[/rightw]Project Sora, the studio that created Kid Icarus Uprising as well as Super Smash Bros. is closing down at the end of July. No details of exactly why has been posted, but it is not a huge surprise taking into consideration Namco-Bandai's entrance into Smash Bros. development.
What does this mean for the future of Super Smash Bros.?
Fortunately (
) Masahiro Sakurai will still lead the charge in the development of the new Smash Bros. series. Essentially, Namco-Bandai's influence will replace Project Sora. What did Project Sora's influence contribute to the past Super Smash Bros. games and how will Namco-Bandai's influence affect the future Super Smash Bros. games?
Nothing is set in stone and everything is still up for grabs. With the foundation being completely revamped, there is a good chance that the new Smash Bros. will be very different from its predecessors.
Update: To help clear up some confusion, Sora Ltd., headed by Masahiro Sakurai, will still be on the team. Nintendo officially announced that all three entities (Project Sora, Sora Ltd., and Namco-Bandai) were to originally work on the new Smash 4 game. However, this is no longer the case and it has now decreased to the Sora Ltd. and Namco-Bandai dynamic duo.
Source: http://kotaku.com/5924999/smash-bros-creators-studio-closes-down
Content Contributor: Dark 3nergy

What does this mean for the future of Super Smash Bros.?
Fortunately (
Nothing is set in stone and everything is still up for grabs. With the foundation being completely revamped, there is a good chance that the new Smash Bros. will be very different from its predecessors.
Update: To help clear up some confusion, Sora Ltd., headed by Masahiro Sakurai, will still be on the team. Nintendo officially announced that all three entities (Project Sora, Sora Ltd., and Namco-Bandai) were to originally work on the new Smash 4 game. However, this is no longer the case and it has now decreased to the Sora Ltd. and Namco-Bandai dynamic duo.
Source: http://kotaku.com/5924999/smash-bros-creators-studio-closes-down
Content Contributor: Dark 3nergy