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Rate my Luigi


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
Alright, I'm not the best player in the world, but I noticed some little things you did.

One of the most outstanding things is almost every time he got you above a platform on your way down you'd down+b. Now, that's not the worst thing to do, but when you do it almost every time it turns into a bit of a problem.

Also, in my opinion, you need more wavedash/waveland mindgames. Wavedash --> Ftilt

Wavedash --> Grab --> Uthrow --> Shory?(If percent is high enough.)

That's just a few minor options. When someone with more experience busts up in here, they'll give you more tips than I ever could. :D Good luck!


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
Against falco you can't really play defensively like you were doing because of lazers. Use platform wavelands and such to increase mobility and get around him.

Like wiggins said, don't always down B as you're above him. If you can time it well, Nair is a great option because it has priority over falco's up moves (at the start at least) as well as starting sexy combos.

Speaking of combos, make yours more hits. Lots of times you would do low percent up throw-> fair or dair when you could CG, up smash, D smash, SH nair, etc. Luigi needs those combos to do well against them spacies.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I guess we can look at the obvious and see how you're dying. One time was because you rolled and he just fsmashed where you ended up. So that's one thing you could work on is not rolling automatically whenever there's the slightest sign of danger. A lot of people are prone to rolling when their opponent respawns with invincibility. That's when you should not roll. Some people will edgestall with dropdown regrab until it's safe to return to the level, but Luigi's jump is slow so this isn't a good option. Another thing people will do to avoid harm during a respawn is to waveland around the platforms fast enough to not get hit. I would advise doing this instead of giving in to the urge to roll.

Two of your other deaths were caused by getting up from the ledge into Falco's fsmash. It's generally not a good idea to do standard ledge returns over 100% because it'll be a lot slower. Better to ledgedash > shield. Luigi can also ledgehop > fair and still have time to down-b before he hits the ground.

I did notice that you fair and dair a lot. Dair is really really good. I would continue to abuse this move. However, sometimes you have better options. All of Luigi's aerials are good; but some are better than others. Nair, for instance, has soo much priority. God, you need to take advantage of this move. It also combos like crazy. Why settle for a dair when you can nair into a fair? Free damage.

I was playing with Boss (the Mario player) a week ago and he was talking about how Luigi's moves chain so well. This is absolutely true.

Often times a nair can be followed with an utilt, another nair, or anything other aerial. So that's one thing. Dsmash is also gold. It's so fast. You can essentially wavedash out of shield to dsmash between Falco's lasers. It's that good.

So waveland more. Know your ledge options. Know what moves are good when. Don't become too roll happy. Etc. You're pretty good though. Keep playing. Luigi is a legit character.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
ChivalRuse pretty much nailed. I would say the big thing you want to work on is general movement. Practice wavelanding, wavedashing out of shield, and silly platform wavelands.

Offensively, especially against falco, you need to get those grabs off. Against falco a grab at any percent can be a stock. They are tougher to get but so useful. In general I try to tech chase to get a grab. Also, sometimes rather than doing a combo starter, you want to get the character off stage. There was a point where you got a free hit against the falco at the ledge. You dsmashed, but I would have either grabbed or ftilted. Getting falco off stage is much more useful that starting a combo.

The other thing you want to get a feel for is timing. It seemed like your moves were a little delayed out of your wavedashes. Get those moves out faster.
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