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Rosalina suporter

Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2011
Reggie Talks Up Wii U Blockbusters As Top 10 Sellers Across the Whole Generation

Assures Wii U momentum, teases VGX appearance and tackles smartphones

With the competition hotting up in the most vital shopping season of the year, Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aime, used an appearance on GT.TV's latest episode to outline his reasoning for Wii U optimism, while also outlining lessons learned from a tough 2014.
Speaking to Geoff Keighley, Fils-Aime reiterated the often-repeated — and often proven — mantra that "software sells hardware", before boldly predicting that Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 andSuper Smash Bros. on Wii U would all be top 10 sellers across the whole generation alongside the PS4 and Xbox One.
It's all about install base, and it's all about having a top-shelf game that sells over a long period of time. The fact of the matter is, games that Super Mario 3D World, games like Mario Kart on Wii U, games like Smash Bros. on Wii U, they're going to have a fantastic sales curve over time. I can guarantee, those games, in this generation that is about to start, are going to be top 10 selling games across the entire generation, selling only on one platform. I can guarantee it.
... I'm calling it right now.

Naturally, the revival of the 3DS after a rough start was highlighted as a positive example. Fils-Aime also acknowledged that Nintendo needs to drive the Wii U install-based to encourage third-parties on board.
Moving onto 2014, Fils-Aime stated that the company is working on utilising NFC and is keen to show-off the feature with the right software. On that sticky subject of moving to smartphones and tablets, once again, Fils-Aime — visually exasperated at the question — hinted that, should he want to, he could highlight financial reasons why that'd not be the best move, but instead focused on the importance of hardware designed with physical controls and gameplay at the forefront.
The fact of the matter is we create systems that have buttons, that you interact with in a variety of different ways, because it makes for a better gameplay experience. That's the primary reason why, for us, this is not a proposition that makes a lot of sense. Now, separately, we could talk about all the financial and profit reasons why not to do that, but for the player, in the end, it's not as good an experience.
With the Wii U's fortunes clearly a priority Fils-Aime promised greater momentum and marketing throughout 2014, and teased something special at the upcoming VGX awards, an occasion that often prominently features new trailer and even fresh announcements.
The way we're going to be different is... we're certainly going to have a steadier pace of games, both for Wii U and for 3DS. The marketing activity is going to be constant throughout the entire year; you teased me a little bit about "boy, the first half was a little quiet" and, you know what? You look back and it was. We're not going to be making that same mistake in 2014, so the pace, the ongoing activity, touching the consumer and messaging what we're all about, that's going to be a big difference next year.
At the close of the interview Fils-Aime does a rather decent Waluigi impression, shows some solid Nintendo character knowledge and teased that Nintendo may make an appearance and do something "special" during the VGX awards on 7th December. The only hitch was GT.TV flashing up a graphic with the old Wii U hardware prices at the worst possible moment.
Check it out below for yourself — Reggie is interviewed in the opening and closing segments, with the latter kicking off at roughly the 16 minute mark. The show also has some interesting Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze details, which we'll summarise separately.


Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils Aime confirmed today that Cranky Kong will be making an appearance in Retro Studios latest title, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. The news leaked a couple of days ago that Cranky Kong would be playable in the game. The leak came from Amazon Italy who posted the official box-art which featured Cranky Kong on the cover.


Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I hope it's a Smash character reveal. But realistically it might be a Zelda Wii U reveal.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Yes. This only affirms my assertions that they are using Smash 4 as a marketing machine intended to promote almost all Nintendo IPs. Last time we had an important announcement for the Wii U... it was Wii Fit Trainer. I don't think it is time to drop my panties, but we are getting a character reveal in two weeks.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
At the close of the interview Fils-Aime does a rather decent Waluigi impression, shows some solid Nintendo character knowledge and teased that Nintendo may make an appearance and do something "special" during the VGX awards on 7th December. The only hitch was GT.TV flashing up a graphic with the old Wii U hardware prices at the worst possible moment.
Check it out below for yourself — Reggie is interviewed in the opening and closing segments, with the latter kicking off at roughly the 16 minute mark. The show also has some interesting Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze details, which we'll summarise separately.


I'm glad they're not gonna be quiet in 2014, hopefully things pan out.

Also... waluigi confirmed guize. :p


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
As much as I want a character reveal, announcing a blockbuster nintendo game at an extremely popular awards show is of good of a chance to miss. This is when Nintendo must announce Zelda for Wii U. This would skyrocket momentum for the console immensely


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
As much as I want a character reveal, announcing a blockbuster nintendo game at an extremely popular awards show is of good of a chance to miss. This is when Nintendo must announce Zelda for Wii U. This would skyrocket momentum for the console immensely
Yes, they can announce the Zelda Wii U alongside... playable Zelda!


Smash Hero
May 6, 2013
This all sounds cool. Call me pessimistic, but I'm gonna take this news lightly on the off chance the special reveal has nothing to do with what we're anticipating. (I mean Wii Fit Trainer, come on.) That's the best way to take news I believe, 'cos if the reveal turns out to be amazing, the more you're pumped up into overdrive hype.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Yes, they can announce the Zelda Wii U alongside... playable Zelda!
In a Direct it works to have a Smash Bros character revealed alongside information about an already announced game. It doesn't really work quite as well with the announcement of another game. Imagine being at the conference, wearing you green hood, Master Sword, etc, and you're watching a trailer for the next Legend of Zelda for the Wii U. The whole room is going bonkers, and then afterwards comes this little "Oh yeah, btw, Zeldaplayableinssb4bye" and the crowd would go either "okay, cool I guess" or "of course", which would be quite anti.climatic after the reveal of such a big and important title.

Anyways, I'm banking on the announcement of the Zelda Wii U title, that's going to sell many more systems than any character reveal can.

However, if any character confirmations for Smash Bros, it'll probably be a newcomer (or newcomers). You don't go to a conference to just show a few pictures of a veteran, that's just underwhelming, only other veteran besides Sonic that warrants a trailer is Snake, and promoting MGS won't help them sell Wii Us, which seems to be the plan with this appearance. So yeah, either newcomers or nothing Smash related, and I'm expecting the latter, at this time the thought of a newcomer reveal feels alien to me.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
My guess has to be Zelda Wii U. In fact, I'm not too sure if we'd even see any Smash news. But a new Zelda game would be hype.

Save characters for a direct. The VGX Awards are a great place to showcase Zelda Wii U.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
If anything we'll get a newcomer, as someone said given the exposure of the event they would want to make as big a splash possible and a veteran (particularly a highly expected one like Zelda or Yoshi) wouldn't do that.

Another 3rd party could be possible...although I feel like since it would likely be the final 3rd party they wouldn't reveal it any earlier than e3 of next year.

Although I think they'll save it for e3 of next year....I suppose they could have a video of 2 or 3 newcomers...or a mix of old and new fighters. How big is this event? Is it remotely close to the size of e3?


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
Well i read a interview with Eiji Aonuma and he said he will reveal Zelda Wii U at the next E3, but things can change, however im hoping for a reveal of the new Series that Miyamoto said he would work in if Pikmin 3 was successful...


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
I have already post my thoughts for what could happen in the thread of the new photo, I will post again:

Well for now I don´t know what to expect, but if I were Nintendo I will do a Presentation with Iwata where he talks what is coming to the WiiU then make a introduction to the Directors of the new games that will come next year in this order:

1) Risa Tabata introducing Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze with a new video and maybe introducing the secret character (The people would go bananas if the secret character is King K. Rool).

2) Kosuke Yabuki introducing Mario Kart 8 with a new video, more modes, new characters and new levels.

3) Yusuke Hashimoto introducing Bayonetta 2 with a new video.

4) Masahiro Sakurai introducing Smash Bros WiiU / 3DS with three new characters reveals Little Mac, Mii and Ridley (once again the crowd will go bananas) with a tentative release Fall of 2014.

5) Tetsuya Takahashi introducing a new video for the "X" title and tentative release Winter of 2014.

Finally Iwata anounce other third party games that will coming to the WiiU and end of the presentation.

For me that would the biggest highlight of the show with those games and announcing new content for all of them with new trailers, Nintendo will shut up the west Media that have talk trash about Nintendo in this year.

You always come up with cool info, anyways i'm expecting LOZ wii U to be reveled here maybe or at least we find out a bit about it, or maybe some remake idk. And I think zelda might be revealed there, of course it could be other things and not that.

You have to be legit to go in the Broom that's how it usually goes down, although i'm surprised the 64 people in it don't get cute ribbons or icons or something.
It can be Zelda but I think Zelda will be revealed in the next E3 if that game will come in 2015, so at least it will not have such a huge gap and the journalists and many people love the series so it can be the highlight of the E3 with other games in the future, for now I will focus in the present and what has been done this year with these 5 high profile games and focus really hard on the Wii U, thats why I can see making a huge surprise in this event with one or more titles that will come the next year and reveal something huge, it will be free advertising and good RRPP for Nintendo making a huge come back like that.

Woah there, didn't he just say they had a surprise? Most of this stuff could be saved for a big January Direct in 2014, or even later than that, so I wouldn't count on them blowing it all on one go. The January Direct this year was pretty damn great, so I'm expecting something like that again.

Also, K. Rool in TF and Ridley in SSB would make not only the crowd to bonkers, but everyone watching at home too. Like you said, it'd be a great way to shut the naysayers up, but I don't think they'd blow this much at once. I could see at least 3 of these points being saved for a Nintendo Direct instead. Don't get me wrong, it'd be a dream come true, but I don't think we should get expectations too high.

Would be kind of funny with at least one newcomer announcement on December 7th, since that was Brawl's original release date until presumably a certain Hedgehog came speeding in.
I think is better if they announce some of this surprises pretty close to the Christmas season because it will mean that the people that would watch the show and the next day the media highlight the important points of the show they will mention all of this surprises and more people will be convinced in buying a Wii U with all this new games coming next year for the system with all the other that can be played like Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 and the new Mario Game.

I don´t think Nintendo need to wait until January to make a Direct if they can do it now with an already big crowd watching this event in television and other media.

I think we may not see an estimate release date in December till probably E3 perhaps.
This is a nice list of what could happen.
Maybe not but I think DK: Tropical Freeze will be in Spring, Mario Kart in Summer, Bayonetta 2 between Summer and Fall, Smash in Fall or winter and X could possible be in Winter so all this games could be presented every three months and sustaining the system with high profile games, adding all the other third party games.



Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Its going to be like Namco Museum Remix,It had 14 games,So the nes remix will probably have the same,Im sure he will say somthing about it but im thinking hes also going to show off some smash bros news to.
How do you know that its going to be like Namco Museum Remix? What's your source?


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2007
I bet we'll get a Little Mac reveal, who I think will be one of the first newcomers announced since the big 3 at E3 (They must have shown off that boxing ring stage off for a reason).


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
Checked out the vgx website,
XD, Rayman legends is on the vote for best nintendo game. Would laugh my ass off if it won best game on a nintendo console, seeing as how its on the other consoles 2 as well. Honestly though its probably the best game on the system right now. It also has an insanely challenging online mode that requires ya to exploit the games physics to the fullest to stand a chance of competing. Many people have compared it to this generation's melee. (not counting project m)


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2010
Checked out the vgx website,
XD, Rayman legends is on the vote for best nintendo game. Would laugh my *** off if it won best game on a nintendo console, seeing as how its on the other consoles 2 as well. Honestly though its probably the best game on the system right now. It also has an insanely challenging online mode that requires ya to exploit the games physics to the fullest to stand a chance of competing. Many people have compared it to this generation's melee. (not counting project m)
Yeah, bcuz Rayman is THAT cool.

Also I hear they're turning Raving Rabbids into a tv show though :/. Talk about natural disasters :p

Can't wait for VGX! Expecting big announcements. Don't let me down Reggie.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
Well I think we can all agree that of it's going to be revealed during the Spike Video Game awards, it's gotta be some blockbuster a nintendo game. I actually wonder if it would fit in with the other game reveals, as the games they usually reveal there are edgy and mature. Really, the Nintendo franchises that could fit in are Zelda and Metroid.

Or there is the possibility that Nintendo will reveal a new IP...

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
That'd be sweet if we got a new smash trailer that showed off like two newcomers along with some new stages, mechanics, etc.


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
Although I'm desperate for smash bros info, im starved for zelda wii u info.
Cmon Reggie throw me a bone!
Wait a sec, Reggie doesn't call any of the shots as to what nintendo reveals, that's up to Nintendo japan. Reggie's job is to present the bones that nintendo throws us in a humorous fashion. Have yall seen the latest 3DS nintendo direct? It opens with an elevator comedy skit referencing "my body is ready"

On a side note, does nintendo europe have its own charismatic nintendo representative? How bout nintendo australia?


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
at temple
Zelda Wii U would be great.
New Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart footage are 100% guaranteed.
A new Smash trailer revealing some veterans and leading up to Little Mac would be ideal. And then drop the release date bombshell.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Didn't they say we'd next get info on Zelda Wii U at E3 2014? So I don't think that's what will be shown at VGX.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
Reggie has been given orders from Japan to keep an optimistic outlook on things because Iwata faces a huge pressure from shareholders. With other words, this is all bull.
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