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Roll1 - Results Thread (4/20/13)


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Doubles - 7 Teams
Bracket Image

1. LOE1/FF Stewy - $50 - Wario / Wario
2. MX/Hael Phael - $20 - Yoshi / Pikachu
3. Soul Pech/Carls - Wario / Fox
4. FF Ori_bro/FF Ksev - Metaknight / Snake
5. Smile/Me9595 - Metaknight / Luigi
5. WTP/DRDN - Metaknight / Diddy
7. Roller/Scala - Pikachu / Game and Watch

Singles - 14 Entrants
Bracket Image

1. Zinoto - $85 - Diddy
2. LOE1 - $40 - Wario
3. MX - $15 - Yoshi
4. Smile - Metaknight/Diddy
5. FF Stewy - Ice Climbers
5. Carls - Fox/Peach
7. FF Ori_bro - Olimar/Metaknight
7. Soul Pech - Wario/Jigglypuff/Ganondorf
9. Roller - Ice Climbers
9. Me9595 - Luigi/Metaknight/Ganondorf
9. FF Ksev - Snake
9. DRDN - Diddy
13. Hael Phael - Pikachu/ROB
13. Maestro_ - Zero Suit Samus

Will post bracket and pools images when I get them today. Wanted to get this thread up.

Also Fish Flop should be getting videos up from this event.


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2012
Stewy's extra Salty shoutouts
1. Zinoto - $85 - Diddy - glad i picked u up, good stuff wining as always, ur lucky i didnt play ya tho
2. LOE1 - $40 - Wario - fun teaming with ya, you carried me against ori and against soulpech and carls really bad for a couple games there
3. MX - $15 - Yoshi - good stuff on third, u played amazing in doubles and singles, i will beat you eventually lol
4. Smile - Metaknight/Diddy - good stuff getting fourth, next time i will b in more practice hopefully and can actually fight back
5. FF Stewy - Ice Climbers - u suck
5. Carls - Fox/Peach - fun set in pools, i feel like u should stick to peach its far more impressive than ur rob
7. FF Ori_bro - Olimar/Metaknight - i expect to see u higher next time u cant expect me to carry FF on my back every tourney
7. Soul Pech - Wario/Jigglypuff/Ganondorf - fun set in dubs and singles, we play too much in bracket lol gotta learn that mk MU, but thanks for coming down it's always fun to see you and chill
9. Roller - Ice Climbers - the most epic finish ever!!!!!! Hype sets in pools and in bracket, I will miss you alot Roller, I have learned so much from you and Lain about this character and it will feel lonely being the only ice climber left in Michigan (assuming Lain stops playing completely), I will try to keep ice climbers rolling as best I can and will text you tourney stuff as always, I hope to see you at SKtar 2 and at other stuff in the future but good luck going back to New Jersey and continuing on with your life, and thanks again for teaching me the salty ways
9. Me9595 - Luigi/Metaknight/Ganondorf - not last!
9. FF Ksev - Snake - also not last!!
9. DRDN - Diddy- fun set in pools man nice seeing u again
13. Hael Phael - Pikachu/ROB - awesome housing you guys hope to see you at more stuff, fun set in pools
13. Maestro_ - Zero Suit Samus - great seeing you again, I hope you keep coming to stuff and if you ever need some advice or wanna play i'm here


Court Composer
Mar 8, 2013
Woodhaven, MI
Here's the song I was trying to play on the piano. I made it up myself:
I recognize the notes, but I imagined a ballad with the way you were playing it. I had completely different chords in mind backing it up, haha. Nice piece though. Always good to meet a fellow composer.

Also, nice Fox. :denzel:


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2011
Columbus, Central Ohio
I recognize the notes, but I imagined a ballad with the way you were playing it. I had completely different chords in mind backing it up, haha. Nice piece though. Always good to meet a fellow composer.

Also, nice Fox. :denzel:
Thanks. I actually get hard countered sometimes just because some don't want to use their own characters on my Fox. Still, I have to admit that I was jealous when MX pulled his Fox and tore **** up better than me near the end. :p

I have more songs than just that, but some of them need to be tweaked more as I'm not deeply knowledgeable with music.

Here's a whole playlist of them if you want to check them out:

If you've ever played a Genesis Sonic game before, you'll know what most of these sound like.


Court Composer
Mar 8, 2013
Woodhaven, MI


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2011
LOE1's Legendary Shoutouts!

1. Zinoto - $85 - Diddy - I hate you so much lol. ur zss will never beat me again...
2. LOE1 - $40 - Wario - Forever not 1st
3. MX - $15 - Yoshi - GGs man. im surprised you didnt stay yoshi, i think ya would have caught on to me eventually. that fox is pretty legit though.
4. Smile - Metaknight/Diddy - ggz in pools. those are 2 mu's i rly love lol. thanks for comming up here.
5. FF Stewy - Ice Climbers - so glad i didnt play you lol. was fun teaming with you but im never teaming with you again
5. Carls - Fox/Peach - ggs, that 1st game was mad close. also, frigate is meh stage. you may like it, but its not the best for fox.
7. FF Ori_bro - Olimar/Metaknight - you'll never defeat me...heh.
7. Soul Pech - Wario/Jigglypuff/Ganondorf - I felt bad showing you the true power of LOE1, so i had to switch it up game 2. nah but rly, for some mu's i am forced to go in more, so i know how to play both ways. i just feel camping is more efficient.
9. Roller - Ice Climbers - man im gonna miss you. ive known you since the very 1st tourney i went to. i rly hope to see ya again. ur a rly chill guy lol.
9. Me9595 - Luigi/Metaknight/Ganondorf - DAT FRIGATE
9. FF Ksev - Snake - i see you almost beating mx. keep improving :). also kinda glad we didnt play for like the 5th time this tourney lol.
9. DRDN - Diddy - dat squirtle tho.
13. Hael Phael - Pikachu/ROB - UR WELCOME FOR ALL THE ADVICE. but ur a really cool person, hope to see ya again soon.
13. Maestro_ - Zero Suit Samus - ur 1st big tourney eh. dont worry, you'll only keep improving. zss is a rly tough char to use, so i applaud you for using her :p.
Shoutouts to WTP for not entering a tournament at his own house.

overall a fun tourney. shoutouts to cerial in a cap and WTP's scary ass cat. and shoutout to that game of munchkin i saw that lasted forever lol.



Court Composer
Mar 8, 2013
Woodhaven, MI
Shoutouts to Stewy, Ksev and Ori for welcoming me into the scene. I appreciate all your help and advice!

Shoutouts to LOE1 for being legend and for getting salty in our friendlies. lol

Zinoto: Too good.

Roller, hopefully by next time I see you I'm not free.

Hael Phael, your G&W hammer streak was the hypest moment of the entire tourney. lol

Fun tourney, nice meeting everyone!

Also shoutouts to WTP. Sweet crib, man.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011

1. Zinoto - $85 :diddy:/:zerosuitsamus: - The Zero Suit tho!!!!
2. LOE1 - $40 :wario: - You are starting to play so much like Reflex it's ridiculous lol. I'm gonna stay on my toes, you're coming up quite fast.
3. MX - $15 :yoshi2: - Fun games, you definitely have the best item control out of all the Yoshis.
4. Smile :metaknight: / :diddy: - Fun games, glad to see you're keeping your diddy in practice ;).
5. FF Stewy :popo: - Thanks for picking me up. It looks like you are the only IC player left in MI lol, tale the character to the next level ;). Also Diddy is bad.
5. Carls :fox:/:peach: - All Brawl is so fun lol. I was hoping top get some games of P:M with you, next time.
7. FF Ori_bro :olimar:/:metaknight: - Nail biter set with MX. You've improved so much though, and I can't wait to see the next step you take next season.
7. Soul Pech :wario:/:jigglypuff: - Those Ganon dittos lmao. Nice seeing you again Colten.
9. Roller :popo: - I can't believe it's been 2 years already lol. I still remember the time I met you and the MI melee scene in the game room, which started me into the scene. I can't thank you enough for helping me improve like you did. All the matches we've played and the good times had are surely gonna be missed man. You better come back out here every now and then >:|. I'm glad I got to make it to your last hurrah tourney and good luck back in Jersey. Hopefully I'll see you at SKTAR2.
9. Me9595 :luigi:/:ganondorf: - So broken in All Brawl lol.
9. FF Ksev :snake: - I do not sandbag! Diddy is the 37th best character in the game as well.
9. DRDN :diddy: - Lol MI needs more All brawl.
13. Hael Phael :pikachu2: - Nice seeing you again and I added you on League.
13. Maestro :zerosuitsamus: - Nice seeing you again. Keep coming to these and you'll do nothing but improve.

Ori I used ZSS in GFs :)


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2012
1. Zinoto - $85 - Diddy- your now kicked out of CoF, Elliots gone and now your going to keep getting 1st
2. LOE1 - $40 - Wario- 2nd....you used to be as bad as me, what happened
3. MX - $15 - Yoshi- That Yoshi and when you get fo in all brawl its not even fair anymore
4. Smile - Metaknight/Diddy- good meeting you hope to see you at another tourney and we can chill again
5. FF Stewy - Ice Climbers Salt climbers as a little low...and didnt you go MK??
5. Carls - Fox/Peach- Work on that all brawl
7. FF Ori_bro - Olimar/Metaknight- that desynched downsmash ruining your tourney run
7. Soul Pech - Wario/Jigglypuff/Ganondorf- PUFF DITTOS!!!!
9. Roller - Ice Climbers- Good seeing you again, youll be missed from the scene. Next time we meet in tourney im taking a set so be ready
9. Me9595 - Luigi/Metaknight/Ganondorf- Gannon dittos twice???
9. FF Ksev - Snake- You belong in the places above me not equal, Snakes Broken
9. DRDN - Diddy- Took a game instead of tthe set but its a step forward
13. Hael Phael - Pikachu/ROB- The streak of ALL-Brawl so good
13. Maestro_ - Zero Suit Samus- nice to meet you and find out I was thinking of your name right hope to see you out at more of these

ALSO thanks to WTP for hosting and teaming, sorry I played like crap I was disappointed in myself

also cant wait to see those pools sheets and bracket to remember who I played :p


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2011
looking forward to watch brawl? what is this madness


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
KoolOriBro Shoutouts~

1. Zinoto - $85 - First tourney in a while where I didn't play you and that feels odd. I will see you at Outrage and you best prepare for it. School is over and I can begin training regularly again. Also play League with me sometime ;~;
2. LOE1 - $40 - One day, one day I will get over my Wario wall. I will get you eventually. Also I'm sad I couldn't clutch out the win over you and Ian in doubles. That set was mad close.
3. MX - $15 - GKDHWGFKHFKGHJGADKJ Easily my favorite set of the tourney. I was worried about playing you since I was doing not so nice the night before but I'm glad we played it was an epic set and very entertaining!
4. Smile - Good ****, there is :salt: about the lose but I'm glad you took that win on me and ran to top 4. Your MK is solid and I would love to fight your Diddy eventually. Next time we meet this Olimar will be stronger.
5. FF Stewy - Ian I am so proud of you! You and I have shown leaps of improvement this season and I think you have an amazing shot of finally earning a spot on the PR this season.
5. Carls - We didn't play at all outside of friendlies but I have 1 thing to say and that is from simply observing. I saw you getting very frustrated and I know a lot of it is probably matchup based. I was talking with a few people and we broke down your character usage to Fox/Falco/ROB/Peach/Sonic and that is WAY too many characters. You are spreading yourself too thin. When watching you play I think if you stick with Fox/Peach you will see leaps of success. Your Peach was handling ICs well and your Fox is good against all other characters. You need to spend time perfecting those 2 in order to get back to that threat level you were last summer. I have faith in your ability to get better and I think if you drop down from 5 to 2 characters you will be golden.
7. FF Ori_bro - Stop trying to use ICs this isn't 2010. Your ICs are bad. Stick to Olimar and MK.
7. Soul Pech - COLTENNNNNNNN I was so glad you guys came up I love seeing my Cbus buddies ^_^ I will see you all at Outrage next month!
9. Roller - I've known you since 2009 and it's crazy how fast time flies. You are an awesome player and dude and I'm happy to have gotten to know you. Best of luck with your future endeavors and I will see you whenever you decide to visit us and when I go to the EC~
9. Me9595 - Fun set Mitch!
9. FF Ksev - I had fun teaming. I think you need to team with better players to learn how to get better at doubles. As far as singles is concerned I think you need to get a nice win that will boost your confidence that will give you that push to get to the next level.
9. DRDN - Always a pleasure seeing you.
13. Hael Phael - Awesome seeing you and playing again sir. I had fun in our goofy set :p
13. Maestro_ - I forgot to give you my number at the event. I'll pm you it so I can let you know when things are happening so we can get you improving very fast!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2011
Columbus, Central Ohio
1. Zinoto - $85 - :diddy: Nice seeing you once again. I didn't have to face you this time, but I'm pretty sure Smile pulling out his own Diddy after using MK on me made up for that.​
2. LOE1 - $40 - :warioc: GGs, pal, but sooner or later, I really am gonna break you. I refuse to ever be times out!​
3. MX - $15 - :yoshi2::fox: Good job winning 3rd place. You legit made me salty jealous with how you were able to handle Smile's Diddy with Fox, while I was struggling with it. If you can do that, you're likely a better Fox player than I am at this point, which means I have to start improving even more.​
4. Smile - :metaknight::diddy: Nice to meet you again and GGs in our matches. Your Meta Knight is cool, but did Zinoto train you on using Diddy?​
5. FF Stewy - :popo: GGs in all of our matches. I'm still trying to figure out how to use Peach better.​
5. Carls - :fox::falco::peach: Great job defeating Roller in bracket, though you got really lucky with it because you pulled a Nicole special on him in Game 1.​
7. FF Ori_bro - :olimar::metaknight: GGs in our friendlies. I was following your advice before about facing Olimar and tried to go with it. I also based on what Zero told me about him.​
7. Soul Pech - :wario::jigglypuff::ganondorf: We're still a great team, but now we need to watch out for hard chaingrab counters. Good work either way.​
9. Roller - :popo: - I'm sorry about your luck in our bracket match. Thanks for hosting the tourney and have a great time back at the East Coast.​
9. Me9595 - :luigi::metaknight::ganondorf: Your Luigi is so good in Doubles. GGs.​
9. FF Ksev - :snake: GGs in our match. I think you're the only Snake that I've seen in this tourney.​
9. DRDN - :diddy: Foremost, GGs in our Marvel friendlies. Those were great for the most part. I kinda hate fighting Morrigan a bit more than Phoenix, ironically.​
13. Hael Phael - :pikachu2::rob: I'm suddenly worried about Pikachu again...​
13. Maestro_ - :zerosuitsamus: Thanks for complimenting on my songs, and nice meeting you.​

Hael Phael

Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2009

Edit: also shoutouts to the fine police of ohio for giving me a $125 ticket for running an invisible stop sign(there probably was one I just honestly didn't see it)
0.Stewy's Couch :metaknight: you were the mvp of the weekend thank you for giving me nice sleep
0.5. Game and watch hammer : I went 4-1 in contests with you, you won me color and port so many times, I am very grateful
1. Zinoto - $85 :diddy:/:zerosuitsamus: - So I stole your shoutouts cuz I'm lazy, You are always fun to play, all brawl was hype, it's always fun chilling with the worst diddy
2. LOE1 - $40 :wario: - This man is the best doubles coach in the world, watching you play, while tiring is always fun good job, you'll get that diddy next time.
3. MX - $15 :yoshi2: - This guy is the best doubles partner, one less lonely girl carried us to the top 2.
4. Smile :metaknight: / :diddy: - It was fun picking you up and taking you with me to this, I'm glad you performed well :)
5. FF Stewy :popo: - Thanks for housing and chilling with me, mario party was fun, I'll make my way back toward MI soon enough.
5. Carls :fox:/:peach: - Fun riding in the car with you, good games in doubles, I learned something about fox that i didn't know before and that my friend is why you shall fear pikachu even more next time we meet!
7. FF Ori_bro :olimar:/:metaknight: - Maan set was fun, jimmy johns was fun, hanging out was fun, seeya again soon!
7. Soul Pech :wario:/:jigglypuff: - Thank you for driving us from columbus to MI and housing us, You do a lot for the community and I appreciate you bro.
9. Roller :popo: - Man I remember when this guy played pikachu, It was a lot of fun hanging with you that weekend and I'll see you at SKTAR2, We'll miss you here in the MW.
9. Me9595 :luigi:/:ganondorf: - It was good to meet you dude, your luigi is actually kinda scary
9. FF Ksev :snake: - This Rivalry shall not end so easily we shall meet again my friend.
9. DRDN :diddy: - Dat random
13. Hael Phael :pikachu2: - You need to stop doing dumb stuff in singles lol
13. Maestro :zerosuitsamus: -It was nice meeting you i didn't get to see you play but it was cool talking to ya some

I've had fun every time I went to michigan, thanks for the fun guys, seeya in a few weeks hopefully


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
So I should be writing a paper right now... Which makes this an excellent time to do shoutouts.

I'll make a more broad goodbye midwest type post eventually, in which I'll respond to most of the personal goodbye messages.

But for now I'd just like to thank all the guys who came out to this tourney and contributed to it being an awesome weekend. I had a blast, and most of it had nothing to do with the game itself (obviously I haven't had time to practice much this semester).

1. Zinoto - Clearly our lack of recent smashfests hasn't affected you too much, lol. I'm glad you woke up in time to make it. And I'm even more glad that you are finally embracing the free-form collegiate approach to daily schedules; sleeping past noon is fun stuff.
2. LOE1 - That consistency. Good stuff placing so well yet again. You've come such a long way, keep up all the practicing, you'll be a national level threat in no time.
3. MX - Nice job making top 3! And thanks for coming out to the tourney, glad you could make it.
4. Smile - I don't understand how you don't play guitar. You look exactly like every guitar player ever. Also. Really good job getting 4th!
5. FF Stewy - That last game's ending was insaneee, lol. I really wish we had been able to save it. =/ I'm glad you finally got a win on me though, you definitely deserved one. Our dittos come down to the wire pretty often. Hope you're able to practice up and keep improving this summer!
5. Carls - GGs man. Keep up the practicing, you can perform even better than you are now. Definitely have some serious potential. Thanks for making the trip!
7. FF Ori_bro - Really fun time playing Munchkin! That game is awesome. Also good times chilling in general. Get better at losing in LoL tho.
7. Soul Pech - Good seeing you again! Thanks for coming out. I made one of those fruit by the blunts btw. It was good stuff.
9. Me9595 - Good seeing you, glad you could make it. Keep practicing, 'cause I think you could make the PR if you work at it.
9. FF Ksev - Glad you came. But step yo' game up. You're definitely better than this placing. Keep eatin' them veggies.
9. DRDN - I can't even remember the last time I saw you enter singles, lol. Happy you made it to the tourney, GGs in pools.
13. Hael Phael - This man. That last second planning. #MIstatus. Thanks for driving all the way up for this weekend. =) Fun times at Denny's, playin' Munchkin, chilling, etc. See you at SKTAR!
13. Maestro_ - GGs, keep practicing, you'll get there. I got 33rd/33 at my first tourney, worked at it and 'climbed' my way up. I have no doubt you can do the same, and you definitely seem willing to learn and passionate about the game. I'd suggest watching how players like Salem & Nick Riddle recover, 'cause that seems to be what you have the most trouble with currently. Thanks for coming!

Scala- Did not expect to see you at this, lol. Fun times entering doubles despite me being an idiot and just running off the stage that last game. XD Also fun playing all those board/card games. Thanks for coming out!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2010
Northern Kentucky
Awesome tourney guys. Thanks to everyone that housed and drove me, and made the tourney possible. And gg's to everyone I played, fun matches, for sure.
I'll probably be in MI in July, hopefully I find time to catch a tourney then or at least a smashfest. Also, when and where can I watch matches from this?


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Mah Closet, MI
Well, I haven't had internet for over two weeks due to moving and won't have a stable internet connection for another week, so I'm not able to splice the video(s) nor save the video(s). Unless someone else from FF stepped up to the plate and save the video and/or spliced the videos, I actually don't see videos coming. Sorry about that.


Court Composer
Mar 8, 2013
Woodhaven, MI
well that sucks. This was my first one besides Sweet (where Brawl was just a little side event). So I was hoping, mostly for nostalgia purposes haha.
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