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Ratings? Reviews? Pfaah I say (THIS, IS, SSBB!)

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
I think the main thing that will hurt it (and it's actually a valid complaint) is lackluster online. But I still expect sites like IGN and 1up to give it 9.5+

gamespot I could care less about.
be lucky you can play online I cant:(


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2007
“And now, your highness, we will discuss the locat
Its unfortunate that we live in a world with bias such as this. It is unfortunate that games like Brawl will probably be rated lower because of minor details. However, this is life. It is human nature to want to slaughter something looking for anything wrong with it.

This applies to other games as well. Halo is not that bad, people. Its fun, has a good story (unlike a lot of shooters), and the online is absolutely incredible... well, if you can get past the occasional frequent *******s. So stop bashing it.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Meh, personally, I've long since stopped caring what "professional" reviewers say about any games. When it comes right down to it, whether a game is good and how good it is is all a matter of opinion, which means those reviews mean absolutely nothing unless you agree with the reviewer's opinions. I know that my opinions rarely mesh with those of "professional" reviewers, and I doubt I'm the only one.

Just look at Chaosblade's comments on the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn reviews for example. That was one **** good game, probably the best Fire Emblem released outside of Japan to date in my opinion, and yet it gets reviews that complain about it being too difficult when being challenging is one of the main points of a strategy game and being too easy was one of the few common flaws in recent FE games. Ugh.



Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
ITT overzealous fanboys and people who like bashing big sites.

Some of these big bashing sites don't even finish the **** game they review. IGN said DK Barrel Blast was too slow. It's obvious they only played on Rookie and not Pro.

GameInformer said Paper Mario 2 was too kiddy and they gave it a 6.75 because they thought OTHER PEOPLE said that what they should give the game. I thought reviews were about one person's opinion and his alone. And if the guy played through the entire game, he would have known it's not exactly 'kiddy.'


Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2007

Some of these big bashing sites don't even finish the **** game they review. IGN said DK Barrel Blast was too slow. It's obvious they only played on Rookie and not Pro.

GameInformer said Paper Mario 2 was too kiddy and they gave it a 6.75 because they thought OTHER PEOPLE said that what they should give the game. I thought reviews were about one person's opinion and his alone. And if the guy played through the entire game, he would have known it's not exactly 'kiddy.'
Obviously, every once in a while, there's a crap review somewhere. But nowadays it seems cool to just go "Gamespot sucks they will give this game a 2 because it's not Halo XD", which is lame. I seriously haven't seen a review site consisting of JUST bad reviews - remember that they're there for indication of whether you'd like the game or not, and are always a bit biased. The fact that you don't agree with their opinion doesn't make the review suck.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Hehe Gamespot's bias doesn't ever seem to make direct sense... I mean everyone talks about Halo but Halo 3 didn't really win alot of their awards and their GOTY went to a Nintendo Game, so I really can't tell what they're doing with things these days.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Don't be mean. Halo is pretty fun in multiplayer. Crap compared to Brawl of course. :-]
To be honset I think alot of the hate for Halo 3 in particular came from the extenstive amount of adversiting and sponserships from commericals. I find that alot of games despise intense adveristing as a form of selling out.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2007
people, if you are coming in here not to add to the topic why come in at all... <_> just saying "I don't care what reviewers say doens't exactly stay on-topic"
One of the reasons I think Melee beats Halo is Melee could have stood the test of time, for atleast 20 years of great gaming. but halo needs a new iteration every 3-4 years to stay fresh and exciting.
and to people who say reviews don't matter...
a lot of people just read those reviews and buy games with high scores, THOSE are the swing people, most people have their mind made up about buying or not buying this game. But there are the people who don't even know about it, that will end up buying it, there are a lot of those people. and a bad review could *potentially* hurt sales. In a big or small way it will happen. So to people who say reviews don't matter, they do matter just not directly to you.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ratings don't really mean much in the end.

What matters is $$$...

If we're talking about Sequel chances especially

It doesn't matter if something is rated poorly, as long as it's prophet is great

Brawl won't have a problem with either though


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
Yay, someone else thinks the reviews for FE10 are garbage, whoo. >_>

But honestly, FE10's review was the last straw for me and GameInformer. They said so many misinformed things, it was terrible. They were under the impression that you get a game over for any unit's death, and they said something about RD being on the GC in Japan.

And of course GS whined about every little thing, like they do to any game that doesn't have the names Tony Hawk or Halo in them.
SO I wasn't the only one who thought the critics were hardcore n00bs for giving FE10 a bad name.

n00bs since they said it was too hard, and n00bs BNIG TIME form calling it, A STRATEGY GAME, too hard. Heck, I'm soaring throguh normal mode right now with flyinjg colors. sure it's hard and I suck (I've only lost 3 characters total and I'm on the very last level), but that's the fun part.

That in mind, Brawl might get good ratings because wavedashing was removed lol


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007

Some of these big bashing sites don't even finish the **** game they review. IGN said DK Barrel Blast was too slow. It's obvious they only played on Rookie and not Pro.

GameInformer said Paper Mario 2 was too kiddy and they gave it a 6.75 because they thought OTHER PEOPLE said that what they should give the game. I thought reviews were about one person's opinion and his alone. And if the guy played through the entire game, he would have known it's not exactly 'kiddy.'
Barrel Blast is possibly the most flawed racing game ever created and is an embarrassment to Nintendo and the DK franchise.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2006
An opinion on ANY game is all based on personal opinion. Not everyone will agree with every review or every opinion. Just look at the people saying FE:RD was amazing and those that say it sucked (I haven't played so I wouldn't know). Even GreenKirby and Xanderous just had a little disagreement with Barrel Blast. Prime examples.

There will be people that love Brawl (the majority of us and the other Smash Bros. fans) and then there will be those that will hate it because it's not Melee and because wavedashing is apparently gone, and because their favorite character got removed and because a character that they hated got added, and because a character that they wanted didn't make it in, and because a character they loved got nerfed, and because it's slower than Melee, and because the online sucks and because the stage builder is limited, etc, etc, etc.

I could go on for another few paragraphs on reasons why people WILL dislike Brawl.

As far as "professional" reviewers go, I tend not to trust any ONE review these days. There's just too much bias. To be quite honest, the only person's opinion I trust on a game is myself, because when it all comes right down to it, my opinion is the only one that matters with this game. It's my money, I'll do what I want with it.

It's important to look at many different reviews and opinions on a game if you're looking to get an overall valid opinion of what the game is really like. Looking at one or two or three reviews isn't going to help you learn all of the pros and cons of the game because reviewers will mention different things. Different people will have different reasons for liking and disliking the game, and it's up to you to decide if you'll let the good outweigh the bad, or vice versa.

Now, honestly... I do think Brawl will get a lot of unfair reviews. Not just because "it's not Halo" or "it's not by Microsoft or Sony." Those will be fanboys' reasons for hating it (I highly doubt any professional review site will say "yeah Brawl gets a 6 because it's not Halo"). I think it will get unfair reviews because reviewers will constantly compare it to Melee. Brawl's biggest competition is NOT Halo. They're not even in the same GENRE. Why the heck are people comparing them? Brawl's biggest competition is MELEE. Melee was a huge success and it was nearly FLAWLESS in many peoples' eyes. Reviewers will be looking for reasons to mark points off because parts of it are not "up to Melee's standards." They're not going to realize that this is meant to be a completely different game. It's not a Melee remake. It's Brawl.

And that's another thing that will bring the score down greatly. The hype. Sure, the hype isn't as big as Halo, but it DOES have a LOT of hype surrounding it. Most anticipated title release for Nintendo in years (next to Galaxy). I can almost assure you that there will be parts of Brawl that will NOT live up to the hype, and reviewers will use that to their advantage. People LOVE to trash things, and Brawl will be more susceptible to that than most games.

Something Brawl does have going for it, though, is the fan power. There are lots of fans for it and I think that it really doesn't matter too much what the reviewers say, because word of mouth spreads pretty fast. Even if the game gets negative reviews, we'll know that it's awesome.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
As much as it deserves it, Brawl isn't going to get any 10s. This is unfortunate, but I predict that it will get high 9's even from Gamespot.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2007
no reason to give it a low score...
maybe because they went through it once, tried wi-fi but sucked and got pissed.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
My preds:

1up : 9.5
EGM: 9,10,9.5
Gamespot: 8.8 (lol)
IGN: 9.7 + (matt and bozon are nintendo fan boys)
PLAY: 100 (dont they give everything 100 these days)
Gametrailers: 9.4 (a wild guess)
Gamerankings score: 8.9-9.2

Pros: TONS of extras, and replayability, and the best mutiplayer game on wii, much improved single player

Cons: lackluster online (despite most likely being the best online wii title), and I'm sure someone will bash the game saying that they only added new items/chars and stages to the main game, because lets face it, most of the reviewers wont know crap about the smash's meta game and advance techs and not really see any of the real changes to the game.


Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2008
Didn't gamespot/ gamefaqs give it like a 4 and say it was a party game? Im flabberghasted everyone. They say the gameplay is so slow but is complete bs when we've seen the action on videos.
I agree with the online and possibility of it being made more for casual gamers, which if its true was a big mistake. Nintendo doesn't realize that more money comes from the hardcore/ loyal gamers, not noobs. Anyways based off of what I've seen, this games IS in fact a ten and deserves it. Back to the online thing, remember when online wasn't even supposed be on brawl? Well at least it is.....
Edit: amespot gave brawls replay value a 4 out of ten...... preposterous


Smash Cadet
Jan 23, 2008
This is the exact reason why sites like MetaCritic and GameRankings are good. They give you the overall picture of how the reviewers feel and it mostly filters out the lower reviews. I tend to use Metacritic a lot nowadays. Then again, I usually trust IGN ratings unless they're talking about sonic (Then I add one to it :D)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2008
Its unfortunate that we live in a world with bias such as this. It is unfortunate that games like Brawl will probably be rated lower because of minor details. However, this is life. It is human nature to want to slaughter something looking for anything wrong with it.

This applies to other games as well. Halo is not that bad, people. Its fun, has a good story (unlike a lot of shooters), and the online is absolutely incredible... well, if you can get past the occasional frequent *******s. So stop bashing it.
Who cares about review and review scores, all that matters is the game:

1. Sells well, so there will be more sequels.

2. You like the game.

Personally, what I care more than review scores is the sales of certain games that are really good but aren't selling well. IMO, Trauma Center: New Blood for the Wii is a good example, only 17k sales AFTER two whole months it's been released is a bad sign. There might be no more sequels for such a great game. Zack and Wiki had poor sales also. Those two Wii games are pretty good(better than most Third-party Wii games available currently) but they may not get sequels because sales are kind of low.

You shouldn't be worried about a professional review site giving a game a 0.5 or 1 less than what you wanted, what you should be worry about are the sales number(assuming you want sequels). And, I highly doubt SSBB is going receive poor sales.
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