Oh, most unfortunate. Good to dispel that wild rumor.
And I'm sorry that I assumed you value competitive less, you probably value it more than me.
And yes, this whole time, as I've made it ABUNDANTLY apparent, it was not a success in the way of gameplay depth, technicality, and competitiveness. (Edit: Sorry if I wasn't clear

The fact that you can't spell "Success" properly discredits you, sir

Regardless, language, especially this easily corruptible stupid language called English, must be taken in context. The context suggests, in all of my posts, that I am using success in a specific way. No, the language I have used never implied that subject is to be ruled and degrees are to be determined by Sakurai. Strange, though, this is not at odds with one of my favorite quotes: "A man once walked into the Louvre, after many hours of gazing at the art he came out and at once said angrily to the guard there 'there was not a single painting that I liked, not one work of art in there that was good!' the guard immediately snapped back 'The art is not on trial here, YOU are!'" This implies that the artist is not the one who gets to judge the success of the art, nor the observer, but that there is a hidden, static standard for what beauty is, yet beauty is broad, and it's character must be specified. Success only means what it means when there is a descriptor for it, if there is no given one there is one implied, the thing is is that you're taking one of the implied terms of success and applying it to every use of success, this is incorrect. The way this relates is that the standard for what Success means is very, very broad, you must refine and hone it to mean something, and I have never talked about Sakurai's intentions, I have never talked about the bigger picture of the game's financial and critical success. The same thing goes for failure, when failure is said in this context, it is easy to see that I'm not going "Brawl was bad at competitive play, therefore was a failure as an installment in the series", but instead am saying "Brawl is bad at competitive play, comparable to Melee, and comparable to Melee, it is a failure in this department." As it relates to the on topic discussion, I think people will be more cautious about replacing Melee so soon after the failure (read: competitive failure relative to Melee) of Brawl.
Most of these things are misunderstandings or disagreements in ontology and philosophy. So, let us agree to disagree if we disagree further.