I thought for sure 100% i'd claim first in doubles, I don't know how Del pulled that one off, lol. I swear doubles was so close that like if a bug had flown into a player's face at any given time, it could have changed the outcome of the whole battle, lol.
Ghaa, Tomi beats DRGN again. Just barely eeks out another victory. Borederline matches abound.. I KNOW YOU WERE SCARED! lol.. Btw, next time i'm banning FD though, you did too well there, lol.
I was really hoping we'd do the crew battle or LTT, I really wanted to kick some *** after my stupidity against quak. pfft.. All day long I thought for sure I was heading for first or second too, and then I just go and do something senselessly dumb.

Oh well, i'm sure everyone's done something similar at one time or another.
Btw, Delphiki, good job today, I was watching you play Narf, and I know it's a tough match-up is, but you were playing really smart, meticulously waiting for opportunities and keeping a steady pressure. That was a nice display, and a really interesting set. You too Tomi, omg, when I was watching you play today, there were a couple times you just went into beast mode, completely overwhelming your opponent. And wow, does Tomi's hands move ever so f'ing fast when he's beasting!
EDIT: Btw, ender, were going to see if we can come over tomorrow (sunday), we'll give you a call in the morning or around noon.