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Rate My (competitive) Team, Please


Smash Cadet
Oct 29, 2006
Sleep with Breloom, switch to Ninjask, speed up, and pass to Rampardos. A fast Rampardos is something to fear even for physical walls. (165 Base Attack.)
I was trying to go with less commonly seen movesets for a surprise element, so if anyone could help with that I'd love it. Thanks.

Breloom @ Choice Scarf
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Effect Spore
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Choice Scarf? Yes. Jolly? Yes. The point is to outspeed anything and sleep it without any possible chance of fail unless their lead is a Choice Scarfer ( I seriously doubt it.)

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold (+ Def, -Atk)
Natural Cure
- Counter
- Seismic Toss
- Softboiled
- Ice Beam
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
Counter kills. Blissey can survive anything that's not a fighting type move.

Ninjask @ Liechi Berry
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
Speed Boost
- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Baton Passer for Rampardos. I didn't lead with it because and Weavile with Ice Shard will kill it before it can Substitute.

Umbreon @ Nothing
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
- Covet
- Wish
- Mean Look
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 40 Sp. Def
EVs were geared more towards defense. The surprise is Covet, which, I think will work work very well. Mostly for use after locking an opponent in with Mean Look, so I don't accidentaly steal something like Choice Band.

Rampardos @ Life Orb
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Mold Breaker
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Pursuit
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Centerpiece of the strategy and a scary one at that.

Togekiss @ Light Clay
Calm (+Sp. Def, -Atk)
Serene Grace
- Aura Sphere
- Air Slash
- Reflect
- Wish
EVs: 232 Sp. Def / 212 HP / 60 Sp. Atk
A "bulky" Togekiss. Not really a wall, but it plays a role as both some bulk for the team, and a special attacker. We're physically weak, so I used light clay with reflect to fix that. Moveset/EV help on this one would be greatly appreciated.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
Sleep with Breloom, switch to Ninjask, speed up, and pass to Rampardos. A fast Rampardos is something to fear even for physical walls. (165 Base Attack.)
I was trying to go with less commonly seen movesets for a surprise element, so if anyone could help with that I'd love it. Thanks.

Breloom @ Choice Scarf
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Effect Spore
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Choice Scarf? Yes. Jolly? Yes. The point is to outspeed anything and sleep it without any possible chance of fail unless their lead is a Choice Scarfer ( I seriously doubt it.)

umm, what about gengar? you dont think that there are any CS gengars with like sludge bomb? and it will outspeed you.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold (+ Def, -Atk)
Natural Cure
- Counter
- Seismic Toss
- Softboiled
- Ice Beam
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
Counter kills. Blissey can survive anything that's not a fighting type move.

aromatherapy over counter perhaps.

Ninjask @ Liechi Berry
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
Speed Boost
- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Baton Passer for Rampardos. I didn't lead with it because and Weavile with Ice Shard will kill it before it can Substitute.


Umbreon @ Nothing
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
- Covet
- Wish
- Mean Look
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 40 Sp. Def
EVs were geared more towards defense. The surprise is Covet, which, I think will work work very well. Mostly for use after locking an opponent in with Mean Look, so I don't accidentaly steal something like Choice Band.

i dont really like the idea of using this covet strategy, i dont know if umbreon will live long enough, but its your choice. i hope it works well for your sake.

Rampardos @ Life Orb
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Mold Breaker
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Pursuit
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Centerpiece of the strategy and a scary one at that.

good. although head smash is really weak.. maybe you should switch with rock throw?


Togekiss @ Light Clay
Calm (+Sp. Def, -Atk)
Serene Grace
- Aura Sphere
- Air Slash
- Reflect
- Wish
EVs: 232 Sp. Def / 212 HP / 60 Sp. Atk
A "bulky" Togekiss. Not really a wall, but it plays a role as both some bulk for the team, and a special attacker. We're physically weak, so I used light clay with reflect to fix that.

i love serene grace on this thing. with airslash getting stab! so beautiful. i guess the reflect is a good idea cuz your team is lacking a physical wall too bad you cant get recover on togekiss, but wish is fine, i might go with roost just in case, but wish is good.

Moveset/EV help on this one would be greatly appreciated.
and that is what i have to say.


Smash Cadet
Oct 29, 2006
Thank you very much. :D Very helpful indeed. I refuse to get rid of Counter though, because Blissey can take physical hits and then beat whatever just hit it.

CS Gengar leads? I'll have to look out for those. I'll just bring out Blissey and save Breloom for later. Thanks.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2007
Fresno, CA
It's writen down on the quotes.

Breloom @ Choice Scarf
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Effect Spore
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Choice Scarf? Yes. Jolly? Yes. The point is to outspeed anything and sleep it without any possible chance of fail unless their lead is a Choice Scarfer ( I seriously doubt it.)

Spore and Choice Scarf? Because you're limited to one move with Choice Scarf, I'm guessing you're sporing and then switching out?

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold (+ Def, -Atk)
Natural Cure
- Counter
- Seismic Toss
- Softboiled
- Ice Beam
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
Counter kills. Blissey can survive anything that's not a fighting type move.

Try out Charm. It lowers your opponent's attacks by two levels. That means half their Attack. However Charm is illegal with Seismic Toss. Counter is a good suprise attack but use Charm, it's worth it. Another Choice is Calm Mind. Aromatherophy is good too. (Depends on what job you're doing with Blissey. Sponge, SpAtt, etc.)

Ninjask @ Liechi Berry
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
Speed Boost
- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Baton Passer for Rampardos. I didn't lead with it because and Weavile with Ice Shard will kill it before it can Substitute.

You're obviously going to out run everything. That's a pretty standard set.

Umbreon @ Nothing
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
- Covet
- Wish
- Mean Look
- Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 40 Sp. Def
EVs were geared more towards defense. The surprise is Covet, which, I think will work work very well. Mostly for use after locking an opponent in with Mean Look, so I don't accidentaly steal something like Choice Band.

Umbreon is completly walled by ghost type. Covet may not be the best choice. Try theif lol. It actually hits Ghost Types.

Rampardos @ Life Orb
Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk)
Mold Breaker
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Pursuit
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Centerpiece of the strategy and a scary one at that.

Don't use Head Smash. It has a 50% recoil rate and Rampardos is too fragile to lose HP from recoil. Add that to the Life Orb effect and that's alot of recoil. Use Stone Edge instead. It may be less accurate but at least you know that you will probably live to attack again

Togekiss @ Light Clay
Calm (+Sp. Def, -Atk)
Serene Grace
- Aura Sphere
- Air Slash
- Reflect
- Wish
EVs: 232 Sp. Def / 212 HP / 60 Sp. Atk
A "bulky" Togekiss. Not really a wall, but it plays a role as both some bulk for the team, and a special attacker. We're physically weak, so I used light clay with reflect to fix that. Moveset/EV help on this one would be greatly appreciated.

Try Roost instead of Wish. Roost eliminates all of the Flying type weakness and doesn't require a one-turn wait. And super effective attack on a roosting Togekiss is relatively small damage.

That's just my opinion. You don't really have to take it serisouly.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Medicham has higher base attack power than rampardos with the ability pure power. It's atk stat goes up to 480 max vs Rampardos 471 max atk. The only thing with more attack is attack form deoxy's. Rampardos has the 3rd highest attk base power. I just thought I let you know that.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
I tried X-scissor on my shiny Ninjask, dont work very well, it´s too standart, try using aerial ace or something that hurts Heracross and other ninjasks with more....
Thief on Umbreon even gets STAB XD,
if using aromatherapy, take it over seismic toss, since counter works really well on blissey and you wont´want a ghosttype (gengar) to not be hit at all...
and CC, dont thinked about Marowak, he is kinda funny to use with setup...
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