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Questions for icy mainers:


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
They're so fun to use even without their grainchabs so I'm deciding to main them soley from scratch.

What is their hardest matchup?
Using the green and blue costume will get me confused from nana and popo? (it's my favorite costume)
How do they fair against snake?
Should I write down a list of how to do all their grainchabs and other facts?
Double edgehog any useful?
Anything else I should know about desyncing?


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
1. The common belief is Metaknight.
2. Ok...?
3. I personally don't have too much of a hard time against Snake, but I guess you just have to fight him yourself and find out. Everyone plays differently.
4. If that's what helps you. If you have a hard time remembering the steps to take to do some chaingrabs/desynchs, then go ahead and write them down. It wouldn't hurt, but eventually it should become second nature, and you'll do certain desynchs without even thinking about it.
5. Having two climbers on the edge at the same time makes no difference. If you mean one climber on the edge, and one edgeguarding, then yeah, that's pretty useful. It's nice to have a climber always ready if your opponent makes it back to the stage.
6. Just experiment with it. The pivot desynch is probably the easiest one to learn. I'd suggest using desynchs as an approach method; I like to have desynched blizzards or squall hammers, continuously moving towards my opponent. It puts some pressure on them, and can rack up some good damage, especially the squall hammers if your opponent gets caught in it. But yeah, just experiment with it.


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
1) I have problems with Metaknight and Pikachu. More so the former.
2) Some of their costumes actually switch the climbers roles. I.e Nana will be the one you control primarily and Popo the follower.
3) Snake doesnt give me much problem.
4) I didnt write them down. I just watched videos a couple times and tried till i could mimic perfectly.
5) Theres two ways to deal with people getting back onto the edge. A recent finding by Hylian shows a spike ability with their edge recovery attack due to hitboxes on the bottom. And yet another is this thing where you can do a dash pivot right before you fall of the edge of the stage, Popo stays up free to attack while Nana edgehogs. Very effective.
6) Melomaniacl is right about the pivot desync. Its by far the easiest and the easiest one to do consistently without fail. I havnt seen much reason to learn others. And i dont use desyncing for anything more than a spacer and approaches.


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
1) I have to say Meta as well
2)not sure i understand
3)I never really like the CG timing on snake, but we do good damage have decent priority and in my experience he is slow enough to lag and leave him self open for grabs.
4)I also never wrote then down but i also practiced all my chain grabs at 1.5 speed so when i do then in matches they seem slow and easyer to do. worked for me but i look for certain frames instead of a set rythem as to when to grab, so it might screw up your timing.
5)Cant lie im terrible at edge guarding.
6)ditto to above, i use it to approach alot, but other than that i like to keep my nana synced im to scared of losing her, it takes alot of pressure and mind game options away from me when the opponent knows i cant CG. I find that CG is great but the fact that the opponent is always scared of it is better i dash they thing your going to grab so you squall or do some other attack instead.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
These are obviously IMHO

What is their hardest matchup? - Meta, Pika, and Zelda...all three of them can separate and hurt you terribly
Using the green and blue costume will get me confused from nana and popo? - the only costume that confuses me is the white and white one haha, the others are all easy to keep track of who is who
How do they fair against snake? - for me, terribly, i can't fight a good snake with them, a bad one yes, but a good snake will always beat my ICs
Should I write down a list of how to do all their grainchabs and other facts? - naw, just find one that you can do easily and consistently and remember that one
Double edgehog any useful? - hanging on the edge makes no difference with two IC's, but there is a glitch where popo is on the stage and nana is under and they are both swining away....check it out on youtube, i forget the video though
Anything else I should know about desyncing? - Desynching is a great tool, but know that the ICs synched can still own face, but desynching creates a multitude of possibilities for combos


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
My answers to your questions...

They're so fun to use even without their grainchabs so I'm deciding to main them soley from scratch.

What is their hardest matchup?
Using the green and blue costume will get me confused from nana and popo? (it's my favorite costume)
How do they fair against snake?
Should I write down a list of how to do all their grainchabs and other facts?
Double edgehog any useful?
Anything else I should know about desyncing?
1. Their hardest mathup is a character that you're unfamiliar with. This holds true once you've gotten real good at the chain-grabs. Essentially, say you've mastered the timing for characters A, B, C, and D, then suddenly you fight character E. Character E may very well be the hardest match-up because you've yet to perfect the timing against him.

Chain-grabs, aside, I'm not sure who I'd say is the toughest match-up. I tend to fair well against every character now because once I grab them I kill them.

2. Get use to using any costume, the costumes where both ICs are the same color can actually confuse your enemy... especially if they're not use to dealing with ICs. You'll get use to it yourself eventually.

3. 2 of my friends play as Snake, and I'd have to say that the ICs fair well against him. He's a tough character once mastered. Also, he's one of the more difficult characters to CG. However, he's so easy to Ice-Block-lock, and you can easily follow up with another grab, then spike him off the stage with a d-throw to Nana Fair.

4. I do recommend you make a list, a sort of guide so-to-speak. I did the same when I first decided to main ICs. For me, it was nice to have the information laid out before me on paper whilst I was practicing IC stuff in training. It spared me the trouble of having to run back-and-forth to my computer.

5. Double edge-hogging useful? As in, both Ice Climbers sitting on the same ledge? I haven't found it to be useful. Though, I have found that typically after performing a D-throw to Nana Fair on an enemy at the edge, Nana lands on the edge. If you don't input any commands for Popo, she will stay there hanging. The benefit to this is that when the enemy gets close enough to the edge that they may try attacking Nana, if you quickly do a forward smash, both Popo and Nana will execute the smash. Popo will do the f-smash on the stage, and Nana will do it suspended in mid-air, off the edge of the stage. This I've found is very useful. Also, If you try charging the Fsmash, Nana will climb back up. In addition, if I recall, c-sticking the Fsmash also results in Nana climbing back up. Ultimately, it's finicky, but you have to quickly do a Fsmash the old fashioned way.

6. Desynched Ice Blocks are very important, and are far better than synched Ice Blocks. This is for a few reasons. For one, the desynched Ice Block timing can be changed on the fly by changing the pace of the button input, this makes them very hard to dodge as you can change-up their distance from one another. Also, you must master desynching as a way to lead into a grab. For example, Nana short-hop blizzard then Popo can run in and grab the trapped enemy, from here, any CG combo can start.

In addition, desynched Squall Hammer is immensely useful, against some characters more than others. Once mastered, it should not so much be a technique where one spams the side B input, rather, they time it patiently so that they get the most out of their desynched Squall Hammer combo. Also, you want to be careful with your movement during this move because if you move to fast you'll pass through the enemy, to slow and they'll get out. Oftetimes, if you move at the correct speed, you'll be able to keep the enemy trapped for a long duration, carrying them across the stage. Practice.

Right off the bat, I'm going to tell you that the most effective way of desynching is to do so before the match starts. Just hold down B, then when the game starts, press be simultaneously. Nana will fire off an Ice Block due to the fact that you held down B, and you can have Popo use an Ice Block right after Nana... Whaalaa they're desynched. This will cause the enemy some aggravation. Another incredibly simple desynch is Z(grab) plus back on the control stick. It might take a few tries to get right. Once perfected, it's a very reliable desynch and for me it works wonders.

I hope this has helped some...

In the end, practice makes perfect, and that couldn't be more true with the Ice Climbers.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
3. Snake is very hard. Bad matchup. Mostly because of his tilts/usmash more than anything else. His tilt range is twice your grab range, or more.

Just wanted to clear that up.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
They're so fun to use even without their grainchabs so I'm deciding to main them soley from scratch.

What is their hardest matchup?
Using the green and blue costume will get me confused from nana and popo? (it's my favorite costume)
How do they fair against snake?
Should I write down a list of how to do all their grainchabs and other facts?
Double edgehog any useful?
Anything else I should know about desyncing?
1) MK
2) ............???
3) It's either even or in Snake's advantage.
4) I already made a thread on CG's.
5) Very situational.
6) There's also a desynch thread.
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