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Meta Rosalina Match-Up Analysis R2 - Meta Knight


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2015
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Falln is pretty much a god in this matchup. Watch how he played Ito and Tyrant if you want to learn to play this matchup. No other Rosa is as close to playing MK matchup optimally as Falln is. The matchup is still bad for Rosa, but there's a big difference between bad and unwinnable.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2015
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Falln is pretty much a god in this matchup. Watch how he played Ito and Tyrant if you want to learn to play this matchup. No other Rosa is as close to playing MK matchup optimally as Falln is. The matchup is still bad for Rosa, but there's a big difference between bad and unwinnable.
Glad that we're all on the same page of stopping this pointless debate. Way to go that we ended this the mature way and thank you all. I'm not being sarcastic. Anyway lets talk more about the main topic
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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
First of all, how many tournaments did you win, much less than me thats for sure. And two, you can't insult other users with terms like ignorant. I will report you if you do it again, understood?
Who are you.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Falln is pretty much a god in this matchup. Watch how he played Ito and Tyrant if you want to learn to play this matchup. No other Rosa is as close to playing MK matchup optimally as Falln is. The matchup is still bad for Rosa, but there's a big difference between bad and unwinnable.
You didn't see dabuz vs tryant did you?


+15 Attack
Jul 10, 2009
Calgary, AB
Dabuz is a better player, but Falln is better at this matchup. There's a difference. Also, Dabuz said he was losing to Tyrant until he emulated Falln's way of playing the matchup, which allowed him to take a convincing win over Tyrant in bracket. Source


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2014
Falln is the only one who's played a high level MK(well not the current patch MK to my knowledge). +2 sounds about right, everyone can kill luma that isn't special but MK is so safe when doing this. DA at early percents on Rosa and Luma creates a win win situation for us, if Rosalina tries to airdodge Luma will extend the hitbox of F-smash and both of them will get hit, Rosa tries to nair she will get hit why? Cuz it starts from behind her, she has no frame 3 aerial, her only option is to jump but mk wasn't aiming for her he wants luma.

We can kill her early af(as Amadues has shown) but our main priority is taking Luma out. It is not hard to get past Rosalina's walling, drill rush is safe, DA is always a good option and Caping a jab happy Rosalina is a solid punish. When Rosalina is off stage she is free, but our biggest advantage is the fact that if you're on the ledge you will ALWAYS lose Luma, MK just has to hold jab and if you do any get up option you lose Luma.

MK strips Rosalina of what makes her dangerous, our recovery is too good, we have better ground mobility thus prevent Rosa from camping until luma comes back, better frame data so even if she engages us we will come out ontop, strong disadvantage state with multiple jumps and cape.

Our advantage state is absurd there's no reason to go over that. MK really has nothing to fear, even Dabuz could barely beat a 2 week MK by Mr R, who missed all his uair to shuttle loop options.

Customs don't matter much, you won't see a MK in customs but the ratio stays the same HSD makes this MU so braindead. A faster Drill rush in start up and travelling speed, still safe because of Luma and kills Luma from the half way point of FD.

By Katakiri
The fact that you guys are saying drill rush is safe.... do you honestly think drill rush won't be punished by a competent Rosalina?


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2012
Playing KOF XIV
Yes Metaknight will be punished, but he'll only get punished by Rosalina by herself. Killing Luma > Any punish Rosalina does without Luma.

Abadango used this vs Rayquaza in friendlies and killed Luma numerous times according to the commentators at TBH5.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Simply put, while Rosalina can fully shield herself against Meta Knight's Drill Rush, and then punish him while he's in his helpless state, she will be lacking a Luma to aid her with her counterattack; Drill Rush would knock away the Luma, whom is quite vital to Rosalina's attack options.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2014
I see you there, not representing the matchup correctly with an almost-even score. Let me correct that.

-2 with and without customs.

Customs make like no difference, since MK is moving way too fast to catch him with Luma Warp and SSL he just jumps over.

Dash attack connects into 6 uairs which connects into up b for a kill, at like 7%. MK can combo floaties for some reason and that hurts us greatly.

Every one of MK's attacks knocks away Luma.

Neutral is extremely frightening against MK because of that dash attack. It's incredibly safe due to how fast it is and how far past Rosalina it goes, and it goes very far in a very short period of time making it hard to punish before the fact.

Sect, a friend of mine plays and almost M2K-like strategy, where he dash attacks relentlessly in neutral (occasionally grabbing) until he gets one and then without fail gets me with this combo every time. Dumb af.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Meta Knight is being analyzed again for this week. If you have anything to contribute for the match-up, especially in regards to the newest software update, this is the place to do it.


Smash Cadet
Nov 25, 2015
QC, Canada
This is still -2 for Rosa, or in other words, a moderate disadvantage. One of her worst match-ups, if not THE worst. It's winnable, if you play very defensively, or if you're simply better than your opponent, but yeah... -2. Just read the previous posts.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
I use to think this was the worse MU in the game for Rosalina. However, I've emulated Falln's play style in the match-up and it helps significantly. I now believe the MU (no customs) to be -1 or so. It greatly fluctuates on each character's match-up knowledge and the player's skill level.

The key to this MU is obviously to mostly play with Luma detached from Rosalina. This places Luma within the center of the stage with Rosalina within reaction distance behind her. MK will have a hard time actually killing Luma with any option other than Drill Rush as Luma won't be knocked far enough off stage to die. MK's best "kill Luma" options are now severely limited and his best spacing tools are outranged or outsped by Star Bits. MK's aerial speed is also much too slow to go over Luma.

Using this tactic creates a state where both characters are forced to play very patient with Rosalina trying to keep her wall up with appropriately spaced Dtilts, Star Bits, occasional Dash Attack, etc and MK is trying to break the wall by punishing or out spacing Rosalina's options.

As Rosalina I would recommend slowly and patiently forcing stage control by crouching and moving towards MK with Luma detached. This enables quick Dtilt punishes and easy Star Bit spacing while slowly removing MK's stage control and making him feel as if he has to perform non-punish-based options. Do not be afraid to snap Luma back to you if you control enough of the stage and read a spacing option from MK which you can then follow up with a RosaLuma punish.

Rosa's game plan is, as always, to get MK above her and pressure his landings with aerials. Thankfully MK's aerial speed is awful but he has multiple jumps and dimensional cape which makes this difficult at best to do against smart players.

When you lack Luma, use Full Hops and platforms plus your floatiness to constantly change what level you are on with MK, forcing him into the air to abuse his slow aerial speed. Never use your double jump except to bait out attempted landing punishes from MK or to quickly move to a higher platform such as on Battlefield. When off stage, always try to save your double jump and go directly for the ledge or triple tier platform. In general, I believe we prefer stages with multi-tier platforms such as Battlefield, Dreamland, and possibly T&C.

This all sounds nice but MK still has great spacing tools plus Drill Rush to power through the wall when necessary. Once Luma is dead, MK does extremely well at capitalizing on the situation and can kill combo us at very low percents. MK's off stage tools and multiple jumps makes recovering a pain at best and costs us a stock at worse.

It boils down to us having a specific play style that makes MK's job harder but MK still has all the necessary tools to rid us of Luma and proceed to potentially combo us to death or edge guard us to death.

Take my analysis with a grain of salt as I use to play it often against a high level MK early on but have not grinded it against him much since recently picking Rosalina back up and utilizing the new play style.
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