Yet again we spit in nature's face so we can just delay the inevitable. Why can't scientists comprehend that living forever is not going to be an enjoyable decision? Imagine, you got in a car accident and get crushed by your own Minivan. There you are, being crushed by a large vehicle with no way of being able to escape. You are in intolerable amount of pain wishing anything to stop it, but you can't due to immortality being a reality. Life sucks but at least you get an ending.
Life's not a ***** life's a beautiful woman you just call her a ***** because she won't let you get that *****. You're just an asswhole who couldn't sweet talk a princess.
Seriously existing is wonderful. Despite my many, many hardships and loss I love every ounce of life, including the fact that I am mortal. "Life is a mircale of moments flabbergasted to be in each others presence. Life is an exam, to see if we could rise above it."
In summary, Life, **** yeah.
At any rate, this is amazing, and I'm interested in seeing how this could help medical fields, and all humanity fields in general. I ponder what the benefits of bio machines would be.