Ni-Hao Sakurai!
I would just like to say Hi and I like your game...just I am kind of dissapointed
Your sub space emotion is very fun and all and very did a good job, but you forgot the characters...Single player is just temporary and in the end its multiplayer that everybody plays...
Honestly ROB doesn't suck but wtf...? A robot are you serious? There are so many more characters you could have chosen krystal mac geno and all of them and you chose to put a robot without limbs?
Why wolf? He is VERY COOL and all but atleast you could have made him an alternate costume..
why not fox with wolf custom and falco? We don't need 3 clones are you serious?
Now toon link...pretty much wind waker link but clone of young link? Is it honestly hard to add two new skills or something?
YOU DELAYED THIS GAME FOR 4 MONTHS, "TO TRY TO MAKE IT BETTER", and then you come out with a half-**** roster?
Those of you guys who are saying stop complaining need to quit talking This game is going to be huge, we have been waiting as a fanbase for years and all we get is this?
Who the hell cares about masterpieces...add a bonus CD with that **** on it, but don't waste my games precious space adding that bull**** in there. There could have been like 1-2 more characters to replace that.
YES CHARACTERS MATTER, YES 40>35, YES 50>40. The more the better. I want uniqueness and not like 5 unique characters
I mean come on...ITS NINTENDO ****, you can of even added 3rd party...
Where is megaman
where is more pokemon
honestly get real there are so many things you could have added
all this little stuff you added is only fun once but gets over, but adding more characters is better and doesn't end....
So you remove mewtwo to put lucario...Lucario is great, I LOVE HIM, but why remove mewtwo?
It's like removing mario to put it waluigi, they both are great but its MARIO!
You could have made mewtwo a little heavier less floatier and spent a mere day working on him and BOOM a character..
but noo....lets make a long *** single-player that we are going to play once...twice...three times...10 times, BUT WAY LESS THAN MULTIPLAYER
Nice online though
I would just like to say Hi and I like your game...just I am kind of dissapointed
Your sub space emotion is very fun and all and very did a good job, but you forgot the characters...Single player is just temporary and in the end its multiplayer that everybody plays...
Honestly ROB doesn't suck but wtf...? A robot are you serious? There are so many more characters you could have chosen krystal mac geno and all of them and you chose to put a robot without limbs?
Why wolf? He is VERY COOL and all but atleast you could have made him an alternate costume..
why not fox with wolf custom and falco? We don't need 3 clones are you serious?
Now toon link...pretty much wind waker link but clone of young link? Is it honestly hard to add two new skills or something?
YOU DELAYED THIS GAME FOR 4 MONTHS, "TO TRY TO MAKE IT BETTER", and then you come out with a half-**** roster?
Those of you guys who are saying stop complaining need to quit talking This game is going to be huge, we have been waiting as a fanbase for years and all we get is this?
Who the hell cares about masterpieces...add a bonus CD with that **** on it, but don't waste my games precious space adding that bull**** in there. There could have been like 1-2 more characters to replace that.
YES CHARACTERS MATTER, YES 40>35, YES 50>40. The more the better. I want uniqueness and not like 5 unique characters
I mean come on...ITS NINTENDO ****, you can of even added 3rd party...
Where is megaman
where is more pokemon
honestly get real there are so many things you could have added
all this little stuff you added is only fun once but gets over, but adding more characters is better and doesn't end....
So you remove mewtwo to put lucario...Lucario is great, I LOVE HIM, but why remove mewtwo?
It's like removing mario to put it waluigi, they both are great but its MARIO!
You could have made mewtwo a little heavier less floatier and spent a mere day working on him and BOOM a character..
but noo....lets make a long *** single-player that we are going to play once...twice...three times...10 times, BUT WAY LESS THAN MULTIPLAYER
Nice online though