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Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Alright so I'm mentoring TheWorst and I helped him build a team right? Well I helped him build one and he hasn't been on forever so in the meantime I've been helping him improve the team and crap and since he still hasn't come on, I'm tired of waiting and I'm posting this up just like we agreed we would do.

So yeah here it is:

Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

Yup, it's gonna be all out sand from the beginning. Crunch or Pursuit depending on who's out and whether or not they'll switch, EQ for STAB and SE for coverage I guess and crap

Doryuuzu (M) @ Balloon
Trait: Sand Throw
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- X-Scissor

Might as well put Dory if you're making an SS team seeing as his Attack ends up going somewhere up in the 400-500's range. SD for even more attack if I know they'll switch out or do **** like protect, EQ for STAB and Rock Slide and X-Scissor for coverage (and maybe some hax with RS if I'm lucky :p) And if you don't know already, Balloon is so that it doesn't die in like one hit to **** like EQ.

Garchomp (M) @ Yache Berry
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang

Seeing as the banned dragon from Gen IV is now back in the game, I might as well use him and piss people off with its Hax Veil and nice Attack. I chose Yache Berry because I see that it's more useful to resist Ice attacks more than anything with Chomp. SD if I can fit it in, DC for other dragons, EQ for STAB, and FF for coverage

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Eccentric
EVs: 252 HP
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Transform

This set is pretty self explanatory if you don't already know. If a pokemon dies, just switch this bad boy in, let Eccentric do its work, and revenge for the kill while seeing if I can abuse stat changes at the same time

Breloom (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Spore
- Focus Punch

Chose Breloom to help resist Ground attacks. I chose Breloom because 1) I had nothing better to put and 2) I needed a resist that can act more as a sweeper than anything. If you don't know what this set does, come in and Spore the opponent (and get screwed over by Espeon if I'm that unlucky) and while they switch out, I'll just FP and get a considerable amount of damage off my opponent. If it switches into crap like Burungeru where it'll not get affected by FP, then just BS it since I know I'm faster. Mach Punch is just to come in for the revenge if I see my opponent's low on health

Shandera (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast

Shandera was because I needed something to resist the fighting attacks that wreck my team. Keep my opponent in with Shadow Tag while I work some magic with Sub+CM and keep moving on.

Alright, so that's the team so far. I've noticed this team has a couple of problems. For one, Breloom is just there like I already said. It usually comes in and then it dies due to his crappy defenses and pretty bad speed (and coupled with my poor analyzing skills, it's pretty bad how I think he'll live something and he ends up not doing it >_>). Another slight problem is Shandera. If Breloom isn't doing his job effectively, then that means that Shandera is a major problem up my *** because he'll also die with the ground type attacks amok.

This brings me to my next point, when Shandera dies, I have no other good fire pokemon that can... use... fire type attacks....... reliably. This means that my team is walled pretty hard by Nat with Garchomp's Fire Fang only doing about a 2-3HKO on him which is bad because he can either set up during those turns. I've also noticed I have a problem with Gliscor. Seeing as he gets a boost from my SS too, I really have nothing on my team that can kill it pretty well. The only thing that can even come close to inflicting about 3/4 of his damage on him is Ditto, which doesn't work that much because I'll run out of PP by the time he's at that point and nobody puts on moves that are super effective against him.

Besides these problems, my team's been doing pretty well actually. If you were too lazy actually read all that, just know that the fact that Breloom's just there doing nothing on my team is my biggest problem so far.

Please offer constructive criticism and advice, it's annoying when you have a team like this that's being screwed over so hard because one pokemon on it isn't doing its load :/


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Replace Breloom with TrickScarfLat, switch ScarfTar to TyraniBoah and YacheChomp to ScarfChomp and you have MY EXACT TEAM.

It's funny how DW OU has a blending effect like that. lol.

Using TyraniBoah would help your problem with Steel types if you pack Flamethrower on TTar. You'd also be surprised how often you can set up a substitute and fire off an attack in this meta. ScarfChomp is just generally a better revenge killer than TTar because it's so much faster, packs an immunity that's actually useful, is a dragon, has hax veil for hax, etc. BoahTar is just generally bulky, and the bulkier weather user usually wins out in the end, which has so far been true for Ubers, OU, and pretty much every other format. I said TrickScarfLat, but for the TrickUser/Shandera combo, any Trick user will do. I chose Latias specifically to provide a ground immunity, a fighting resist, and another fast dragon in case my opponent has their own fast dragons. The concept behind the combination of Trick users and Shandera is that you will Trick your opponent into being locked into a Normal or Fighting (or Ice or Fire or Bug or Grass or healing or boosting etc.) move so that Shandera can come in, sub, CM, and "sweep" (in quotations because all it really does it take out 2 or 3 pokes max since Shandy is sloooow). Ideally, this would entail a Trick user weak to fighting to bait opponents into killing it by locking themselves in so that Shandera can come in for the revenge sweep. However, there are no real suitable pokemon that fit this description and are not absolute **** on their own (unless I'm missing something and Linoone is amazing now). Latios is the closest thing I've found for my team and he's done his job well enough that I haven't needed a replacement. I tried Starmie in that space before, but I missed the ground immunity too much.

I normally wouldn't divulge information like this but I've been way more successful with the team I said I've been using than anyone has ever deserved to be, so I think it's worth sharing.

The biggest weaknesses of my team is Rain. Rain teams give me a headace because in order to beat them I have to:

1. Keep sandstorm up.
2. Keep Tentacruel from setting up Toxic Spikes
3. Keep sandstorm up.
4. Play around the fact that every pokemon on my opponent's team has both Surf and Ice Beam (which my whole team is weak to).
5. Keep sandstorm up.
6. Be very selective about who I sacrifice, because I almost always end up needing to sacrifice one of them.

Gliscor is also a problem because he's always a problem for teams with Doryuzu. I run LO Dory to **** with people, so it helps a little bit with breaking down Gliscor's wall. Landlos and Hippowdon are less problematic because one of them doesn't have any threatening attacks and the other is a Hippo. ZING. But seriously, Surf beats Landlos and Trick beats Hippo.

But yeah, aside from making those changes, there a bunch of questions I have about your EV spreads.

Doryuzu's spread doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you go Adamant AND not run max speed? Doing either is risky, but doing both is just asking for it. After a Swords Dance, Doryuzu's attack will be almost as high as his speed, so you can run Jolly and Max Spe just fine. And is the 20 HP really doing anything for you at all? I haven't done any damage calcs, but just from a glance I don't really think it'll help you that much against Roopushin Mach Punch or Azumarril Aqua Jet. Maybe if you put it in defense, but even then I think it may be a stretch.

Is your Shandera spread more helpful than if you ran 252 Spe Timid? I seriously don't know. Shandera is pretty fragile no matter how you EV him since he's weak to like half of the most common attacks in the metagame, so I always opted for the speed option. I'm asking you this because I honestly don't know which is better.

So yeah, that's all I have to say really.

EDIT: Oh yeah, be sure to put EVs in all you Ditto's stats just to piss Circa off. ;)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I saw "Rmsst" and was like, Huh. That's a really interesting name for an RMT thre- oh **** it's going to be Sandstorm. And that means Tyranitar / Garchomp / Doryuuzu will already be on his team. Then I figured, To round the other half off Fuelbi will probably throw some other bull like Shandera or Ditto, or even Nattorei and Burungeru. I don't even want to see this team now. And look what I find.

Any reason why Breloom doesn't have a sprite? Not that it's important or anything. On that note - courtesy of the Smogcast - lrn2Breloom. DON'T SPORE ON TURN 1. Unfortunately, you're not running Leech Seed or Substitute, which personally I think you really should be. But even then, just smash something not called Shandera with your ridiculously stupid Mach Punch or Bullet Seed before using Spore. Seriously.

We've also gone over this on the SnorlaxCast about Tyranitar. As Gates has also already mentioned, mixed Tyranitar thrive in the Gen. V metagame. Tyranitar can do so much to help Doryuuzu sweep aside from just setting up that Sandstorm. Run Ice Beam and Flamethrower. Inexperienced players will see Tyranitar, and switch to Skarmory or Gliscor, both of which can conveniently "stop" Doryuuzu. so just smash them with Flamethrower / Ice Beam. As a side note, your current set gets stopped by Skarmory and Nattorei anyway, so Flamethrower on a mixed set seems more beneficial, especially against Nattorei where you won't be taking stupid Iron Thorns damage.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Any reason why Breloom doesn't have a sprite?
Human error

We've also gone over this on the SnorlaxCast about Tyranitar. As Gates has also already mentioned, mixed Tyranitar thrive in the Gen. V metagame. Tyranitar can do so much to help Doryuuzu sweep aside from just setting up that Sandstorm. Run Ice Beam and Flamethrower. Inexperienced players will see Tyranitar, and switch to Skarmory or Gliscor, both of which can conveniently "stop" Doryuuzu. so just smash them with Flamethrower / Ice Beam. As a side note, your current set gets stopped by Skarmory and Nattorei anyway, so Flamethrower on a mixed set seems more beneficial, especially against Nattorei where you won't be taking stupid Iron Thorns damage.
I'm too lazy to listen to an hour of just people talking about pokemon and I'm taking Gates advice and thankfully it's been working out more

I've just been too lazy to edit my post :p


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville

Yup, it's gonna be all out sand from the beginning. Crunch or Pursuit depending on who's out and whether or not they'll switch, EQ for STAB and SE for coverage I guess and crap

I figured that if I didn't do it someone else would.

If Tyranitar had ground typing.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
I never meant it to imply that he was stupid. Woops sorry :3

I meant to do that to show the mistype. Atleast that's how it worked in my head.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
why use scarftar?

just use bandtar or tyraniboah, scarftar was only used to beat dragons and now you can actually do that better with doryuzuu being stupifyingly fast

serious, these team is basically a n00b team and anyone can use it, you have ttar, garchomp, and dory all on the same team, nothing should beat you, then you throw in shandera and unless you predict wrong, you shouldn't lose

that's how dumb this team is and really should not warrant a rate


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
serious, these team is basically a n00b team and anyone can use it, you have ttar, garchomp, and dory all on the same team, nothing should beat you, then you throw in shandera and unless you predict wrong, you shouldn't lose

that's how dumb this team is and really should not warrant a rate
u mad. This is a legit team. Rate it.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i've used practically the same team and was winning without trying

it's just so....boring to use


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
As far as Im concerned no matter how boring the team is if it can get someone to the first page of the leader boards kudos to him.

Dont be hatin on da bess pogeymanz


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
why use scarftar?

just use bandtar or tyraniboah, scarftar was only used to beat dragons and now you can actually do that better with doryuzuu being stupifyingly fast

serious, these team is basically a n00b team and anyone can use it, you have ttar, garchomp, and dory all on the same team, nothing should beat you, then you throw in shandera and unless you predict wrong, you shouldn't lose

that's how dumb this team is and really should not warrant a rate
Problem :troll:


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
No one's stopping you from using this team in Ubers. As a matter of fact, I imagine it wouldn't be all that bad, at least compared to some other Ubers teams out there.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Just because a lot of people use TTar as a lead and joe99 uses Shandera doesn't mean that any of this team would be good in Ubers. It would probably get curbstomped since every successful team in Ubers has:

1. A non-SS weather user.
2. Base 150 SpA dudes.
3. Faster dragons.
4. Base 130 129 Atk dudes.
5. Giratina.
6. Arceus.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Arceus is allowed in gen V Ubers?

Yeah, that's how much I know about the tier


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
lol yes Arceus is allowed and the 100 EVs in each stat restriction is gone too.

I wish Arceus weren't allowed since he's basically the Ubers version of Doryuzu - Every team needs to have a way to deal with him and all his versions.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
lol yes Arceus is allowed and the 100 EVs in each stat restriction is gone too.

I wish Arceus weren't allowed since he's basically the Ubers version of Doryuzu - Every team needs to have a way to deal with him and all his versions.
What's the most threatening set thus far? Swords Dance?

I know nothing about Arceus aside from BST, Swords Dance, and Extremespeed.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
What's the most threatening set thus far? Swords Dance?

I know nothing about Arceus aside from BST, Swords Dance, and Extremespeed.
The most threatening set really depends on what specifically your team is weak to. SD and Calm Mind are the most common sets and of those two CM is more unpredictable since SD Arceus usually is either Ghost or Normal (for STAB Shadow Claw/Force and Extremespeed respectively).

The biggest thing about Arceus is that you can counter certain common individual sets but you can't counter all the sets at once. I actually run 2 Arceus couters on my Standard Ubers team - ScarfTerakion for Normal/Steel/Fire/Dark/Bug CM Arceus and ScarfDialga for Normal/Grass/Water/Dragon/Bug SD Arceus. For Ghost Arceus I typically just wear it down and then revenge kill with Giratina-O since Arceus can't beat Shadow Sneak unless it's heavily EV'd in defense.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Breloom needs Shed Shell.

Ttar needs to be a special tank, it's very important to have it living long within the match.

Breloom, Shandera, Dory, Garchomp are all great pokemon to send out to scare off / revenge kill something, ditto is unnecessary. Replace it's spot with a hazard lead (if you make ttar a tank) since half your team is going to force switches.

If I make any more suggestions, your team will mirror mine >.<
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