They announced that on April the 1st, which I thought it might've been an April Fool's Joke. Then again, Rayman along with Pikachu in the World Cup does sound like serious business.
Also, regarding what people said liking the character and not the company, I completely agree. I mean I have to admit, delaying Rayman Legends and making it multiplatform was ****ish on Ubisoft's behalf, but those those crybaby fanboys wanting to boycott the game, namely the Wii U version, just to spite Ubisoft was even more ****ish. As for me, I still bought the Wii U version as I originally planned (besides, I didn't have a Wii U until my birthday in June last year, so at least the delay did some good) and I still find it superior to the other versions. Heck, I felt sorry for Mr. Ancel when he too was upset of the delay since they all worked hard on it, and that people are taking their anger out on them and the game was just unfair. Still, I don't see why people have to hate on Rayman in Smash Bros just because he belongs to a company that 'ditched' the Wii U, yet for Mega Man and Pac Man, their respective companies aren't making the games of their series on the Wii U (not counting the VC titles or the Ghostly Adventure games). Why should Rayman be treated any different? He's been around for 19+ years, just four/five years older than Sonic, and most of his games were hit sellers. Still, I can see why Ubisoft would withdraw from the Wii U for the time being due to the low sales of the consoles when it first launched. But does that change my opinion in wanting Rayman for Smash Bros? NO! I want him in as playable more than ever. If people were to hate on Rayman because of the logic of Ubisoft ditching the Wii U, I could use the same opinion of Mega Man, Pac Man, and even Snake joining Smash Bros. At least Rayman has been on most Nintendo consoles than not at all.