I actually note the bugs on my phone, then I come to fix them on my PC.
I didn't have internet yesterday, the whole area I live didn't for some reason, but oh well.
Alright, I'll go test the latest build.
Btw, I'm getting a glitch which if you quit or win a battle, the game freezes silently...
I'll see why is that.
EDIT: Finally, fixed nearly everything, I only have one thing to fix, it's easy.
EDITEDIT: Shall we release test version 3? I only need a few animations to release the final version.
So yeah
But of course, some stuff we should do before that:
1- (Me) make the Shadow Ball replacements, I just made bob omb and it works pretty well, it's actually amusing, and I have lots of others, if you have any ideas for this, please post, and if you have the model you're talking about, please link me!
2- (DD, Me, TSON, AGFP or DS22) Make the Down B.
3- (StarWaffle) Make these animations: DAir, Ottoto, cliff wait, Attack12, squat stuff, walk, and run.
4- (DD, Me, TSON, AGFP or DS22) Final Smash.
5- (Me) Win animations and taunts.
That is all that we need, I'll try to do what I have to do today, and I will prepare the pack for the final stuff (from portraits, to sound replacements, to alt textures, etc.).
So guys, please do what you can!
EDITLOL: It's getting really dead around here...
Anyways, My Mewtwo looks great, I decided to use deoxys' Hyper Beam as his Final Smash, respectively, but it'll be different.
Final Smash:
Mewtwo teleports (yes it has the teleportation SFX, and the GFX for it) up to the highest point of the stage... Damaging anyone in his teleportation trail, and the damage is really powerful
BEWARE of it. But it doesn't have much knockback respectively.
Then he shoots a powerful
lazor laser, it's electric based, and then the last one is darkness, and NO IT'S NOT BROKEN! It has the same knockback as Lucario.
So it's an awesome FS for Mewtwo.
I'll do some fixes -if it is Allah's willing- and upload Test Version 3.
Please work on Mewtwo Test Version 3 if you are working, yeah.
Oh and the Entry? Just leave it to me, I'm making it now.
Actually, I'm injecting the SFX for it so yeah
Last time, I replaced the "HEEEEEEEEEERRRYAAAA!" sound on the wiimote with Mewtwo's cry, which I ripped from a 4th gen game, this time, I'm replacing it with a better one from PBR, since PBR is a wii game, it has much better quality sounds than the 4th Gen ones. But of course it'll be reduced to 6khz but still, not that bad for a wiimote sound.
And second, his entry will -if it is Allah's willing- have the same SFX, but with the final smash echo, and 16khz, which is tons better than just 6k.
And in the final version, if it is Allah's willing, I'll try to provide a better way of SFX uploading.
Recently, stickman has made something called "Hex Packets", I wish someone could teach me how to make those....
AWESOMEEDIT: Alright injected the SFX, now to the animation...
LOL: Out of ideas for entry, though Lucario's entry looks good enough. What do you guys think?
And please don't kill this thread...
EPICEDIT: Everything looks awesome now, I just need the final smash model, which I already have actually, then -if it is Allah's willing- I'll post the...