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Read: Post Grab Release Followups

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
Gonna need some help testing this. When someone struggles out of your grab, they'll either be released on the ground or into the air. I believe their input determines which release occurs. The aerial release seemingly gives you some VERY interesting options.

From what i've tested, the enemy can't DI the aerial release and they're locked in the animation for several frames. Depending on the character it seems like you can followup with a Side B or even a Boosted Up Smash before they can act.

For example: Aerial Releasing Mario leads into a Side B spike. Aerial Releasing Marth leads into a Side B knockback. Aerial Releasing Meta Knight leads into a Boosted Up Smash. This is all lethal depending on where you grab them and their percent. You can do this kinda thing to most of the cast, not just these three

The Side B spike on Mario can be used as a Wolficide if you're a stock up. Release him off the stage and Side B for a kill as early as 40-50%.

With Marth, I was able to grab him in the middle of FD, aerial release him and Side B kill at 110%. A grab to death combo at high percents sounds pretty good to me.

Meta Knight falls out of the release too fast for you to land a Side B, but the Boosted Up Smash comes out with enough speed and range to hit him anyway. A fresh Upsmash star KOs MK at around 115-120%.

This may not be viable. First, we have to figure out if it's possible to force an aerial release instead of a ground release. Secondly, due to the "stun" frames, i'm 95% sure aerial release combos into SideB and/or Boost UpSmash, but I was only able to try this against a CPU (It worked everytime) so grab a friend and have them try to Air Dodge out of this or something. Also I apologize if this old, I haven't seen anything on this topic so far.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Toledo, OH
Hmmm. This sounds good but why put it up in the Wolf boards?

Anyway I'm gonna help you and test this with Wolf. Having a cpu in trinaing break out of my grab.


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
Hmmm. This sounds good but why put it up in the Wolf boards?

Anyway I'm gonna help you and test this with Wolf. Having a cpu in trinaing break out of my grab.
why wouldn't he put it up in the wolf boards? he's talking about things you can do as Wolf O.o

also, on the not of a suicide spike, if the spacing was just right, you could spike them with side b and still grab on to the ledge as long as the end of the flash was just barely over the edge.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
No, wolficide is a horrible option. If you miss the sweetspot they won't be spiked, and guess what? You're dead. It could be an interesting mindgame, but that's about it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Letterbomb, I think you're missing the point a little bit? The OP says that for a certain number of frames, if someone decides to aerially release out of the grab, they can't DI. And he gave you a few character examples, and said that against Mario you can immediately Wolf Flash and get the spike off, so there is no "if you miss the sweetspot"

You may still misjudge your distance from the edge to catch it after the spike, but that's a risk i'd be willing to take if you can guarantee that they die. Which leads to my next statement:

To Turbo Ether, have you checked to see if the opponent can immediately airdodge to avoid any of this?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I don't think they would go out far enough in the time they can't DI for that to work. And as I said, it could be an effective mindgame.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I think that is what he is asking us to find out, Juggalo. The air dodge, that is.

Gonna need some help testing this. When someone struggles out of your grab, they'll either be released on the ground or into the air. I believe their input determines which release occurs. The aerial release seemingly gives you some VERY interesting options.

From what i've tested, the enemy can't DI the aerial release and they're locked in the animation for several frames. Depending on the character it seems like you can followup with a Side B or even a Boosted Up Smash before they can act.

For example: Aerial Releasing Mario leads into a Side B spike. Aerial Releasing Marth leads into a Side B knockback. Aerial Releasing Meta Knight leads into a Boosted Up Smash. This is all lethal depending on where you grab them and their percent. You can do this kinda thing to most of the cast, not just these three

The Side B spike on Mario can be used as a Wolficide if you're a stock up. Release him off the stage and Side B for a kill as early as 40-50%.

With Marth, I was able to grab him in the middle of FD, aerial release him and Side B kill at 110%. A grab to death combo at high percents sounds pretty good to me.

Meta Knight falls out of the release too fast for you to land a Side B, but the Boosted Up Smash comes out with enough speed and range to hit him anyway. A fresh Upsmash star KOs MK at around 115-120%.

This may not be viable. First, we have to figure out if it's possible to force an aerial release instead of a ground release. Secondly, due to the "stun" frames, i'm 95% sure aerial release combos into SideB and/or Boost UpSmash, but I was only able to try this against a CPU (It worked everytime) so grab a friend and have them try to Air Dodge out of this or something. Also I apologize if this old, I haven't seen anything on this topic so far.
To answer your question, yes it is controlled by the opponent. I forget which directions but I believe if you hold the stick up when you break out you will break out aerially, same if you hold it down. You will break out on the ground if you are DIing left or right.

The problem is most throws are DIed diagonally, which will often result in a result on the ground. However, if you are close enough to the edge I think you automatically aerial break out as to avoid infinites. For characters like, say, Mario in your example this could be lethal. Also a very nice thing for teams.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
This is interesting. I have to doubt that it is impossible for an opponent to DI or airdodge out of this. Even if your opponent could get out of this you could still catch a lot of people by surprise though. Could you do anything if your opponent broke out on the ground?

Big O

Jun 13, 2008
From what I have done so far there are three ways to get an aerial release. If the opponent holds up while mashing buttons or if they mash the jump/shield buttons they will perform an aerial release anywhere. If you grab someone much smaller than your character (none small enough for wolf I think) like DK grabbing Olimar they will perform an aerial release anywhere. If you grab an opponent by the ledge so that they are past the ledge during the grab they will be forced to aerial release. Keep in mind if you are grab attacking them that if they release during the hitstun of your grab attack they will never do an aerial release (even past the ledge). I think marth can't airdodge an aerial release flash so this is good to know when you are down to your last stock with a marth.
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