
1st) The Cosmic Kings (@ Jaxas Jaxas / @gmanownyou )
2nd) Team Name (Wolfy / @Charey )

As always, you can view the results on our Challonge page: http://salemsmashfests.challonge.com/

See you NEXT WEEK at the 1-Year Special!
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Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US

The Salem Elimination Bracket is coming up soon; only a week until it's here!
I really need to have an idea of how many people will be attending though, so if you're coming please let me know, and let me know what you're entering!

Also, I'm putting together an updated schedule and everything is put together...
except for SSB64.

I need to know whether the 64 players would rather have that happen on Saturday or Sunday (it's part of the registration form anyways, please answer there).

Let me know; thanks!



Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone who made it out to our 1-year special, the Salem Elimination Bracket; I hope everyone had a great time!
With how well this weekend ended up going, I'm hoping to get more events like this happening in the future - stay tuned for that!

Anyways, it's time for the results!

Smash 4 - Singles
1st) "His Holy Greatness the Reigning Undisputed State Champion of Oregon [Cacaw] Lord Viviff T. Great MBA"
2nd) @T1MMY
3rd) @ Jaxas Jaxas
4th) Seo

Smash 4 - Doubles
1st) State Championship Inc (Viviff T. Great MBA / @MasterFisk )
2nd) Brawl Elitists ( @T1MMY / Seo)
3rd) Shy Tales ( @ 9Tales 9Tales / Shy)

Brawl - Singles
1st) Viviff T. Great MBA
2nd) @T1MMY
3rd) TomCat

Melee - Singles
1st) @Toller
2nd) Blake
3rd) @Saucy Pirate
4th) @ Jaxas Jaxas

Project: M - Singles
1st) Blake
2nd) @Toller
3rd) Bubbles
4th) Zeo

Project: M - Doubles
1st) Bubbles & Nick (Bubbles/Nick)
2nd) The Cosmic Kings ( @ Jaxas Jaxas / @gmanownyou )
3rd) KiddyBoo (KID/Buddy Boo)

SSB64 - Singles
1st) Branato
2nd) AO
3rd) Merlin

Unfortunately due to time constraints certain events had to be cancelled or were unable to finish (namely Sm4sh Triples, Sm4sh Quads, Brawl Doubles, Melee Doubles, SSB64 Doubles); I've taken this into account though, and in the future I'll definitely change around the schedule and the planned events to make sure we get through everything in time.

As ever, you can find the link to all the brackets on our Challonge page:

Anyways, I would like to thank @gmanownyou , Jesse, @ 9Tales 9Tales , Qamp, Zeno, Shy, and many, MANY others for assisting with running the event; it couldn't have gone nearly as well without their help!
Thanks to everyone who brought setups, tables, TVs, stream laptops, capture cards, power strips, and the like as well!
I'd also like to extend a special thank you to the group that brought the N64 and all the controllers today!

I am currently working on cutting up and then uploading all the recorded matches; I'll be sure to link the playlist here once it's up on Youtube!

Also, one last thing: If you have any suggestions for future tournaments (besides "don't plan way too many events in one day"; I learned that one pretty well already lol) don't hesitate to message me.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, just a few quick announcements!

1) I'm thinking about moving Project: M to Sunday alongside Melee for our standard weekly events; thoughts?

2) If you remember seeing us talking about making a highlight reel, but didn't see it yet, don't worry - you didn't miss anything. It's still under construction at the moment, but it will be coming out!

3) Commentary! We should now have everything we need to set up to have people provide commentary during matches!
(There is currently no way to do it without the players being able to hear, though, so anytime someone doesn't want commentary during their match just let the commentators know.)

4) The matches from the year event are still uploading; I'll link it once they're all up


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
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Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, announcement time!

First up: Project: M schedule change!
Starting this Sunday (5/9/15), Project: M will be moving to Sunday to join Melee and SSB64! Both events will start at 12:30 (with sign-ups opening at around noon). I'll see you there!

2nd: Also a schedule change!
Starting this Saturday (5/8/15), Smash 4 will have its events re-ordered a bit. We'll be starting the day with Doubles instead of Singles, and Singles will start upon Doubles finishing (or 2:00pm, whichever comes first).

3rd: Brawl will now be starting at Noon on Saturdays!
Brawl will run during Sm4sh doubles now, instead of starting at 5pm.

4th: Not really important, but I figure I might as well mention it anyways.
Starting with this upcoming weekend, I'm just going to upload all the matches into a single playlist for the weekend (rather than 2 playlists, 1 for each day). Again, not super important, but might as well mention it.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, remember that the schedule is a bit different this weekend!

On Saturday, Sm4sh Doubles and Brawl Singles now start at Noon! Sm4sh Singles will be starting either once Doubles finishes or at 2:00pm (whichever comes first).

Project: M has been moved to Sunday, and will be starting at 12:30pm!

See you there!


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Thanks to everyone who made it out today!

Smash 4 Singles:
1st) @ 9Tales 9Tales
2nd) Brobear
3rd) @gmanownyou

Smash 4 Doubles:
1st) Super Futanari Brothers
2nd) Misfire, to the Moon!

Smash 4 Triples:
1st) Gold Team Rules

Matches will be uploaded soon (last week's are still uploading, but this week's matches will be up much more quickly than last week's)!

As ever, you can check out the bracket at:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Portland, Oregon
Considering the new Smash Rankings should the cut to top be more than top 8, like top 10, everyone who attended or something of that nature?


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Considering the new Smash Rankings should the cut to top be more than top 8, like top 10, everyone who attended or something of that nature?
Smash Rankings?

Anyways, top 10 doesn't work very well just due to bracket layout reasons (and time). I've been tracking top results myself for a while though; expect to hear more about that at the end of the month.
Swiss stuff will be included soon, as well!


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey Smash 4 Players, looks like something cool has just happened!

If you know much about the more global Smash scene, then you've probably heard of "Melee It On Me". It's a website which serves as a type of hub for Melee's info. They cover things like upcoming tournaments, reviews/recaps of tournaments that have just happened, player spotlights, new tech, things like that.

It's played a big role in helping the Melee scene get as big as it has, and it looks like Smash 4 now has something similar!

Smashhub is a website that went live today, and the goal is to serve the same role for Smash 4 as MioM has for Melee! It's being run by 5 well-known Smash 4 players (False, DireOnFire, Jtails, Max Ketchum, and DKwill) with a few others helping out as well.

It's still definitely 'under construction', but be sure to check it out!



Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Thanks to everyone who made it out this weekend! (I'm going to combine both day's results into one as I didn't have internet yesterday evening)

Smash 4 Singles
1st) @CutestLilLucario
2nd) Brobear
3rd) @T1MMY

Smash 4 Doubles
1st) Monado Punch (Zeno/ @CutestLilLucario )
2nd) The Super Futanari Bros (Brobear/Churro)
3rd) The Cosmic Kings (@ Jaxas Jaxas / @gmanownyou )

Melee Singles
1st) @Magnum Dragon
2nd) Pineapple
3rd) @ Jaxas Jaxas

Matches will be uploaded soon!

As ever, you can find the brackets here: http://salemsmashfests.challonge.com/


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, just a reminder (or announcement if you weren't there this weekend, I suppose) that THERE WILL BE NO (Salem) TOURNAMENTS THIS WEEKEND.

Both Saturday and Sunday will not be happening due to out of town tournaments on those days, namely Smash Wars (https://www.facebook.com/events/1437864546528257/) on Saturday and Smash @ Disc Heroes (https://www.facebook.com/events/1441674156129225/) on Sunday (Sorry for the Facebook links, not sure if there even are Smashboards listings for these)

We'll be back next week though, and stay tuned throughout the week for a few announcements on things coming up in the near future!


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Both Saturday and Sunday will not be happening due to out of town tournaments on those days, namely Smash Wars (https://www.facebook.com/events/1437864546528257/) on Saturday and Smash @ Disc Heroes (https://www.facebook.com/events/1441674156129225/) on Sunday (Sorry for the Facebook links, not sure if there even are Smashboards listings for these)
I don't think Disc Heroes has a SWF page for their event. But here's Smash Wars:
Smash Wars on smashboards
Glad you posted that, someone was asking on the Oregon Social about local Portland tournaments.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
Hey everyone, just wanted to fill everyone in on some new stuff that we'll be doing for the Salem Smashfests! It'll be broken up into a few different parts, but first up is...

The Salem Smashfests PR!

I've been tracking the results from the Top portion of our weeklies for every game since we've moved the brackets to Challonge.
This was originally just meant for seeding for the Salem Elimination Bracket, but since I've had a number of people ask me about making one I'll be putting together a monthly Salem Smashfests PR! (for Sm4sh, Melee, and P:M - the other games have a shot as well, however it's going to require an increase in regular attendance basically)

There will be some limitations in place to make sure it's actually regulars; these rules are as follows:
- I'm using a program based off of Microsoft's TrueSkill algorithm, set to decay results at intervals of 2 weeks (for Sm4sh, Melee, & P:M - other games will be different when/if they're added)
- To be on the PR, a player must have attended at least 3 of the last 8 weeks
- Prior to May 23rd (the most recent tournament), only results from Top were tracked. As of that date, Swiss matches are being included as well
- Ranks will be updated once a month, generally on the last day of the month

Also, if you're on the PR and want a different image of your character in future months, let me know - I used (semi) official character art this time and will be using that in the future if people don't give me other pictures for them!

Anyways, here's the current (May 2015) Salem Smashfests PR for Smash 4 (Melee & P:M PRs in the Sunday Thread):
1st) @ Jaxas Jaxas
2nd) Brobear
3rd) @gmanownyou
4th) @ 9Tales 9Tales
5th) Churro

Notable Players:
6) That Guy
7) Ecchi
8) Shy

2015-05 (May) V2.png

Continuing the announcements, next up is...

Highlight reels!

As you may know, there's been a big First-Year Highlight Reel in the works (that was supposed to be finished in time for the Salem Elimination Bracket, but wasn't, obviously...).
That highlight reel is still being worked on (shouldn't be too much longer!), however I'm planning on also doing (bi?)monthly highlight reels; sort of a "Month in review" type deal.

I'm currently working with a few others on one for May (hopefully it'll be ready in the next few weeks), but help is always welcome! If you want to help us find highlight clips, put the video together, or anything else, please let me know!

Also, the third (and related fourth) things will be announced later this afternoon, so stay tuned for those!
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Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2014
Salem, OR, US
So sorry I didn't actually post this yesterday, Xanadu #100 distracted me pretty dang thoroughly....

Anyways, on to the next announcement:

It's not quite ready yet, but within the next few weeks we should be able to start actually streaming again, rather than just recording matches and uploading them later!
The tournaments will be streamed on my channel (Twitch.tv/jaxasscarlet), so give it a follow!

It's not going to be perfect, however; Gamestar's internet still isn't good enough to stream particularly high-quality video.
However what we're going to do as a work-around for this is to record and stream the videos separately - the recordings (which will still be uploaded to Youtube) will be the same quality they've always been, while the streamed video will be sent out in a reduced quality.
This way, we get the best of both worlds (or at least as close as we can with what we've got to work with, anyways).

The next announcement will be brought to you not by me, but by @ 9Tales 9Tales - watch for that one too!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2014
West Coast, USA
Hey Guys! Time for (I Think) the final announcement in this tidal wave of announcings.
Although I’ve only been regularly coming to Salem for a little over 2 months now I still haven’t probably met all of you but hopefully at least most of you know me. If not I’m 9Tales, a RosaLuma main with passable results who’s also just a cool dude, with a good sense of humor, charming features, and a humble ego.

So this announcement is for a special Campaign called The Salem Hype Up! This is a project I’m heading up along with Jaxas with the intent of upgrading the quality of the media Salem produces and the tournaments it throws. The ultimate end goal is to just grow the scene in Salem and in Oregon as a whole, getting more casuals and extra-regional’s interested in watching our tournaments and drawing in more players to increase the amount of overall hype!

This campaign is three fold.

1) We are looking to increase the quality of the commentary during tournaments and (pretty soon) while streaming. For this we are assembling an official Commentary Crew! Members of this crew will make sure that every match of the tournament is receiving quality commentary and will uphold themselves to a high standard with the intention of analyzing and improving upon the entertainment they provide alongside matches! Starting this upcoming weekend the match recording station will be manned only by members of this crew. To start we have a tiny base core of crew members however we can always use more hands to make sure we never run low on man power. If you are interested in joining this elite force of entertainers please check out this form and fill it out:

2) We are going to being raising funds to improve the quality of the equipment we use to record and play matches. Don’t worry this is not a fee we will ever impose upon anyone. Jaxas and I have been making a list and budgeting to figure out what sorts of things we are hoping to provide for everyone. Types of equipment we’re hoping to get range form actual good quality microphones to things like a nice HD TV for the tournament’s main matches etc. There will be more on this in the future as we figure out exact fund goals and plan possible fundraising events. But for now we are going to officially open up to donations that will go into the Salem-Hype-Up Fund Pot. We’ll keep everyone in the loop on what we’re planning to get and how much we’ve raised so far and I’m sure we’ll find ways to gratify donors. Remember the end goal is to make all of this worth everyone’s while and no one has to feel obligated

3) The final fold of the three folds. In order to improve the quality of what we do we all need to Step Up Our Game! I’m sorry but this one is an obligation to everyone! We have a legit PR that updates monthly now so everyone should be motivated to climb the ranks and get their name out there. It’s on all of you to get good so that once everything is getting hyped up the matches we play are Seriously Really Hype! Find someone better than you and let them curb stomp you until your face is so numb you can stand up and hit them back! Practice your Tech skill and then show up and actually beat someone! It’s time we all moved our game to the next level!!


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
TL;DR: Local Power Rankings, Streaming, Content, and Hype.

Awesome announcements all around!

Although I’ve only been regularly coming to Salem for a little over 2 months now I still haven’t probably met all of you but hopefully at least most of you know me. If not I’m 9Tales, a RosaLuma main with passable results who’s also just a cool dude, with a good sense of humor, charming features, and a humble ego.
I can vouch for all these claims :^D
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