Sakurai, funny? The guy's corny, if anything. That SF64 line was funny, I actually laughed at that. The rest of the shiht he says seems like he's trying too hard to be funny, and it's not paying off. But whatever, your senses of humor > mine. I only laugh at other people's dispense. Lol. Whatever.
And yeah Dylan, you'll probably be all like "Who the **** are you?" when you read this but I've seen some of your older posts, you seem like you've calmed down since then... a lot. Must not wanna get banned again. =P BTW, I saw you gettin' yo' **** smash'd by SuPeRbOoM in some SSB64 on YouTube, lol. His Ness is too good. And your a dedicated Falcon player, didn't switch once while he used every character in the game... and some from Melee. o.O
Yup, I only play falcon in ssb64, because hes the only one I can hope to take a stock off boom with, aside from maybe pika and kirby but I feel like a whor using broken characters like that, any stock I would take off boom with them would be some lame gimp kill or a pika backthrow or something.
In melee I play everyone, actually. I have videos of me playing sheik, falco, falcon, and fox.
Fox/falcon are my mains right now, and im working on my marth.
Depends by what you mean by older posts. Everything I posted after the month I signed up was way toned down, I was only a jerk for little while.
I didnt get banned, or get a single infraction in february though. Every ban Ive receieved has been unjust, especially my last one, where I had 4 points for using the word scrub. Which is NOT agains the rules.
No swearing, even via pictures.
Theres the picture I was talking about.
But seriously bro, Sakurai's sense of humor, day by day, has become better with every sunrise. C'mon, see the hidden jokes, within hidden jokes.
True say man, cant wait to see the next update!