There are alot of people who think that the UN is a good idea in theory, but in practice its task is nearly impossible. I agree with them, but I don't think the reason is because agreement between nations is nearly impossible. The UN itself is set up in a way that guarantees it can't get anything done.
The UN is probably the most famous example of post-World War II internationalism, but while the other international organizations have at least tried to modernize, the UN has simply piled more and more onto its outdated World War II era framework. That design was irrelevant in less than ten years, when the Cold War began to kick into high gear, and it became apparent that giving the two nations vying for global supremacy unilateral veto power wasn't such a great idea.
Over sixty years have passed, and we still have a Security Council with FRANCE as a permanent member. France was already losing relevance in 1946 when the UN was created. Meanwhile, the next generation powers like Brazil, India and other countries that are already more important to the future of the planet than the old European nations are left to be content with revolving membership. There are numerous examples of things that need to be changed, but this is the most glaring to me.
I don't think the UN is useless by definition, but it's outdated view of the world, which is built into its structure, does not help it deal with modern problems, like Iran's nuclear program. Modernizing the UN would go a long way to making it actually matter in foreign affairs.
Any other ideas to help the UN?
The UN is probably the most famous example of post-World War II internationalism, but while the other international organizations have at least tried to modernize, the UN has simply piled more and more onto its outdated World War II era framework. That design was irrelevant in less than ten years, when the Cold War began to kick into high gear, and it became apparent that giving the two nations vying for global supremacy unilateral veto power wasn't such a great idea.
Over sixty years have passed, and we still have a Security Council with FRANCE as a permanent member. France was already losing relevance in 1946 when the UN was created. Meanwhile, the next generation powers like Brazil, India and other countries that are already more important to the future of the planet than the old European nations are left to be content with revolving membership. There are numerous examples of things that need to be changed, but this is the most glaring to me.
I don't think the UN is useless by definition, but it's outdated view of the world, which is built into its structure, does not help it deal with modern problems, like Iran's nuclear program. Modernizing the UN would go a long way to making it actually matter in foreign affairs.
Any other ideas to help the UN?