Halloween: 8/10
I'm trying to get caught up on Halloween themed movies this year (I also saw Evil Dead 2, and I'm planning on watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show), so I decided to watch Halloween. I don't watch many scary movies (Alien being the biggest exception), but a few things helped me make the decision to watch this one:
-John Carpenter: I've only seen two John Carpenter movies (Escape from New York and the Thing), but I've really enjoyed both of them
-lack of gore: most of the reviews said that it lacked gore or jumpscares compared to later slashers, and was more of a thriller. I can be a bit squeamish when it comes to that stuff, so that was perfect for me.
I really enjoyed the movie. While the first hour was mostly set-up, it did a good job at making the teenage characters into relatable and normal people, and Michael Myers was constantly lurking in the background, rarely commented on or drawn attention to, like a homicidal "Where's Waldo".
I can see why this was Jamie Lee Curtis's star-making role, as she did a great job here. While Donald Pleasance's Dr. Loomis got a lot of screentime, I feel like he would have came out of nowhere in-universe. Laurie's been cornered by Michael, when out of nowhere, some balding guy shows up, pulls out a gun, and shoots him a bunch of times. Would have been nice to have one scene with them interacting, though maybe that would have thrown off the pacing.
All in all, I really enjoyed the movie.
Halloween II: 7/10
Halloween II was a solid sequel and (rather unusually for a sequel, by my understanding) is set on the same night as the first, only moments later. It was gorier than the first one (I really dislike scenes of people getting injected with things or eye trauma, so the shot of the doctor with a needle in his eye really grossed me out), but still a solid, straightforward storyline.
Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasance continue to be excellent in their roles, and it's a shame that (to my knowledge) from this point on in the series it's only one or the other dealing with Michael. While I've heard that John Carpenter came up with the plot twist of Laurie's relation to Michael on the spur of the moment, it really works. It explains why he's targeting her specifically, but his reason for being so determined to murder his own family is still a mystery.
Speaking of Michael, he seems more like a force of nature this time around (at times, appearing out of the shadows like he's a part of them), and it's interesting how his actions change from one movie to the next. In the first movie, his kills were generally quick - stabbing or choking people, nothing fancy. In the second movie, his kills seem more elaborate, whether it's the aforementioned needle scene, draining the blood from someone's body, or super-heating water to boil someone alive. I feel like, after being shot six times and falling two stories, he's extremely pissed off by this point and is taking it out on his victims.
I didn't like it as much as the first one, as I didn't find the hospital staff as interesting, but it was still a really good movie. It was more of a conclusive ending to the story of Michael Myers (compared to the first one, which ended on a cliffhanger), and while I don't know how they'll explain how Michael surviving the ending, I'll just skip to H20, since it has nothing to do with 3-6.