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Rate Their Chances Returns! Day 194: "Predicting the Direct"

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Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Mega Man
Satisfaction: 99.9%

Mega Man is one of my favorite series, and I had all the NES Mega Man games growing up, I've played 7 and 8, and own 9 and 10. I've also played most of the Mega Man X games (the later ones... aren't so great) as well as some other Mega Man games (like Legends). The Mega Man series is one of the things I most associate with the NES. So Mega Man was probably my most wanted newcomer.

Mega Man looks great and his moveset reflects some of the greatest Mega Man games (Mega Man 2 and 3 being heavily represented). I'm happy they went with the NES-era for the appearance, since it's also the version of Mega Man most associated with Nintendo.

I do kinda wish that he wasn't quite so blank in his facial expressions. Yes, he's a robot, but in associated artwork and so forth for the main games (the Japanese artwork) he is not shown to be so emotionless. That's my only real quibble. If he doesn't fit my playstyle, I won't be too mad, because it's an amazingly fitting move set.

Satisfaction: 60%

I've never really played any of the Animal Crossing games. And the Villager seems a bit generic. I'll be happy if they allow you to change the gender of the Villager just like they do with Wii Fit Trainer. At any rate, he wasn't high on my list since I'm not into the games. But I recognized that he had potential since there are so many things to do in the games. And Animal Crossing has become one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, especially if we're talking recent sales rather than lifetime sales. So I also recognized that it was deserving of a rep.

The move set does look interesting, although I'm still confused as to how that tree move will work (it looks like it's too slow to be very useful, but we'll see I guess). I'd have to say I'm not as excited about him as I am for other characters. But he deserved the spot and he could be fun. I can't really know what to think of him until I get my hands on the game.

Wii Fit Trainer
Satisfaction: 80%

I don't have a Balance Board, and I certainly wouldn't have said I wanted WFT in the game. WFT is the queen of the WTF characters.

But after I stopped laughing about how bizarre she was to include, her trailer and ridiculous concept have won me over. I'm excited to try her out. And I'm glad to see that the male Wii Fit Trainer is in there too, which gives me hope we'll see some other cool alternate costumes or gender swaps when it makes sense (like for Pokemon Trainer). We're still waiting to find out more about her special moves. Presumably the hula hoops are her up-B, while the soccer ball is also something. We don't really know what the Sun Salutation ("mysterious solar power") or Deep Breathing things are yet, though.

Pichu x5


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Mega Man 50% He's okay but somehow I don't feel very excited for him.
Villager 100% Awesome moveset! I like Animal crossing so I am very happy to see him in Smash bros.
Wii Fit Trainer 75% That moveset is something but I feel more interested in villager or Rosalina's moveset.

x5 Cranky Kong


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Can't get enough Satisfaction, Groose?

Axle.EXE will go again with this.

Megaman! Mega-SHUT UP, ROLL!

Satisfaction: 95%- I love the Megaman series. To Death. Though I would have rather had X, to be honest. Still, we have a Capcom character, I ain't one to complain.

Villager- He does not have the face of mercy!

Satisfaction: 80%- Didn't really care for this reveal too much, but his moveset makes up for it.


Wii Fit Trainer: 100%- I saw this coming. But with the male trainer. Still, this is absolutely hilarious, one of the reasons I am going to love Smash 4.


I'm predicting a .2%- Nintendog is an AT- so... you know... deconfirmation is the likely case.... and I don't like dogs, I only want spacey animals to be playable. Different Breeds Idea is really weak.


Extensive Alternate Costumes X5- (Back to FON) Why have Dark Pit when you can have an Alt with different sound and a different texture?

Score and nominations will remain unchanged.

Deleted member


Wii Fit Trainer: 100%- I saw this coming.

Unlike most people on here, I do have Wii Fit (I mainly got it for the mini games). However, I have never considered or even thought of the Wii Fit Trainer in Smash.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013

Unlike most people on here, I do have Wii Fit (I mainly got it for the mini games). However, I have never considered or even thought of the Wii Fit Trainer in Smash.

I have a Wii Fit BB in my home. Wii Fit is an incredibly popular series, those sales do NOT lie. It had a ludicrous amount of sales, seriously. I think fitness is cool, and it kind of just connected for me, "What if we had a Fitness nut in Smash?"

Of course, I was off. Thought it would be the male one, but hey, he's an alt!


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Smash never had these kinds of out-of-field characters before in Smash. Perhaps it's why I didn't see Wii Fit Trainer coming.
Mr. Game and Watch would like to talk with you.

Mega Man: Satisfaction: 100%
Has the best video games. Has the best comics (look them up!). Has the best music. Now he's in the best crossover series. Suck it UMVC3.

The Villager: Satisfaction: 90%
I like the Village a lot. Great way to rep AC. But I won't be completely satisfied until we get the female villager as an alternate costume.

Wii Fit Trainer: Satisfaction: 100%
Almost had to dock a few point because there are some images I can't unsee on tumblr.


But wonderfully creative character. Cool moveset. And I like the inclusion of the casual game character like WFT. It's the reason why the Wii was such a huge success and how "core" gamers reacted is half the fun. (side note: I think the idea of "core" gamers is really dumb, but that's a rant for another day.)

Nintendog predictions: 0.09%. The character has already been deconfirmed via stage (3DS)[yeah i remember ROB] and as an AT. It should be our lowest character ranking.
Micaiah x 5


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Eh.. it kinda makes sense for Game and Watch, most of the characters you see would do actual violence, but Wii Fit Trainer? It's truly out of place..
In the Game and Watch series, most of the things you did were rather mundane. Be a Fire Man! Juggle! Deliver stuff. It wasn't really a violent series. Most of the games were about moving. And that was truly out of left field. At least, Wii Fit Trainer existed as a character. Mr. Game and Watch was almagamation of a bunch of different Game and Watch game protagonists!


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
I'll try to keep myself objective, even though at first my initial instinct was to just rate everything 100% because I am seriously hyped for this game and everything Sakurai has shown us since the beginning only confirms my belief the game will be fantastic.

Villager: 85%
I never expected the Villager nor did I want him, but since his reveal and the onslaught of memes he's grown on me. I even got the 1 shirt so I can have something Smash related yet subtle enough to wear anywhere. And since the reveal the tidbits we get of his moveset are more and more fascinating and bring to light the fight that of all the newcomers, he's by far the most mysterious in that we have no clue what we can expect of him in terms of playing style. He just seems very unorthodox: the rocket gyroid, the balloons, the turnips being random in power, the tree remaining on the stage and being a potential long-term investment smash (imagine planting a tree on the edge to prevent projectiles from gimping your recovery later! The possibilities!!), the shovel down smash and the pocket special attack ... so much creativity.
The only thing that brings him down, and it's a bit petty, is the fact that we haven't had confirmation of a female villager. If we got a male alt for WFT, I expect a female villager and if it happens, I could potentially see myself using Villager a lot more. Otherwise, it'll just be a fun, random secondary at most.

Mega Man: 100%
Am not particularly a Mega Man fan, but as a video game enthusiast I do own 2 and 3 and enjoy playing them over and over again. I was also among those expecting Mega Man in Brawl, and when that didn't happen and news of the next Smash emerging, I immediately wanted Mega Man. Before E3 I was playing the Mega Man 2 title song repetitively in expectation of him appearing. And Sakurai didn't disappoint.
And it's not just him being in Smash but him being done right. The projectile based moveset works so well for him and just from seeing Sakurai play him I want to use him and have ideas on what I'd do competitively. He seems extremely intuitive, and yet it seems you can get really creative with the different specials. Also, the movement and sounds and design are so similar to the NES look that I just can't help but love it.

Wii Fit Trainer: 80%
Initially, the surprise of the Wii Fit Trainer made me feel concerned for the fact that, inevitably, the WFT is taking up a spot. Shortly after that, the reveal video became available, and I was sold. The idea is definitely original and the concept makes a lot of sense (who hasn't heard of wii fit, even among non-gamers?), and the execution is, again, fantastic.
However, I rate her lower because of the fact that in comparison to the other newcomers, her playstyle just doesn't exude as much uniqueness. She's plain and simple another melee fighter with some special moves that offer variety. As a result I just don't see myself playing as her as much as I see myself using all other characters.

x5 Blaziken

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Mega Man: 100%
Villager: 100%
Wii Fit Trainer: 60%

Prince Sable x5


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
Megaman: 100%
Villager: 85%
Wii Fit Trainer: 80%

I think Megaman goes without saying. Hes iconic, popular, and huge to retro Nintendo.

Villager was surprising to say the least, but he was welcomed. Hes got tons of popularity, and he was more than worthy of a spot.

Trainer was a shock, but made sense. While she isnt your typical Nintendo allstar, she helped define the Wii system as a contender in the market. Extremely important to the Wiis success. At first, I was upset, but after seeing a moveset, im pretty excited about what she can potentially do.

DLC characters x5


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Mega Man: 80% I think this character will be unique and have a machup system where he is ether amazing or terrible due to most of his moves being projectiles.
Villager: 50% I see one good thing... The item collect.
Wii Fit Trainer: 25% Though she may be cool she seems boring to my don't kill me sure she has personality, but she has taken one spot on the roster that will never be given back.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Villager: 75%

Didn't count on an Animal Crossing character to be very much fun, but I must say, he looks pretty fun.

Mega Man: 99%

Really wanted Mega Man, really got what I wanted. I absolutely love the emphasis on projectiles, and how he even plays like his 8-bit counterpart. Might have wanted something other than the Flame Sword as F-air, but that's just a little thing.

Wii Fit Trainer: 60%

Not really a character I had the strongest heart for to begin with, and she still seems like the character that's the least exciting. But still, they did great with what they had.

5x Brawl Pokémon and Mewtwo

Smash never had these kinds of out-of-field characters before in Smash. Perhaps it's why I didn't see Wii Fit Trainer coming.
R.O.B. With WFT my reaction was kind of "What? Hm... Actually, I wonder how we didn't see that coming". R.O.B was a whole week non-stop of "WHAT!?", and all the way until the European release it was still kind of surreal to me. At least WFT is a video game character, R.O.B is just a toy.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Oh yeah! My Nominations!

Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo x5


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I unfortunately missed "Rosalina's Satisfaction" day as I was venturing the treacherous, Nordic lands of Skyrim... so I will rate her anyways! Muahahahahahaha.

Rosalina: 100%
She is undoubtedly one of my favorite Mario characters and I was one of the few that gave her the benefit of the doubt. The unexpected nature of her reveal only served to please my more sufficiently. Rosalina was probably the worst choice out of the feasible Mario characters; however, her unique play-style has truly made her a plausible addition to the Smash roster. As a fan of zoning characters, I couldn't be more excited to try her out.

Villager: 85%
This decadent little demon is a fan favorite of mine merely based on the notion that he murders his victims with his bloody ax. The grotesque slaughters soon to ensue really emphasize my love for this repugnant character. He fits in with the rest of the cast and Animal Crossing need representation. So why not add the homicidal maniac? I will admit that I was laboring under the delusion that he was less suitable than Tom Nook when he was first announced. Luckily the fans showed me what Villager is truly about! He is most likely a necrophiliac that ***** his victims.

Mega Man: 10%
I am not a fan of Mega Man, I do not like Mega Man, Mega Man does not look fun... this was an expected inclusion. He is important and I wouldn't omit him from the roster, but I am not satisfied.

Wii Fit Trainer: 90%
This character reveal showed me that Sakurai isn't incompetent. He can still make interesting choices that are meaningful. She is most certainly deserving, and she looks like a fun character. There isn't much more to ask of an addition to the roster. The implementation of yoga poses to construe a fighting style seems counter-intuitive, but it flows so naturally. She was the first of the newcomers that I wanted to main. However, as I became fond of Villager, my admiration for her attenuated. She isn't as unique as many claim, but she isn't generic as many others assert.

General Satisfaction: 71.25%


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
More satisfaction ratings, eh?

Villager: 98%
Honestly I was vying for an Animal Crossing rep back in the days of Brawl, so I was overjoyed when I saw Villager arrive, although I hadn't exactly expected him since Sakurai appeared to write him off. He's such a fun character who uses all variety of weirdness to beat his more combat orientated opponents I can't dislike him. I love how he can pocket projectiles and his grab is a great idea.

Megaman: 30%
I have NO association with Megaman. Like at all. Didn't even know of him until the Internet rolled in, and my first game experience with anything Megaman was Dead Rising placing Servebot heads on things and using the crappy Megaman blaster(never did unlock the OP version).
He's a big deal to everyone else, but when I first saw his spiky haired silhouette I thought he was Isaac, a character I'd wanted in Brawl. Then his helmet appeared shattering that dream. So yes, I was a bit disappointed. I'm less disappointed now(it's been six months) and I understand why he was included, but I'm not a big fan of all these 3rd parties being included anyway.
Their inclusion is partially responsible for some of the stupidest suggestions; Shadow, Sora, Cloud, Goku, etc. If one of these become playable I may actually just give up on Smash altogether. Megaman however is a big deal so that's fine I'm just not that fussed. Seems unique enough though.

Wii Fit Trainer: Just after E3: 90%, Now: 40%
Back in Summer I thought the idea was amazing, but almost entirely on how unexpected she was. But ironically whilst others have become more accepting of her inclusion I'm now finding myself wondering exactly what she offers that's so damn unique, considering uniqueness seems to be the criteria this time. Yes no one uses hoops or footballs to attack, but if this counts as unique then we may as well count Lucina as being unique because she's from the future or Sukapon unique because his limbs would float and we don't have anyone with floating limbs yet. Eh...she's from Nintendo at least so I'll rank her above Megaman.

Just realised my past nominations are pointless now(Was requesting 5 Mario characters...but it err...was confirmed) so I'll throw my vote to err...

lets get him done now
come on, anyone? Roy only need 5 more!
Oh, fine!
Roy X 5
Let the slaughter begin of my favourite FE smasher.

Also didn't predict Nintendog's chances the previous few days so I'm going to go with 0.76%. Being generous there too.

Groose; Since uniqueness seems to be the new flavour, I feel like we need to rerate everyone since we mostly rated on importance to the franchise and popularity, aka Brawl and Melee's inclusion reasons. Perhaps in a few weeks we should start to rerate a past characters chances alongside these new ones regardless of votes? Would that be too game breaking?

Well rerating everyone bar the Mario characters because that does seem a little pointless now...Bowser Jr/Waluigi/Paper Mario/Doc Mario COULD be a 6th Mario character, but can you honestly see that happening at this point?


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Mega Man Satisfaction: 100%
I love his moveset, based on the Boss powers and all, and and I like that Sakurai decided to go for his iconic NES look.

Villager satisfaction: 100%
I was overjoyed with his inclusion. I've been a fan of the series since Wild World, and his moveset is incredible.

Wii Fit Trainer satisfaction: 80%
Her biggest thing that sold me was her moveset. I don't have much attachment to the character, so that brings down my score a bit.

Tingle x 5


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Mega Man Satisfaction:90%
It's cool but, Where is Bomberman?!

Villager Satisfaction:5%
Very boring character and just a 3D Mr.Game & Watch for me.

Wii Fit Trainer Satisfaction:80%
I know is a weird idea,but is pretty original and I respect that.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007

Villager - 100%

I've always wanted an Animal Crossing rep and the Villager looks like a lot of fun to play as.

Megaman - 70%

I'm not a megaman fan, I enjoyed the spinoff RPGs but action platformers aren't really my thing. I can appreciate how many people want him though and he does have an interesting moveset. I will say that music in the megaman reveal trailer is a 100% though.

Wii Fit Trainer - 70%

Over time the wft has grown on me, and her moveset looks very good. I look forward to trying her out.


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
I imagine satisfaction scores will end up dramatically different from want scores because, frankly, they're two different things. How much someone wants a character may have nothing to do with how satisfied they are with a revealed character. Case in point: if you had asked me pre-E3 how much I wanted Wii Fit Trainer, I'd probably put 0%, but after her reveal and seeing how she was implemented, well, my satisfaction is quite a bit higher than that. So, bearing in mind my 100% for Rosalina, let's review the E3 newcomers...

Villager Satisfaction - 90%
The first SSB4 reveal and probably one of the most expected, I'm super satisfied with the hugely popular Animal Crossing finally getting its deserved Smash character, and he looks pretty much exactly like one would hope the Villager would look in Smash. So why not 100%? Simply put, I'm not sure how fun he will be to play. Moves like the tree look super awkward, and since we don't have any match footage to work off of yet, its hard to say how effective they will be or exactly how he plays in general. Maybe I'm worrying a bit too much here, but with little more than screenshots and scattered trailer footage to work off of, it seems like a reasonable concern.

Mega Man Satisfaction - 100%
After Mega Man was excluded from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for no appreciable reason, having him return in such glorious fashion in SSB4 is a pretty big deal. I'm not really a fan of the character personally, but I have plenty of friends who are, and seeing his moveset be based around his NES days is a real treat. It's clear a lot of love went into implementing Mega Man, and that gives me a lot of faith into how well SSB4 on the whole will turn turn out. Have zero issues with this reveal.

Wii Fit Trainer Satisfaction - 80%
I remember first seeing an article saying WFT was in Smash and my first thought was that it must be a joke. That's just too crazy, right? Upon seeing the trailer and really thinking about it, though, her inclusion makes perfect sense and it seems like Sakurai and company had a fun time making her into a really unique, fun character. The trailer alone was hilarious and pretty much sold me instantly on the character, and much like Mega Man before her, she left me thinking SSB4 was going to end up being one special game. My primary issue with WFT is that she isn't a character I really want, and by the time the roster is finished and the inevitable heartbreaking exclusions are made apparent, she'll surely remain one of the easiest to blame in terms of "Why is X in Smash but not Y?". How much that bothers me will depend entirely on how the rest of the roster pans out, but with only 19 characters revealed so far (hopefully less than half of the roster), I'll keep faith that won't prove too big a bummer.

So yeah, 4/4 so far being satisfied by the newcomers, and if further reveals are as cool as WFT or Rosalina, SSB4 is going to be one exciting release.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
Mega Man: 100%. I've never really been a big fan of the Mega Man games, but I've always been fond of the character and thought it would be really cool to have a "sharpshooter" sort of character. And wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what he turned out to be! His model is perfect, he's a unique fighter despite not necessarily being groundbreaking. His stage looks great and what little we've heard of the music is also incredible. This is how you represent a highly-requested character. If only Sonic had gotten the same results.

Villager: 85%. Come on, how can you not love him? Villager is exactly the type of quirky character I can see myself maining, at least when i'm just playing for fun. This all coming from somebody who's never touched a single Animal Crossing game in his life.

Wii Fit Trainer: 40%. I couldn't give a **** about her or her games, and her fighting style is incredibly boring to me. No thanks

Nintendog prediction: 2%

Cranky X5

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Megaman: 110%! He's always been one of my personal favorite video game characters. And his games were always pretty fun. Even they are a little hard. It's nice to see him use so many of his powers together in a coherent moveset. This is pretty much Megaman done right in a fighting game. Megaman seems like he just fits in so well with the Nintendo characters, almost like he should've been in since the beginning. I'm really interested in seeing what's left to see of his moveset. Namely the Final Smash. And on top of all that he's even more unique than I imagined. I didn't think that any character would use a projectile as a jab before.

I hope that the next Vs. Capcom game manages to take some inspiration from Smash's Megaman into a refined Vs. series Megaman. But y'know, atill keep his Punches and Kicks.

Villager: 99%. I don't play Animal Crossing. I don't intend to either. But I'd be lying if I said this character didn't look extremely fun to use. With so many references and nods in his moveset makes it even better. He seems to have so many tricks up his short sleeves too. And I don't know what else to say. He just looks so fun to use.

Wii Fit Trainer: 15%. I'm still not sold on this character. I don't know, nothing really screams that this character is fun. But at least she's unique. So that's something. Funny, that's kind of how I felt about R.O.B at first too.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Satisfaction: 90%
Want: 32%

Satisfaction: 60%
Want: 14%

Wii fit trainer
Satisfaction: 70%
Want: 61%


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2008
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mega Man: 100%
It's Megamaaaaaaan! Enough said.

Villager: 70%
While I don't like Animal Crossing very much, I think Villager has a creative and cool concept. I might like playing him.

WFT: 55%
Ehhh, while she has grown on me, I'd rather have other characters...
Also, her moveset isn't quite clear, for now, like the others.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Can't wait for day 117, we get to rate a practically disconfirmed character, who is already an AT.
:smash: I want to use my Rating Pictures.

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Megaman: 99.75%

As a Character: 100%
I love me some Megaman, and for a long time rated Legends 2 and one of my top 10 games of all time... I love the Megaman games, and the character, so I'm very happy he's in. He beat Slime in my want list which should say a lot about how much I like the guy.

Playable: 99%
Basically perfect, Mega buster as a jab, all those projectiles, just what you'd expect, and looks really fun. I also love the old animations in 3D, it's great. Crashbomb however isn't my favourite, I'd much prefer something that isn't just a sticky-bomb... like say Bubble Lead or Air Shot... but in balance it makes sense, and aslong as it gives him something to deal with reflectors (I can see it still attaching) I don't mind, plus it still makes for a great part of his defensive game, and adds incentive to keep them away, so I fully understand, and it's just nitpicking really.

Representation: 100%
The NES is the most important for Nintendo, and even the newer games are in the 8-bit style. Moreover he was one of the biggest draws on NES, and a hugely important part of it's history, so it deserves the representation fully.

Trailer: 100%
Epic, surprising, exciting and very well done.

Villager: 92.5%

As a Character: 100%
I never heard the Tom Nook thing, Animal Crosser (as I knew him) was the obvious choice, and an option I wanted in my top 5 pre-E3, I was very happy when he got in.

Playable: 90%
Lloyd rocket seems to come from nowhere, and I'm not sure how it helps his play style, it may be great, but I don't like the look of it. I like his forward thinking play-style with the tree and item holding though, so I'm very happy about it. As a Rachel/Kokonoe player in Blazblue setting up for later is something I love anyway (though she uses lightning rods/blackhole generators, not trees).

Representation: 100%
The right choice of character in my opinion, for a very deserving series.

Trailer: 80%
Being part of the whole trailer it's normally more forgotten, but it was charming and clever, and really well done. I loved it. I don't think they could have done something so cool without it being in the game trailer, but it's sad that it's made less memorable by being a little tacked on... Great decision, but not as hype generating.

Wii Fit Trainer: 100%

Character: 50% discounted.
She kind of isn't, but I do like Wii Fit, and she has her own charm in smash bros. I never really thought of her as a character prior, but since the trailer I realised that I do really like her, just not enough to make me super hyped. It should be noted however the surprise manages to complete remove this from the overall score.

Playable: 100%
While she does look a little generic in attack style, being a fast, powerful melee fighter, she looks to be a really fun one to play, with a lot of great moves at her disposal... including that projectile. She's less unique, but looks really perfectly formed for what she does... and that's ignoring the BIG question of what her Neutral-B (deep breathing) actually do, if it turns out to be some stupid stun I will be dissapointed, but the possibilities of powering up smashes, or recovering HP, or what have you all interest me. It may well turn out lower, but the possibilities the neutral-B opens up has me stoked!

Representation: 100%
Wii Fit is very deserving, and she reps an entirely new genre, so hugely important. She's one of the best choices for representation possible, up there with the other two above and Dragon Quest... which from me is high praise.

Trailer: 100%
Surprising, funny and well made. Another perfect trailer, the sort I wish I had more of in my portfolio.



Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Cloud Cuckooland
Villager satisfaction: 85%
I wasn't expecting an Animal Crossing rep to be in Smash, but I knew that if any character from AC was to be in Smash, it would be him (sorry Tom Nook fans). At first, I wasn't very blown away, but after a while he started to grow on me. Now I absolutely can't wait to play as him when the game eventually gets released. Though the memes he spawned were horrible and unfunny, so he loses points for that.

IT'S MEGAMAN! HELL YEAH! I was always a really big Megaman fan, especially the classic series, so when he was revealed for Smash, you wouldn't believe how ecstatic I was. The fact that he was also based (almost) entirely on classic Megaman made me just so much happier. He loses exactly 1 point because almost every attack of his is a projectile, which may just end up biting him in the arse more than benefiting him. Maybe.

WTF Trainer satisfaction: 65%

Nominations: Cranky Kong X5 (I'm helping the cause!)


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
villager satisfaction: 100%
i loved the animal crossing series seeing him in was welcoming
megaman satisfaction: 50%
i don't really know megaman much so he really doesn't matter to me. 50% is indifferent right?
Win Fit Trainer satisfaction: 100%
seeing her in there was awesome. can't to see how she actally plays^_^
i think i rated nintendo dog 2.14%
nominations amaterasu+5


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Megaman: 100%
With him comes some of the greatest music and many characters from his franchise that I like as possible assist.

Villager: 95%
Only thing I don't like about him is his sort of avatar status.

Wii Fit Trainer: 25%
While I can't say she's not unique and has a cool moveset, I really just couldn't care less about her when there's still the 5 in my signature missing.

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Eh, for nominations...Cranky Kong, sure why not?

Cranky Kong x5 (Still saving my winnings)

On a side note, it pleases me to see so many are satisfied with Megaman! :)


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI

Likelihood: 10%. Nintendog, likely, won't happen. But at least the series is getting attention in Smash!
Want: 60%. Half of it is for the actual interest in moveset, the other half to anger everybody.

Mega Man Satisfaction: 100%. I was SO very happy with Mega Man's inclusion. He's perfect, my new main already, he's my exact type of character and thank god he's in!

Villager Satisfaction: 80%. I haven't played Animal Crossing, but it's a very interesting peaceful characters.

WFT Satisfaction: 83%. Such an interesting choice, and makes me wonder what else is in store for Super Smash Bros. 4.

Nominations (I forgot mine from yesterday too, so can I add those too?)

x5 Quote

(if yesterday's votes count, then add x5 more).


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Mega Man Satisfaction: 100%
He was a top-five newcomer for me. I'm not the biggest Mega Man fan under the sun, but I felt he could bring a lot to Smash: his toolbelt is larger than even that of Link or Batman, his series has some of the best music known to mankind, and he fits in well with the existing cast. So, when I saw him atop the mountain in the trailer, a joyous smile broke out on my face.

That smile turned into great big goofy grin when I saw how he plays. He looks like he's straight out of the NES and his moves not only bring in the best of the series (reminding me of Samus and Link in terms of spot-on-ness), but also make a novel moveset that I personally want to try. My main in Brawl is Toon Link because I love his maneuverability and his access to projectiles; Mega Man's near-entirely projectile based moveset reminds me of my main. Honestly, I can see him becoming my new one in Smash 4, if he plays like he seems to in the trailers.

Yeah, he's a simple character really. He doesn't have the huge surprise factor of any of the other three, but I see him as the firm anchor of the cast of newcomers. Besides, that music. THAT MUSIC.

Villager Satisfaction: 95%
I was a Tom Nook supporter since the Brawl days; he was third among my wanted characters for this game--higher than Mega Man. I envisioned him using the very tools he sells to lay the smackdown to his opponents. Bug Net grab, fishing rod tether, burying people with the shovel, powerful blows with the axe. We may not have gotten Tom Nook, but we got the moveset I always envisioned for him. It's absolutely glorious. The best part is that it's better than execution than it was on paper, and concepts like the "into the pocket" shield were surprising and seem wonderful in action. This moveset really feels like "Animal Crossing" to me, and it's novel, too--the tree is like something we've never seen before, and the gyroid seem to be, too.

Why then, isn't my satisfaction 100%? Well, it's Villager himself. That blank stare. That generic face. To put it plainly: he's an uninspired avatar. It's tough to roleplay with someone who really doesn't have any aspects of character to him. I guess I can pretend it's myself from Animal Crossing, a friendly mayor who helps run errands. Still, I would rather have had a character, like Tom Nook, instead. Additionally, it pretty much rules Resetti out, so my heart breaks there a little bit. Speaking of that, who wants to nom Resetti?

WII FIT TRAINER Satisfaction: 40%
To begin with, I have some of the same problems with her as I have with Villager: not really a character you can make scenarios with very well. "She's trying to make them lose weight" is about the only thing you can say about her fighting another character. I guess you can say this: she doesn't interact as well with the rest of the cast, even with her humorous entrance. Additionally, her design is as lackluster as Villager's: she looks like a zombie.

Her moveset, while interesting, isn't too much so. Someone doing fitness exercises is fine, but that doesn't necessarily remind me of Wii Fit. I like her moveset mostly because it's just so hilarious in motion, though. When you factor in her taunts and idle animations, it's just plain out wacky. The surprise of seeing her in the trailer and on the site was just so... overpowering. Have I mentioned that I like surprises?

Overall, this is a character who I would slightly prefer were to be left out in favor of someone else. I'm leaning towards thinking "oh, it's her" when I see her on the roster, rather than "oh, I need to try her out." Of the four newcomers so far, she's the only one that hasn't made me really, really want to try her out.

x1 Tingle (That should put him atop Roy)
x4 Toad (It's time to lay him to rest)
Can't get enough Satisfaction, Groose?
Cause I try. And I try. And I try. And I TRY! I can't get NO!

My music tastes: Rock>Orchestral>8-Bit>Metal>everything else.
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