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Rate my TR team (not made yet)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I was looking to start making a Trick Room team, but I wanted to have people rate my line-up before I make it, so I can make changes.

Heres what I have in mind:

Bronzong @ Leftovers / Occa Berry
252 HP/ Rest Split between Defense and Special Defense
Sassy Nature ( + Special Defense, - Speed)
- Trick Room
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock
- Hypnosis

Bronzong can be used to set up Trick Room because of its many resistances. I won't have a problem switching into a certain type of Pokemon. Levitate eliminates its Ground weakness, and the Occa Berry can be used to eliminate a Fire Attack. My plan would be to switch into Bronzong, Trick Room, Hypnosis, Stealh Rock, then switch out to a better Pokemon.

Gallade @ Expert Belt
252 Attack/ 252 Special Defense
Brave Nature ( + Attack, - Speed)
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

Gallade is my main Physical Sweeper. Its moves can cover alot of types, and Expert Belt gives that extra damage too. Obviously I'll have Trick Room set up before this to aid in sweeping. Its above average Special Defense will help in taking a few hits.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Natural Cure
252 Defense / 252 Special Defense
Relaxed Nature ( + Defense, - Speed)
- Aromatherapy
- Seismic Toss
- Sing
- Softboiled

Doing what Blissey does best.

Dusknoir @ ???
252 HP/ 252 Attack
Brave Nature ( + Attack, - Speed)
- Trick Room
- Pain Split
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch

I needed another Pokemon to set up Trick Room, and Dusknoir is an alright choice IMO. Pain Split is there to keep it alive longer, and IP/TP give a Bolt-Beam combo.

Rhyperior @ Choice Band
Solid Rock
252 Attack / 252 Special Defense
Brave Nature ( + Attack, - Speed)
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Fire Fang
- Ice Fang

Rhyperior is my Physical Sweeper. With max Attack and the bonus damage from Choice Band, it should be able to do a significant amount of damage. Solid Rock lets it survive a little longer, and FF/IF gives it a Bolt-Beam combo.

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Serene Grace
252 Special Attack / Rest spread between Defense and Special Defense
Quiet Nature ( + Special Attack, - Speed)
- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere
- Wish
- Shock Wave

Togekiss with Flinch hax. Wish is there to give some team support, and Shock Wave takes care of Gryados.

So theres what I have in mind for my TR team. Any criticism is appreciated (and needed :p).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2006
I think this is an awesome team. Taking advantage of low base speed stats is a really good idea, it would kind of put to waste your opponents speed EVs. And that Bronzong looks like it would be a major pain to take down (imagine Rest on it, lmao!).

Type wise, its very good. Only overlapping weaknesses are Fighting, Ice, and Ghost. But two of your pokemon are immune to ghost, and I'm sure that it would take a couple Fighting/Ice attacks to bring down Blissey + Rhyperior/Rhyperior + Togekiss. Not to mention Rhyperior's solid rock...(What are Rhyperior and Togekiss' EVs in btw?)

The only thing I can really think of as a threat would be a disabling status, like sleep. Say a Smeargle (lol) with its speed maxed out, having Spore, Lock on, and Sheer Cold as moves came out. It would keep you from using trick room, and spore would knock everything out. There are other pokemon who would probably do that, too. But EVERY team obviously has a weakness, and this is the only one that I can really think of. Seems to me that any other weakness would be pretty situational, I.E. both of your trick room users happen to faint >.>

The only other irritation I can think of would be the need to re-use trick room. Stallers might be a nasty problem when it comes to this.

Possible move changes/critique:
Blissey: Twave instead of sing (I despise the inaccuracy of sing -_-)
I'd also like to see more Gyroball...I mean, a speed deprived team, its perfect.
Rhyperior: I'm not a fan of the new fang attacks, they're only 65 base, only a 10% of effect working, and they have that slight inaccuracy which means you miss when you need it most.

Oh, there's also a lack of any p/hazer, so if something got BPed a massive Attack stat while you were setting up trick room and all that, you could be in for a sweeping.

Otherwise, I think its a great team. Other people may disagree, and pull up a rare situation in which this team might be utterly destroyed, but overall, very good team. 9/10 Because nothing's ever perfect, and someone is definitly going to bring up some counters to this team.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
I have nothing to say about the movesets and EVs of your pokemon*Give yourself a pat on the back for that, it's been a while since I've seen a team that needed no corrections *. I just have 2 things to say.

1. Your team relys on Trick Room, that's not good. What if Dusknoir and/or Bronzong get put to sleep? Then what? But the whole concept of Trick Room... to be honest, I hate it.

2. Gallade and Togekiss aren't supposed to be slow, They can get out-slowed by a Brave Snorlax, Rampardos and/or T-Tar.

Overall- 8/10


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
First off, thanks for the comments. This is my first team making an actual team that revolves around a certain strategy, so I was unsure if it would work out.

I'll start off with my response to the above comments.

(What are Rhyperior and Togekiss' EVs in btw?)
Sorry, I edited that in without saying anything afterwards. Its in the original post now.

The only thing I can really think of as a threat would be a disabling status, like sleep. Say a Smeargle (lol) with its speed maxed out, having Spore, Lock on, and Sheer Cold as moves came out. It would keep you from using trick room, and spore would knock everything out.
That is a viable threat, but you have to think: most tournaments don't allow OHKO moves and almost always include the Sleep Clause. And even if OHKO moves were allowed, I can easily take advantage of the Sleep Clause by switching to another Pokemon, registering Spore illegal.

The only other irritation I can think of would be the need to re-use trick room. Stallers might be a nasty problem when it comes to this.
Thats something I had already anticipated, having to re-use Trick Room over and over. Thats why I tried to stick it on a Pokemon I could easily switch on to, and re-use it. As for stallers, who did you have in mind?

Blissey: Twave instead of sing (I despise the inaccuracy of sing -_-)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't being Paralyzed cut speed in half or reduce it somehow? I thought it was, because a Paralyzed Kingdra (with Rain Dance in effect) outran my Blissey in a tournament once.

I'd also like to see more Gyroball...I mean, a speed deprived team, its perfect.
Yeah, thats one thing I was looking into as well. I'm considering switching out one of my Pokes for Metagross with Gyro Ball.

Rhyperior: I'm not a fan of the new fang attacks, they're only 65 base, only a 10% of effect working, and they have that slight inaccuracy which means you miss when you need it most.
I'm not too worried about the status effect, because Rhyperior is there to dish out heavy damage, simply put. And IMO, 95% looks good enough for me.

1. Your team relys on Trick Room, that's not good. What if Dusknoir and/or Bronzong get put to sleep? Then what? But the whole concept of Trick Room... to be honest, I hate it.
Sleep Clause is obviously one counter to that, as well as Aromatherapy. But I do need more Pokes with TR, as backup.

2. Gallade and Togekiss aren't supposed to be slow, They can get out-slowed by a Brave Snorlax, Rampardos and/or T-Tar.
Oh, there's also a lack of any p/hazer, so if something got BPed a massive Attack stat while you were setting up trick room and all that, you could be in for a sweeping.
Alright, say I pulled Gallade/Togekiss and replaced them with the following?

Metagross @ Leftovers
Clear Body
252 Attack / 252 Defense
Brave Nature ( + Attack, - Speed)
- Gyro Ball
- Zen Headbutt
- Rock Slide
- ???

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Own Tempo
252 HP / 252 Defense
Relaxed Nature ( + Defense, - Speed)
- Trick Room
- Yawn
- Slack Off
- Me First

Metagross is another good choice for a Physical Attacker, since I can take advantage of Gyro Ball, and it sparks excellent defense. It should be able to last a while in combat.

Now for Slowbro >=)

With Slowbro, I'm able to have 3 Pokes with Trick Room, with being able to switch into any of them. Yawn helps to continously disable the opponent, but I might switch that with Toxic due to Sleep Clause. Slack Off keeps Slowbro alive even longer.

As for Me First, I really see that as my trump card. If I understand its description, it attacks the opponent with 1.5 of its power. Now, what if I switch Slowbro into an unexpected DD? I'm able to punish it without having to even set up Trick Room first. I would probably let a Poke DD once, then switch into Slowbro during the second DD, then punish the opponent. IMO, it looks like a great counter, as well as a more effective Haze.

So those are my thoughts, I'm still open for suggestions :)


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Once you opponent knows that you can use Me First, and use is against you to heal.

EX- You used ME First on a Lapras and Lapras was about to use Psychic, then when your opponent catches on, he/she will use Surf to Heal Lapras while you wasted a good turn.

Replace Yawn with Psychic.

As for Meta... for the last move, make it Hammer Arm, it can still get outslowed by a cursing Snorlax.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2006
The thing about yawn...there's that one turn lag for its effect, in which the opponent can either switch, or proceed to pound on Slowbro. I dunno, plus as you are definitely relying on--the sleep clause.

Other pokemon that have great stats but suffer in speed for them...lets see.

A tangrowth with a sassy nature (to cover its dismal SpDefense) has base stats: 100 HP, 100 Attack, 125 Defense, 110 SpAttack, 50 SpDefense, 50 Speed. You could make a tank or mixed sweeper out of that.

Snorlax (obviously). I'm sure you've already thought about this one, so I have nothing to say. Problem: while you're cursing, the trick room counter is ticking down, and you'll only have a few turns to actually attack.

Ttar, another obvious one, but you might want a more sandstorm orientated team. Plus, do sandstorm and trick room conflict? Or can they be in effect at the same time?

Shuckle, with its notoriously bad speed, lol. Imagine, if you were able to get away with a power swap, because your opponent just decides to swap or use seiemic toss.....hahaha, sweep.

I like gyrogross, its cool. Arm hammer to power up Gyroball, and with trick room, you still go first. Btw, how exactly is the base power of gyroball calculated? Does it subtract to attackers speed from the defenders or something?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Alright, I'll throw Psychic on Slowbro instead of Yawn. I'll probably be using Me First only when necessary, to throw off my opponent.

Tangrowth is a viable option...I'll look into one.

You got the reason why I didn't use CurseLax. He would be incredible on a TR team, but the time Cursing would take up the time that TR is in effect. If only it could learn TR...

My team could work with TTar somewhat, but I think its better to keep it off.

Shuckle, hmm? A Power Swapped Shuckle would be extremely powerful, and could work quite well. I'll look into that as well.

As for Gyro Ball, all I know is that the slower you are, the more damage it does. If anyone could explain it better, it would be helpful. :)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
What other moveset for Blissey could be more effective?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I did the Trick Room team on SWF first! I copyright it forever.

For your Rhyperior, instead of using that silly Ice Fang, why not go with the much better Avalanche? It's superior in practically every single way except the 10% chance freeze. After you do that, replace that other, also sucky, Fire Fang. You have an Ice, Ground, and Rock already. There aren't any weaknesses left which a fire attack can Super Effective. So either go with Brick Break/Focus Punch/Shadow Claw/Substitute/Megahorn/Swords Dance.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I did the Trick Room team on SWF first! I copyright it forever.

For your Rhyperior, instead of using that silly Ice Fang, why not go with the much better Avalanche? It's superior in practically every single way except the 10% chance freeze. After you do that, replace that other, also sucky, Fire Fang. You have an Ice, Ground, and Rock already. There aren't any weaknesses left which a fire attack can Super Effective. So either go with Brick Break/Focus Punch/Shadow Claw/Substitute/Megahorn/Swords Dance.
Yeah, I totally forgot about Avalanche! I'll definitely put that on Ryperior instead.

As for Fire Fang, I'll probably replace that with Shadow Claw. That way I have coverage on Psychic and Ghost.
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