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Recycling R.O.B. how?


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
For me personally, R.O.B. is my hardest matchup with Kirby. ROB just seems to have more range, and he can survive Kirby's spikes and attempted spit off the edge tactics with his ridiculous recovery. ROB's f-tilt is dangerous, it can be spammed for a defensive move, that can combo 2-4 times or even more without proper DI. Overall its just hard to approach ROB with Kirby, especially against very defensive ROB's that use their EYE LASERS, and gyro projectile, while using long reaching moves like f-tilt, and spot dodges to downsmash. And when I do get up close to ROB I get shield grabbed. Is there anything that can get through ROB's barrages of hurdles to actually knock this guy out at earlier %?


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Heheh, I find that when I get projectile spammed, doing a few up+b's to throw a temporary but easily removed wrench into their spamming helps me approach. They have the options of stopping the spam and dodging via jump, spot dodge, sh air dodge, etc. or getting hit. If they have enough time they'll usually do one of the initial ones, which is when you run in and prepare another up+b if you must because you're too far away.

Also, in rob matches I usually try to go for the cap because I know if I have it, I don't have to worry about him randomly getting free shots because of the distance(because I can always do it back! Besides, kirby's little beep noise with it is just awesome xD)

The new tactical discussion for this week for backroom is also on r.o.b. it might behoove you to go read up on him a bit and find out what his weaknesses are(from the initial summary, it sounds like being at a certain position renders him incapable of attacking you(9:00 position from him and directly behind him, though I'm not sure how much that helps you xD)


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
When approaching ROB u need to keep a low profile, run and shield but most importantly duck. Kirby's horizontal profile when ducking is so low that it can piss some people off. Ducking lets u get under forward tilt and all u have to do is shield or spot dodge ROB's down tilt and forward smash.

Approaching in the air can be annoying. The Key to an aerial approach is patience and in my opinion a well timed neutral B then spit. Neutral B does 10-6 damage depending on how much u use it and it opens an opportunity to use ur forward our up air.

Positioning: ROB is weakest when ur behind him, ESPECIALLY when ROB is in the air. If ur being guarded by forward air wait till the ROB starts forward and do a jump+air dodge. U'll get above and behind the ROB. This is ur best shot at a hammer kill or Bair kill.

Gimping ROB: Down air doesn't work against ROB, he simply counters with Up air, instead u should go for a stage assisted kill. Not sure if u've seen My Combo Video, heres a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EWKyT37KiY at the end of the video is a section on stage assisted kills. basically after inhaling u spit ur opponent out under the stage (Timing is key as soon as ur spit out puts them under the stage do it). After spitting the out u need to quickly jump to their height and Uair, Bair, or Up B, the move u perform depends on how the ROB Di'd

Misc. : If ur opponent spams Gyro, grab his gyro and hold on to it. ROB wont be able to use Gyro and will have to come after u. An aggressive ROB is easy to shield or counter. If u do throw the gyro make sure u REALLY try to catch it again, it will save u tons of damage and a lot of headache.

Hope this helps u out!



Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Going for stage spikes sound like a great idea, and so does picking up the gyro and placing it on the area of the stage where it wont get in your way. And Kirby can actually duck under ROB's f-tilt safely? I'll have to try that out.
But now that I think of it I was always approaching ROB aerially, because of those gyros and lasers forcing me to stay up in the air, which the ROB player wants you to do so he can F-air you or roll dodge back and shield grab Kirby for trying to attack with a f-air or b-air.

Now that I got a good understanding about that. What are some good combos Kirby can do against ROB? ROB's N-air seems like a combo breaker move for me and it knocks out Kirby early. So what are some true combos Kirby can use on ROB?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
I play regularly against someone who mains ROB and most of the things you guys are saying are true. He can be a pain because most of his aerials have priority over kirby due to his range. The best thing you can do is keep your distance and wait for him to attack.
-If he is using his laser when you are far away from him try taking his laser and doing the same.
-Trying to land a hammer is the best way to get him off your tit, and even to KO. Since he is a bigger target I find myself using the hammer more than on any other character.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Well we all now the Forward throw to up air combo and then uptilt, i modify this, instead of up tilt i got with forward tilt and then tackle or another forward tilt. The Key to the second forward tilt is timing dont rush cuz neutral A will punish u every time u rush in.

Given ROB's size neutral air to ftilt or dtilt is a good approaching move and if ur dtilt trips ROB ur setup for a Fsmash

Neutral B as an approach: Neutral B in my opinion is a combo breaker for Kirby, time it right and it can save ur A55 a lot and u can get under or behind ROB which is a favorable position to b in + u get some superarmor

Hammer is useful especially b/c u get a moment of superarmor just b4 it connects and given ROB's large size a well spaced Hammer can finish

The biggest Key is spacing ROB, dont get greedy but dont get to far away, always have enough distance that u can reach ROB with a quick jump Bair or forward tilt but not far away enough that ROB can start camping

Spacing is best achieved with Fair - Bair -ftilt - d-tilt - uair



Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I still find it hard to hit ROB with a grounded hammer since he always does counter attacks or camp and spam projectiles. Does Kirby get a bit of super armor for the aerial hammer or the grounded one?


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Suck him up and copy his ability.

...Seriously, even if they ARE campy, hearing BEEEEEEEP after a while gets annoying!

I think there's enough startup lag in ROB's Booster Attacks (NAir, BAir, Dair) so you could dodge and attack back with a quick FSmash.

Otherwise stay defensive. Use your hammer in the air more frequently.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Aerial hammer gets superarmor, and DONT suck him up, a stage assisted kill initiated by inhale is Kirby's trump card plus u can suck in when ur about to be hit by gyro to eat the gyro


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
I've honestly never had much problems against Rob. Most of his moves are similar to kirby's but slower so most of the time you'll be able to counter act before the ROB reacts. You have to be careful for the down air spike and the nair killer but other than that there isn't much a rob can do. He's a big target that is easy to combo and he's more or less slow enough that you can monopolize him easily enough.

Kirby Redux

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2007
Southern California
Lol, i actually just beat someone who was playing as a ROB. That match lasted FOREVER! Theyr favorite way of racking up damage is D-smashing and then doing a n-air to knock you away. However, you have to find something theyr not good at, and punish them after they do it. For this particular person his weakness was repetitive and predictable spotdodging. All I had to do was block and come out of it with a FC or a b-air to keep him hurting. Though his recovery is good, its also fairly predictable. While hes in the air, air dodge him if he attacks, and just keep juggling or FoPing him. His gyro is easy enough to handle, either by sucking it up or just spotdodging. Since ROB is a big target, and heavy, hes a great person to d-throw and combo with a couple u-tilts/b-air. Attack a lot while in the air with ur hammer, it works pretty much the best in this matchup for kills and knocking him away. His moves are pretty laggy, so go ahead and spotdodge him/ airdodge as much as possible (dont get predictable like he might though ;D). Other than that, you shouldnt have a whole lot of problem beating him.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Thats some good advice Rudex

I've heard that ROB is a very predictable character, this might be any player's greatest asset during a match, feel out ur opponents style and the try and capitalize.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
Thats some good advice Rudex

I've heard that ROB is a very predictable character, this might be any player's greatest asset during a match, feel out ur opponents style and the try and capitalize.
He is very predicable because, at least in my experience and to the best of my knowledge, he has very specialized moves (be it range, direction or w/e) and in many situations there are only one or two options that he has.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
So this weekend i got ***** by Hugs's ROB two tournies in a row :( and yeah i was curious as to what stages you guys think are good against ROB as I need every advantage I can get lol.

The best i could think of was green greens due to the close walls and since its a pain to wall of pain rob due to his sick aerials. I havn't actually tried this as im not sure if he would just get just as much of an advantage from the close walls =/

What I usually pick is delfino plaza or halberd due to the floating platform and what I do is float along underneath the platform attacking him with uairs or bairs while only going halfway inside the platform. Then I simply grab the closest ledge when I get low on jumps.

Not quite sure how good those are as counterpicks and would like to hear others opinions...

and yeah I think ROB is by far the worst matchup to kirby... or maybe its just cause Hugs knocked me out of two tournaments in a row =/

Oh specific question too what do you guys do to counter when ROB starts spamming spotdodges while your shielding? hmm its hard to explain but he sometimes spams spot dodge and I can't seem to punish him for it.. whats a consistent way to punish ROB's spotdodge as if you fail he WILL dsmash =/


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
hahahahahahahaha i beat nackerz ROB on a counterpick stage

my opinion is Luigi's Mansion

Kirby can utilize the pillars to stop thy gyro, he can use the platform ceiling to uptilt well, upgrab can kill very easily on this stage due to the roof of the mansion, if u utilize the edge ROB cant go underneath due to a pillar so u can get stage assisted kills on him, the platforms in the mansion can also help u to live a long time if ur good at teching


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Oh specific question too what do you guys do to counter when ROB starts spamming spotdodges while your shielding? hmm its hard to explain but he sometimes spams spot dodge and I can't seem to punish him for it.. whats a consistent way to punish ROB's spotdodge as if you fail he WILL dsmash =/
Neutral A into grab or tilt

or if ur timing is good u can use the ground hammer and due to the delay and the length of time the move lingers a spot dodge wont dodge the whole move, hence WHAM in the face or the spot dodging ROB


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
As a ROB main, I might as well help you guys out, as my Doubles Partner is a Kirby main.

Yeah, avoid the Down Smash and Up Smash, as previously stated. Don't suck him up, as the laser can be easily reflected and detected. While you are in the air, you might see them try to start up an Up Smash. I got one easy solution for you. Rock Kirby. The exhaust won't hurt him in rock mode.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
I'd say so. I don't use GaW a lot, but I know there is a bunch of problems concerning mid-air battles. Either Rock Kirby or the Final Cutter should be an easy solution.

And yeah, stay off of slanted platforms when trying to counter ROB.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
well theres that one Mcdonalds
hahahahahahahaha i beat nackerz ROB on a counterpick stage

my opinion is Luigi's Mansion

Kirby can utilize the pillars to stop thy gyro, he can use the platform ceiling to uptilt well, upgrab can kill very easily on this stage due to the roof of the mansion, if u utilize the edge ROB cant go underneath due to a pillar so u can get stage assisted kills on him, the platforms in the mansion can also help u to live a long time if ur good at teching
Counter picking LM is too good if rob is aggressive also Kirby living until 200% is annoying beyond belief that stage is to gay


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Neutral A into grab or tilt

or if ur timing is good u can use the ground hammer and due to the delay and the length of time the move lingers a spot dodge wont dodge the whole move, hence WHAM in the face or the spot dodging ROB
haha sometimes I forget the nair is there. I need to use that move more as its actually rather good when your just shorthopping it. Also luigi's mansion sounds good actually I haven't played that stage too much I'll have to try that out.
lol ROB is at least my personal worst matchup =/
I think I get into a bad habit sometimes of using roll as an approach because of the projectiles and ROB can so easily punish dodges/rolls with dsmash :dizzy:
Not that hard to fix though since I realize I do that now
Thanks for the tips :)


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Neutral air and Neutral A are both amazing moves,

Neutral Air has )-lag on landing meaning u can SH Neutral A then go into a tilt, grab, or neutral A,

Neutral A i think is the most least used effective move of Kirby's, i tested guarding the ledge with this move and its potential is untapped, i think the two best moves for edgeguarding from the stage are Neutral A and downtilt

yeah rolling will get u killed, lol i need to stop rolling as much as i do also


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
if jungle japes is legal go there for counterpick becuase it is still kirbys best stage. I wouldnt recommend final D for a counter pick because its too big to move around on. ROB camps a lot and that level makes it more difficult to not gett camped.

if you find your self close doing SH retreating bairs and SH retreaing reverse up airs(hitting with the last frames) are useful to prevent sheild grabing. especially uair. i like to spam that a lot in this matchup. make sure you retreat though or youll get grabbed. also try and out camp ROB. copy his laser and use it agaisnt him. get the highground on a platform or something and just shoot it. also throw in a few cutters to mix it up especially if he is trying to get close.

watch out for spotdodge d-smash its almost instant. if you get too close and he trys to do d-smash try uptilt or dtilt and roll away ASAP! he can do it again and youll lose. so moslty i do retreats to keep my percents low. thats a lot of info and i hope its useful and not already said lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
use final cutters on him (up b) this should help beat that dumb a$$ robot
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