Weird MU. My best friend + Dubs partner is an Ike main. He's not the best, but playing him a lot has given me a lot of info on this MU.
I think we win pretty solidly, 60-40 probably. 70-30 at the most, our favor.
In the neutral, it's not bad for either party. Ike has great disjoint, poking, combos, and safe kill moves. You really gotta watch out for that dash attack, don't throw out fading aerials willy nilly or he will go in. It kills at around 111%. However Ike can't deal with projectiles well, and grabbing the gyro does nothing for him but eliminate some of his best options. Fair is really good in this MU because it beats out his by a long shot, but watch out for his nair. It starts in front of him and is a good combo starter.
Off stage we win pretty handedly, which is why I think we win this MU solidly. Ike has one of the easiest recoveries to spike for us, as you can easily position yourself to sweet spot dair him while avoiding his hitboxes on both his side and up bs. Just remember he has super armor on start up. When we're off stage it isn't bad, but we need to be careful. Ike's fair kills pretty early near the edges of the stage, and his back air kills even early than that. His dair is also really strong, but has a lot of start up. It should be very easy to airdodge.
Things to specifically look out for: bair, fair, dash attack. Just stay back and play the projectile game, putting on pressure as needed.