Quality > Quantity
But we didn't get much of either. The cool original characers, PT are Olimar put too much awesome on the roster, but two Starfox clones (I'm sorry, similar characters, Lugified characters, whatever.), R.O.B. and a notable list of absentees weights it out.
I wouldn't have minded much if only Ridley had been left out. Or if it only was Krystal. Or anyone. But it's more than 10 characters I can list instead of R.O.B. and better clone choices (There are other franchises. Clone someone else-I mean, base a moveset on someone else, that's not Fox) too.
All in all, the roster sucking is outweighted by the other cool features. So there's quality there too.
Brawl will be a good game, even if it's roster disappoints.
(Replace "Brawl" with "Melee" and I said this somewhere in November 2001.)