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Rotunda V3.0 - Burnaby, BC - June 25th, 2011


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
1: Diakonos
2: Meta
3: RobyExtreme
4: xXx_NoobKing_xXx
5: Dieslow
5: CowEar
7: Mike
7: Bwmat
9: Lime
9: t3h_icy
9: Gutz
13: Buddy
13: Cody

Doubles: (only 4 teams entered lol)
1: Meta + RobyExtreme
2: CowEar + xXx_NoobKing_xXx
3: Diakonos + AIDS
4: Bwmat + t3h_Icy

Random character side tourney:
1. Meta
2. Tahsis
?? bracket got deleted. only 8 people entered


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2009
jks, mike is quite a bit better than before, but now hes a ***** fanboy haha

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
GGs! I'm pretty disappointed with how I did, but that just means it'll be more dramatic when I ****. :D

For the random tournament, Buddy got 4th and I got 5th.


1: Diakonos - Congrats on winning! You were a lot of fun to play and your Marth is sweet. I can't wait to get more games against you! Just a little tip though, in teams you seem to always get up attack when you miss techs and it was really easy to get Dair pop combos with that. Taking friendly games off your Marth gives me a ray of hope. <3

2: Meta - Good job trashing the bracket! You're really good at resting and it was fun playing your Puff. GGs in Pools and crews and you did a great job running things with what we had. Communities run because of folk like you. <3

3: RobyExtreme - I got extremed! Grats on doing really well. You move so fast!

4: xXx_NoobKing_xXx - Duuuuuude you were amazing in your set vs Dieslow! Good **** on that! We have to play more soon. :D

5: Dieslow - GGs! I was pretty confident vs Falco, but yours just ran me over. It was a lot of fun playing you!

5: CowEar - You have a really weird Fox but it was a blast to play!

7: Mike - RAWR, I'm pretty salty I lost to you; I would have had the best Winners' and Losers' Bracket for me if I got that last hit in. GGs though!

(I had no problem beating his Falco but his Fox barely beat me, and when I offered a Sheik vs Falco MM, he declined. Moar liek Scurred_Day) <3

7: Bwmat - It was fun teaming with you, even if we had 0 synergy! I'm also happy I got to fight your legendary DK in random tournament! GGs!

9: Lime - Nice Falco! Friendlies with you were good!

9: AIDS - Your Samus is really nice and it was fun playing it. :D

9: t3h_icy - I need to seriously fix my Fox problem. I'm happy though that I was playing at my best, even when things looked grim, so even here my mindset was where I wanted it to be. Once I clear up that match-up, I'm going to crush all of you!

9: Gutz - I like your simple and techy Fox, it was fun to play!

13: Buddy - Mr. ****ing **** and Watch!!! Good **** on that! Sheik dittos were a blast too!

13: Cody - GGs in Pools dude. If you're ever interested in getting better, there's a lot of players that can help out, and I'd be willing to train you up if you'd like. =)

Deap - Your Falco is fun and your Mario was really neat. I'd like to see how I do vs you in tournament sometime. =)

Overall, I had a ton of fun at this and when I've got a place, I'll be practicing and getting better. There's too many gay Foxs, but I'll be sure to beat them soon! :D Those brick walls in my way are there to stop those that don't want it enough, and I want to become BC's top player!


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Thanks, Icy. Don't get your hopes up about my Marth, though. Everyone knows it sucks. It only does well if I concentrate hard, and I just don't revert to doing it all the time. When I do manage to focus it's alright (see WF vs. Meta). Great to have you in the community. I want to see you get up and running and giving US a run for our money.

Aids: we'll get em next toim.

Evan: thanks for hosting, bud. You did a great job all round. I hate playing Puff on dreamland, but until I find a way to get Brinstar banned (as it should be!), I suppose I shall have to Fox you. You're not awful at the Marth matchup, it's just that my style is all about sneaking hits in, not about combos, so I have a bit of an advantage against Puff.

Cowear: Few foxes are more unnerving.

Mike: Use fox more often. Falco doesn't really work.

Gutz: great to see you come out, man. Don't get nervous. Your Fox just needs to watch more videos and I think the rest will come.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
aw man, this isn't looking good. I've been editing the videos, and i just got to grand finals and it seems nothing got recorded of that set : /

I'm not just saying this to cover how hard I got ***** lol, I actually wanted to see the videos myself so I can learn from my mistakes. I'll be getting the rest of the recorded matches up though, just subscribe to my new channel:



Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Nothing got recorded from the grand finals? Even before the pause and the TV change? That sucks.

Looking forward to the other videos, though.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
yeah : (

i dunno what happened, did we like, forget to hit the record button? All I got was 4 minutes of black screen with no sound. on the next DVD, there was like 2 minutes of nothing, followed by some random crap we recorded after the tournament was over.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
perhaps you should refer to the.... MANUEL... Evan. ;)

GG's I guess. I felt I should have beaten ryan, but definetly not roby. Fox is to tough. Manuels sheik is another thing entirely.

I feel i played well overall. I feel tony may have had a bad day because he lost to both evan and myself but who's to say.

Roby and evan when eric gets back, teams mm plaox.

EDIT: even though ryan was carrying my *** most of the time XD

EDIT2: Thanks for hosting, Evan.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Thanks, Icy. Don't get your hopes up about my Marth, though. Everyone knows it sucks. It only does well if I concentrate hard, and I just don't revert to doing it all the time. When I do manage to focus it's alright (see WF vs. Meta). Great to have you in the community. I want to see you get up and running and giving US a run for our money.
Will do. ;D Thanks!

It's not your fault.
BAHAHAHAHA, I'll get better. =D


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
i had a lot of fun lol, gg's icy I hope you stay motivated to keep playing.

evan you are really good team mate, i can play offensive in doubles for once lol =D


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Thanks for uploading, Evan! That was in good time.

Adamz falcon showing his colours
Meta playing Jiggs well against Fox (not mine; it's too gay)

gee gee BC!


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Thanks bud. Spacing was decent this tournament, now just to get the combos back in there!

Hope to see you again soon, Edgeluca.


Smash Rookie
Feb 19, 2007
Vancouver, BC
That was good stuff. Random Tourny's forever.

Teh_Icy: Wish I coulda played my Peach against your sheik. It's a matchup that irks me, and it'd be nice to play a Sheik other than Buddy's.

Metà: Thanks for hosting these, I just picked up an old tube TV, and I usually drive, so that's one more set-up for any tournaments you host for the rest of the summer.

AIDS: I have seen Samus, and I am now a believer.
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