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Question about c falcon


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2008
How do you aproach someone. The only real way i know how to get something started with falcon is, run at them with a dash, or run and try to grab. Any other ways?


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Leap at them with a knee of justice.

Or just run at them with a dash attack/aerial.

Or if you're feeling lucky, a Flying Falcon Punch.

Falcon Kick works nicely, but don't spam it.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Assuming they're on FD, I would either run and short hop fair, or run jump right about at their feet and short hop bair them. Of course, these only work a small fraction of the time, but at least it's something better than dash attack, or falcon kick, or over B.

(Falcon is just horrible all-around when not in mid-air)

Not that this isn't basic information, but you really CAN'T beat decent players with Falcon unless you have really good tech skills or are just really fast with maneuvering him.

My preferred way of approaching ( with anyone) is short hopping aerials, depending on their reach and the time it takes to recover from their attacks. Falcon's range is pitiful, so you're not likely to start anything unless God bestows his grace upon you to allow you to actually sweetspot a knee.

Honestly, don't approach conventionally with Falcon. Short hop air dodge and dance around your opponents until you've mindgame'd them into a missed attack, at which point you either over B or grab, and aerial them--neither of which are very reliable or useful.

Don't approach with Falcon per se as much as always stay near your opponents and quickly moving around them, waiting for a time to strike with your horrible range.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2006
San Diego, CA
Yeah Sudsy brings up a good point when he says to avoid approaching with c.falcon. Unfortunately this is impossible because most characters have some form of projectile and they will harrass you with it from range.

When you are forced to approach, I think a reverse aerial rushed bair works the best. Dash attacks are also good but you have to change it up so you don't become predictable.

Another great tactic that I heard Wogrim talk about was lingering just outside of your opponents attack range. This either causes them to approach you or gives you a nice opportunity of punishing them.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Falcon has reach, guys just learn to use Utilt, it's range is beyond Falcon's heel, it's got a kinda messed up hitbox, nothing too much but it's the best we've got
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