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Ryu's videos or "What am I doing wrong?"


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
So, I know that I am not a pro. But I thougt my Pit was quite good. Lately I lose against some people and I think that can't be. So I ask you: What am I doing wrong?

Here some matches. They are a bit old but my "play-style" has only change a bit. Also there are minor dump mistakes, because its online.

vs. Link
vs. Link
vs. Link
vs. Link
vs. Link
vs. Tinknew

I tried to update this thread as soon as possible


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
Your pit is a bit random, spaces weird, has weird timings.

I dunno, you're not doing anything majorly wrong, but you're not able to dominate with that style. Pit should be able to three-stock Link very effectively.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Your pit is a bit random, spaces weird, has weird timings.

I dunno, you're not doing anything majorly wrong, but you're not able to dominate with that style. Pit should be able to three-stock Link very effectively.
Wow I cant even begin to tell you how much your wrong their about being able to 3 stock link. Any ways i watched some of the matches and you should use your tilts alot more, save your smashes for killing. And you definitely need to grab alot more, you could have easily got 40-50% on that link with grabbing him

f throw > f throw > f throw > side b.

Arrow aiming needs a bit more work and work on your approach. Lastly don't always try to reflect his projectiles, either walk through them and powersheild them or SH and airdodge.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
I only saw the first one but...

For projectiles, lol why not reflect them. the more u reflect his projectiles. the less likely he will use them openly. If u punish him enough with his own projectiles he will be more cautious and use less. Which allows u to dominated mid to long range fighting. Also in the beginning of the first match, u were giving him too much time for him to play around with all his weaponry. A good link will work his projectiles within his melee combos, so if u allow him to pull a bomb to often it may hurt you in the long run. If ur too far away or if hes really defensive and backs away alot. I would say shoot an arrow at him every so often to prevent him from pulling bombs, or throwing a boomerang that could punish u on the way back if u spot dodge it.

Links attacks are wide and hit huge areas. So it provides him with a good circle of protection around him. However they also are very laggy at the end, aside from up tilt. Space just outside of his range and when he attacks he will be open to a grab or w/e u want.

Few things u dont wanna do against link while playing pit. Is to follow him too closes after u launch him into the air, his dair is really floaty this time and is still a great killing move. Also its not really a good idea to be directly above him, bombs thrown up or up tilts and up smashes, will probably be whats waiting for you. With pits poor dair its just not gonna work out for you.

Yeah... thats my 2 cents against playing Link. I play as Link alot recently, so yeah. Hope some of that info helps.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
First of all thanks for the inforamtion.
omg, I ve some random videos from my YT account and I see how much my Pit sucks! xD
I don't want to say that my Pit is usaully better but it is a little bit ;P
So my problem ist, that I have my own style and I have many problem to change that. I thought that u guys can help me with some hints and advices to change that and play better.

So I don't want to hear things like "Ohh your Pit suxx, u r such a noob" and stuff.
Just as I said I hope that u guys can help me :urg:


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
1. Watch your opponent more closely. Many times we focus more on what we are doing and/or about to do and we don't focus as much on what our opponent is doing and how to counter it.

2. Work on your spacing. Learn the reach of each of your attacks so that you know how close you have to be to hit your opponent, and learn what kind of lag time is at the end of each of your moves so that you know what risks you are taking in the case that you whiff them.

I think those things will probably help your playstyle most right now. cheers! :)


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
Yay. spiked. lol. Not to be mean or anything but i dont really like how that guy played toon link. He used zair way too much even though it was obviously not working against you. And a few times when u guys got close together he would just dodge and smash over and over. But its good to know that if u get the correct timing you can spike a tether recovery.

But its not bad to have ur own style of pit. i like to think my style is at least a little different from other players. And it works for me. Some things people tell me not to do works for me and things they say to do dont work. So if u wanna keep your original style and get better, the best thing would be to experiment while u have matches and then watch ur replays or matches afterwards to see what u should have done or not done.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
I only bothered to watch the first video, but my only advice is to put more pressure on link. Don't be afraid to put more arrows out there as long as you don't rely on them. It forces link to approach you and put you in a bad situation. also it cancels out his boomerang, arrows, and stops his bombs in place. Also, you don't play it safe at high percentages after you've gotten the kill. Like you killed link at 150% or something like that and you were running in. Usually with Pit your only goal should be rack up damage before he gets his KO move. Change your playstyle depending on the situation. Also know how to take advantage of a person's mistakes is a biggy. Near the end he used Link's spin attack, which has a lot of lag, but you were too far away to run in. You did anyway. You shoulda just shot an arrow. Usually its better to run in, but you have to be aware of where you are and stuff.
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