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raptor boost edgeguarding off ledge (read this, it works)


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
ight, i found this to be pretty amazing against characters who recover against the wall. what i mean is, characters who slide up the wall when they recover. this works best on yoshis island because it pretty much ensures you'll hit them, and trust me when you hit them it's pretty sexy.

for example, you're on the ledge on yoshis. a lucario is under you, and he up-b's straight up. fall of the ledge, raptor boost TOWARDS THE STAGE and watch as lucario gets spiked, and as you bounce up from hitting him, you auto-sweetspot the ledge. the 1st time i did it, i didn't even know what had happened lmao it's really fast.

i wonder if this can work on stages other than yoshis (since they dont have a wall)... i'll test it out soon.

so far, i think this would work on almost all of the cast. dedede and ike have superarmor, DK would probably outprioritize this, and metaknight would probably hit through it, and tethers would probably go through it as well, but that's only like 10 characters who can actually block this. (yes, it hits snake! :))

try it out guys!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
It works on many stages. It's just hard to execute.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
on yoshis? its extremely easy. it would work on anyone who doesnt outprioritize raptor, excluding the characters above. but either way thats cool man, thanks for letting me know.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
Southern California
I don't really care to test myself because I'm lazy, but you can probably just grab a ledge, drop off of it, jump, and raptor boost quickly and it should still work. If you miss, you still grab the ledge. Spam as necessary if you don't actually feel like timing your opponent's recovery.

This is just a hypothetical. This is kind of a cute tactic, but it's fairly situational. You'll see it now and then, I guess.

In short: spam this against the ledge. I've tried this sort of thing before but never caught anyone with it. Maybe you can try for me.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
Can you do it away from the edge to intercept non-wallhugging recoveries? E.g., hanging from ledge, press back and B to drop and instantly Raptor Boost, start holding back towards the stage, intercept a Fox/Falco/CF/Ganon, use the bounce to regrab? I'm assuming this works, but I'm wondering if you can regrab from a decent distance out because of the bump. I'm talking about half of the RB's length or so.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Can you do it away from the edge to intercept non-wallhugging recoveries? E.g., hanging from ledge, press back and B to drop and instantly Raptor Boost, start holding back towards the stage, intercept a Fox/Falco/CF/Ganon, use the bounce to regrab? I'm assuming this works, but I'm wondering if you can regrab from a decent distance out because of the bump. I'm talking about half of the RB's length or so.
it probably would work but if you miss you just owned yourself


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
it probably would work but if you miss you just owned yourself
Wouldn't be the first time.


It would be interesting to see what the range of it could be though. As an aside, is there a thread or post that compares Raptor Boost's priority to everyone's recoveries? There are some I'm curious about but not sure and I don't have a Wii here to test with.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
Can you do it away from the edge to intercept non-wallhugging recoveries? E.g., hanging from ledge, press back and B to drop and instantly Raptor Boost, start holding back towards the stage, intercept a Fox/Falco/CF/Ganon, use the bounce to regrab? I'm assuming this works, but I'm wondering if you can regrab from a decent distance out because of the bump. I'm talking about half of the RB's length or so.
yes, that works too and it's one of the few entertaining things in brawl lol. falcon can definitely gimp hard in this game. i'll test this and get back to you by letting you know just how far the bump pushes him back. i doubt he'd recover if you hit them at the end of the raptor boost, but if it's 1 stock to 1 stock, you would get the kill first. :)

artie ma dude we definitely need to play. are you coming to the weekly today? we should team sometime lol, DOUBLE FALCON!! :bee:

@ above poster, i might be coming to cali this summer. if i do, $1000 MM? i could start saving up now if you want. and since you're so confident in yourself, how about your falcon vs my snake? :O

I don't really care to test myself because I'm lazy, but you can probably just grab a ledge, drop off of it, jump, and raptor boost quickly and it should still work. If you miss, you still grab the ledge. Spam as necessary if you don't actually feel like timing your opponent's recovery.

This is just a hypothetical. This is kind of a cute tactic, but it's fairly situational. You'll see it now and then, I guess.

In short: spam this against the ledge. I've tried this sort of thing before but never caught anyone with it. Maybe you can try for me.
yep, this would work too. in case anyone didn't know, there are 2 ways to hit the ledge with raptor boost. 1 will auto-sweetspot, which is better for recovery, but there's another way so that the raptor boost animation will continue against the wall. i'm not sure if this spikes an auto-sweetspotter.. they might go through it. but if it does, that'd be pretty sexy. in that case, you could use my method of falling down and raptor boosting if you don't have much time to spike them. otherwise this would be optimal.

btw, whether you auto-sweetspot or not with raptor boost depends on your elevation next to the ledge. if you're a bit under the ledge and you raptor, you'll auto-sweetspot. if you're directly horizontal to it, you won't. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Sorry, I just don't understand what's new in this thread. There's already a thread that lists all the recoveries that Raptor Boost can beat, and I thought it was pretty obvious that you had to do them near the ledge or else you'll just fall to your death after them anways.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
yes, that works too and it's one of the few entertaining things in brawl lol. falcon can definitely gimp hard in this game. i'll test this and get back to you by letting you know just how far the bump pushes him back. i doubt he'd recover if you hit them at the end of the raptor boost, but if it's 1 stock to 1 stock, you would get the kill first. :)

artie ma dude we definitely need to play. are you coming to the weekly today? we should team sometime lol, DOUBLE FALCON!! :bee:

@ above poster, i might be coming to cali this summer. if i do, $1000 MM? i could start saving up now if you want. and since you're so confident in yourself, how about your falcon vs my snake? :O

yep, this would work too. in case anyone didn't know, there are 2 ways to hit the ledge with raptor boost. 1 will auto-sweetspot, which is better for recovery, but there's another way so that the raptor boost animation will continue against the wall. i'm not sure if this spikes an auto-sweetspotter.. they might go through it. but if it does, that'd be pretty sexy. in that case, you could use my method of falling down and raptor boosting if you don't have much time to spike them. otherwise this would be optimal.

btw, whether you auto-sweetspot or not with raptor boost depends on your elevation next to the ledge. if you're a bit under the ledge and you raptor, you'll auto-sweetspot. if you're directly horizontal to it, you won't. :)
lol most likly next week if you want to team up double falcon would be cool lol. btw i just figures out today was friday and i got to start going to sleep at the right time again if i want to make it to another tourney


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
haha artie. as cool as double falcon would be.. i play brawl for the money lol. and i just don't see double falcon winning teams anytime soon lmao, but we'll definitely get some friendlies in


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
haha artie. as cool as double falcon would be.. i play brawl for the money lol. and i just don't see double falcon winning teams anytime soon lmao, but we'll definitely get some friendlies in
LOL thats cool. i should be there this week 4 sure. A couple friendlies would be cool. and if we ever did team up i need more 2v2 experience. still a novice in doubles :urg:
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