If you've ever seen the documentary 'Zeitgeist,' you'll know that it mentions some pretty controversial topics, such as the history of the Holy Bible, the whole point of what happened around the 9-11 attacks, and some government conspiracy theories, and/or what the government is conducting without our knowledge.
I'll tackle these topics in order, starting with the history of the Bible, however, I won't go into to too much detail, because there's already a thread disputing the existance of God, found here.
I'll instead be focusing on Jesus.
To first begin, for those who do not know what "Zeitgeist" is, look it up. I'm pretty sure it's free to watch somewhere. If not, PM me, and I'll search it for you.
Anyway, Zeitgeist is a documentary, discussing such things as historical theories of the biblical age, primarily Jesus, the background of what really happened , or didn't happen during 9-11, and what goes on with the government.
In Zeitgeist, there is mention of numerous figures that contradict or mimic Jesus.
Many other religons, such as Egyptians and Greeks, also had saviors that were, coincedentally or not, dittos of Jesus. These religions, according to Zeitgeist, have saviors with the characteristics of Jesus: Virgin birth, rising from the dead, the fact that the savior's arrival was fortold of by the star of the east, and was adored by three kings, etc.
One cannot begin to debate the credibility of these "facts," however, because history is history. Especially biblical history.
Moving on to more important matters, the biggest slap-in-the-face to America(if this happens to be true), was most likely the secret behind 9-11.
If Zeitgeist truly had reliable sources(this fact was also backed up by a few teachers of mine), the fact of the matter is, we could have prevented 9-11. Not only couldn't we have prevented it, but our government was encouraging it.
In this situation, government rules by fear of the people. And when people fear in situations like this, they look to their government.
My proof for this statement, is this: there are many departments in the government, IRS, FBI, so on. The problem is, according to some Constitutional standards, or other official doctrines, these departments are not allowed to discuss certain matters, and are instead supposed to keep information within each department.
The problem here, is that a certain department not only had knowledge about 9-11, but were funding secret Iraqi piloting programs. Of course, their intentions weren't to destroy the Trade towers, but the Iraqis thought different, supposedly.
The government was trying to justify going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq to make more money for the people in power. The government really isn't intent on making the public happy. It's purpose is to make money, to repay the nation's debt. Which brings me to my next point.
The U.S. mint makes the money we use in America. According to Zeitgeist, however, the money isn't free. Our money comes with debt. When distributing, say, one dollar, it's really not just one dollar. It's really $1 + x amount of debt. How can we repay our debt? we can't. What happens when we can't repay our debt? Ultimately, slavery. Not phyiscal, loss of freedom slavery, but rather, never-ending debt.
"What's the debate here," you might ask? It's simply this:
What is happening to America? Are we really the epitome of freedom and liberty? Are we turning into what we were trying to escape hundreds of years ago when we delcared our independance: a "corrupt" government? Should we have a different government? Finally, do you think America is fine the way it is?
Also, if you say "Where's your facts for any of this?"
I say, "I don't know, ask the people who made Zeitgeist."
I will say this, too, I am not agreeing with everything in the movie, rather, I am forming my own opinions based on publicity and news coverage. The fact that our government has things in store for us that we may not agree with is undisputable, and it will happen. Whether you are ready for this, or believe it, is another matter.
I'm anxious to see what everyone thinks.
As for myself, I am anti-government. Not so much as to say I would do anything to get me in serious trouble. I just don't agree with most of what the government does.
"What is happening to America?"
We fear, and are being ruled by fear.
"Are we really the epitome of freedom and liberty?"
In a country where a burglar can break into someone's home, gets injured, sues the family and wins, I say no.
"Are we turning into what we were trying to escape hundreds of years ago when we delcared our independance: a "corrupt" government?"
When we came to the new land a few hundred years ago, it was for religious freedom, and when we claimed our independance, we didn't want to be a part of a corrupt goverment. And here we are, in my opinion, with a worse government.
"Should we have a different government?"
If I can be immature for a moment, I think a Monarchy would be pretty cool. Otherwise, our government is probably the best thing we could have, ironically.
To conclude, the best way to comprehend any of this, if you aren't partial to watching the news, you should watch Zeitgeist. If you don't agree with anything in that movie, or this thread, great. I don't either. But what can you do to prove to anyone that our government is the greatest thing ever? Or that our government was exactly what our founding fathers had in mind?
For a summary of what it's all about, here is the Wikipedia page.
I'll tackle these topics in order, starting with the history of the Bible, however, I won't go into to too much detail, because there's already a thread disputing the existance of God, found here.
I'll instead be focusing on Jesus.
To first begin, for those who do not know what "Zeitgeist" is, look it up. I'm pretty sure it's free to watch somewhere. If not, PM me, and I'll search it for you.
Anyway, Zeitgeist is a documentary, discussing such things as historical theories of the biblical age, primarily Jesus, the background of what really happened , or didn't happen during 9-11, and what goes on with the government.
In Zeitgeist, there is mention of numerous figures that contradict or mimic Jesus.
Many other religons, such as Egyptians and Greeks, also had saviors that were, coincedentally or not, dittos of Jesus. These religions, according to Zeitgeist, have saviors with the characteristics of Jesus: Virgin birth, rising from the dead, the fact that the savior's arrival was fortold of by the star of the east, and was adored by three kings, etc.
One cannot begin to debate the credibility of these "facts," however, because history is history. Especially biblical history.
Moving on to more important matters, the biggest slap-in-the-face to America(if this happens to be true), was most likely the secret behind 9-11.
If Zeitgeist truly had reliable sources(this fact was also backed up by a few teachers of mine), the fact of the matter is, we could have prevented 9-11. Not only couldn't we have prevented it, but our government was encouraging it.
In this situation, government rules by fear of the people. And when people fear in situations like this, they look to their government.
My proof for this statement, is this: there are many departments in the government, IRS, FBI, so on. The problem is, according to some Constitutional standards, or other official doctrines, these departments are not allowed to discuss certain matters, and are instead supposed to keep information within each department.
The problem here, is that a certain department not only had knowledge about 9-11, but were funding secret Iraqi piloting programs. Of course, their intentions weren't to destroy the Trade towers, but the Iraqis thought different, supposedly.
The government was trying to justify going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq to make more money for the people in power. The government really isn't intent on making the public happy. It's purpose is to make money, to repay the nation's debt. Which brings me to my next point.
The U.S. mint makes the money we use in America. According to Zeitgeist, however, the money isn't free. Our money comes with debt. When distributing, say, one dollar, it's really not just one dollar. It's really $1 + x amount of debt. How can we repay our debt? we can't. What happens when we can't repay our debt? Ultimately, slavery. Not phyiscal, loss of freedom slavery, but rather, never-ending debt.
"What's the debate here," you might ask? It's simply this:
What is happening to America? Are we really the epitome of freedom and liberty? Are we turning into what we were trying to escape hundreds of years ago when we delcared our independance: a "corrupt" government? Should we have a different government? Finally, do you think America is fine the way it is?
Also, if you say "Where's your facts for any of this?"
I say, "I don't know, ask the people who made Zeitgeist."
I will say this, too, I am not agreeing with everything in the movie, rather, I am forming my own opinions based on publicity and news coverage. The fact that our government has things in store for us that we may not agree with is undisputable, and it will happen. Whether you are ready for this, or believe it, is another matter.
I'm anxious to see what everyone thinks.
As for myself, I am anti-government. Not so much as to say I would do anything to get me in serious trouble. I just don't agree with most of what the government does.
"What is happening to America?"
We fear, and are being ruled by fear.
"Are we really the epitome of freedom and liberty?"
In a country where a burglar can break into someone's home, gets injured, sues the family and wins, I say no.
"Are we turning into what we were trying to escape hundreds of years ago when we delcared our independance: a "corrupt" government?"
When we came to the new land a few hundred years ago, it was for religious freedom, and when we claimed our independance, we didn't want to be a part of a corrupt goverment. And here we are, in my opinion, with a worse government.
"Should we have a different government?"
If I can be immature for a moment, I think a Monarchy would be pretty cool. Otherwise, our government is probably the best thing we could have, ironically.
To conclude, the best way to comprehend any of this, if you aren't partial to watching the news, you should watch Zeitgeist. If you don't agree with anything in that movie, or this thread, great. I don't either. But what can you do to prove to anyone that our government is the greatest thing ever? Or that our government was exactly what our founding fathers had in mind?
For a summary of what it's all about, here is the Wikipedia page.