Okay, once the Hitler references are thrown out, that's when you know it's time to close the thread.
RoyalRook, I thank you for your input, but really, when you get down to the core of your argument, you're mainly angry at the aspect of coining techniques after players. That's what this is all about. You're making Gimpy out to be the guy who came up with Inkdropping and hugging, even though he was just reporting on them.
As somebody mentioned before, that post is all about Gimpy's impressions. They are not fact. They are to be taken with a grain of salt. Do you think his report on the usefulness of the Pokemon versus assist trophies was possibly bias? Of course it was, he clearly stated he thought assist trophies were cool and that he couldn't really give a **** about the newer generation Pokemon. Do you think his review of Bowser will be bias? I certainly hope so! This isn't a fact sheet that Gimpy's providing us with - it's a list of his initial impressions based off of a limited amount of playing time off of a demo with moot control schemes.
And you know what? People love it. Why? Because Smashboardians will eat up any little scrap of Brawl information thrown at them - that's what we do. That's why we're here. I'd let this thread stay open, but unfortunately, you really don't have anything to discuss. Sure, you can disagree with someone's opinion on something - we strongly encourage that. But until you've actually played the game, the only things you have to go off of are videos and other people's impressions.
This thread has served its purpose - it's alerted those who weren't already aware (i.e. those who didn't read the title of the topic) that Gimpy's write-up (done during his own free time, purely for our benefit) should be taken with a grain of salt, for it is not a fact sheet, but instead a platter of impressions we're treated to.
You seem to also feel that it's our job as moderators to be as unbias as possible. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Sure, we want to look at things from all different perspectives, but the people who are more inclined to one character or one specific part of the forum moderate said area. It's our specialities that make us good at what we do. I'd much rather hear about the new Bowser from a Melee Bowser expert than some average Gamespot Joe Schmo who didn't understand Bowser from Melee, yet I'd read both reviews and base my opinion off of those plus all other information I gather.
So, this thread is owari. Thanks for your input. If you wish to discuss the issues behind coining terms, there are plenty of threads already existing to do so. And, if you wish to further prod Gimpy's opinions (as to what criticism you could have about them I can't even fathom, seeing as how poor of a resource an expo's early demo version with crappy controls is), you can do so in his thread.
That is all, chi.