All right,
all Smash 4 players listen up! (Please read this, but if you're lazy there's a short version at the end)
Starting this upcoming week (03/07/2015) we're having a number of changes to our ruleset! Here is what will be changing, and what you need to know about the changes:
1st) Smash 4 singles will now be starting at 12:00 (noon), the same time as Project: M singles.
2nd) We're switching to 2 Stocks, 6 Minutes.
This change is so that we're all practicing the same thing that the larger tournaments use, so we don't have to acclimate to 2 stocks over the week before the tournament.
3rd) Customs! The custom toggle will be set to ON; what this means is that you may use any combination of custom MOVES. (Any and all Custom Equipment is banned, and the use of it will result in a match disqualification)
How we're going to implement it is a modified version of
Amazing Ampharos' Custom Moves Project. @
gmanownyou and I will have 2 3DS systems with all customs unlocked (Shoutouts to @
MasterFisk for being awesome and unlocking them with a powersave, made it way easier!) and we'll be setting up the first 6-8 slots with presets from the Custom Moveset Project.
Slots (7/8/)9/10 will be left open for people with their own 3DS systems to transfer over their loadouts, or filled with moveset requests from people.
(Also, if you have a Wii U setup, it would be nice if you would show up early so we can copy over the premade loadouts.)
Also, if you're wondering how custom selection works in the Advanced Slob Picks (Winner Bans - Loser Picks - Winner's Character - Losers's Character) system, the order now works like this:
1) Each player (or team) selects their characters. (Any player can enforce a double-blind plick)
2) Each player(/team) selects their customs. (Any player can enforce a double-blind pick, but after all are selected all players must inform their opponents of their custom setup)
3) Stage striking, yadda yadda, play game 1
4) Winner of game 1 bans stages, Loser picks stage
5) Winner picks character, Loser picks character
*6) Winner picks custom loadout, Loser picks custom loadout*
7) Play next game, repeat from step 4
4th) Legal stages.
Evo's stage list is as follows:
- Battlefield
- Final Destination (No Omegas, because music licensing reasons)
- Smashville
- Lylat Cruise
- Town & City
- Duck Hunt
- Delphino Plaza
- Castle Siege
- Halberd
This list is solid (and exactly 9, which is nice for the all-starters list we have), but is lacking a few stages that are still commonly used and basically staples everywhere else, such as
- Kongo Jungle 64 (the most commonly used stage out of these)
- Wuhu Island, and
- Skyloft
Wuhu and Skyloft are a bit less common, but still used in a lot of places. Kongo is used most everywhere, especially in larger local tournaments.
Of these, Kongo Jungle is definitely returning to the stage list simply because of how commonly used it is. I would like to add Wuhu and Skyloft as well so people have practice on them, though they're more optional. Pokemon Stadium 2 is a stage that doesn't really have anything wrong with it, but very few people like it and therefore it's almost never ran as a legal stage at bigger tournaments.
So I guess my question is this:
Kongo is coming back.
Should Skyloft and/or Wuhu return?
Also, how should we handle Starter/Counterpick distinction?
A) Stay with all Starters, re-add Kongo, Skyloft, Wuhu, and Stadium
B) Add back a few of the stages, and drop some to counterpick status (and which ones you think we should drop, preferably with why as well)
1) Next week's Smash 4 starts at Noon
2) Starting next week we're switching to 2 stock 6 minutes
3) Customs are turning On! (Moves, not equipment)
POST WHAT SETS YOU USE, and bring your 3DS & Sm4sh 3DS if you have it!
4) Kongo Jungle 64 is coming back, and Skyloft/Wuhu(/PS2) may be as well.
Which should come back, and (if not all) which stages should be bumped down to counterpick and why?