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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
Exp Share's functionality take all challenge out of an already super easy franchise, while also making it more annoying to train up individual underlevelled pokemon if you're trying not to use the auto easy mode. The hub city of faux-Paris is absolute **** and a nightmare to navigate, with awful camera controls. The Battle Mansion is boring as **** replacing something that was at least slightly more interesting, and the game has little to no endgame post-E4 content to speak of, alongside lacking any neat sidequests for stuff like a legendary trio or anything like that.

The small quality-of-life changes they made to having better models and only having a pseudo-grid on the overworld are nice, but they don't make up for the rest of the shortcomings of the game enough to make it worthwhile.

I'm definitely not going to buy Sun/Moon unless it's abundantly clear that they've managed to do something actually new and interesting with it, or at least bring back the neater stuff like obscure puzzles for legendary trios. There doesn't feel like there's any mystery in the Pokemon games to me anymore, and it's not just because of familiarity and internet guides.
I liked it. It was fun. I liked exploring. That was fun too. Catching Pokemon was also fun, and I liked training Pokemon. Music was nice and everything, and I liked the graphics.

I thought it was a fun game.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I think my favorite "oooh a mystery" moment in Pokemon was when I found the friggin braille walls in Gen 3. That deepsea cave was weird as heck, and I didn't know something like that existed in the game. I ended up looking up a braille chart online, and went on to catch the Regi trio without using a guide, just piecing together what I needed to do. Felt cool, actually, finding out what the hell those weird rock mountain things were in all the routes. Looking back on it, it's one of the reasons I loved Gen3 so much.

The first cool moment I had was Ruins of Alph in Gen 2, though. Solve the sliding block puzzle, fall through the floor, and...wait, where is everyone? And why are there suddenly encounters here? And what the **** are these things? Incredibly spooky for a little kid.
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Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
I liked it. It was fun. I liked exploring. That was fun too. Catching Pokemon was also fun, and I liked training Pokemon. Music was nice and everything, and I liked the graphics.

I thought it was a fun game.
I mean it's only a problem if you've played past games.

But the new ones just haven't brought anything of substance to the table. It's just the same game. The exploration doesn't pay off as much as it has in the past, routes are more linear and there are fewer really rewarding puzzles or secrets, meaning there's less of that exploration in the first place.

It's fine for a Pokemon game. The problem is that it's like the sixth generation and barely does anything new. It's just stale by now.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I think my lessening enjoyment of Pokemon is a combination of it being iterative, and a result of me just kinda growing up. I really got into Gen 2 and Gen 3 because I was younger and the idea of going on an adventure just captured me right off the bat. New Pokemon, new region, new routes, new secrets, etc. I don't know if the actual quality of the puzzles and exploration has degraded at all compared to older generations(because nostalgia is a *****), but the games certainly don't capture me like they used to. I don't get the thrill of adventure from them anymore, even if the actual combat and gameplay is still largely solid, and I think this might just be a result of not being an overly imaginative kid anymore.

When I really think about it, what made me fall in love with Pokemon wasn't the whole mon-collecting thing, it was the adventure that happened to involve the mon-collecting. And the adventure lost it's charm after a while. I mean, it's suuuper obvious in retrospect, but I didn't think about that at the time.
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Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I mean, we've had a bunch of AAA games with protagonists acting as father figures, so it's kinda already happening.

Gimme a game where I can be a beleagured TA and just crush simpering undergrads with criticisms and terrible grades. And then feed off of their despair and crushed dreams.

I'll play it once, nod at all the inside jokes and pretentious theming that'll no doubt get thrown in, then just boot up Hotline Miami so that I can descend into an electronica fueled orgy of violence, heart-pounding action, and zany colors.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
I kind of find it funny Nintendo likes to innovate on the hardware front, but play more conservatively when it comes to their best franchises. The regular Pokemon campaigns are great and all, but I will agree it's been gotten stale for a long while now, and feels more like going through the motions now. Gen 3 making the box legendaries central to the game's plot with the evil team trying to harness their power was pretty novel at the time, but now it's just been overdone to hilarious extremes.

I really liked how Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD shook things up during a time when the Pokémon craze first starting dying down. It wasn't about collecting 8 gym badges and beating the Pokemon League, but actually taking part in a full-fledged adventure. Game Freak didn't develop those games and they're pretty adamant with keeping the Pokemon series on the handhelds for obvious reasons, and while they certainly had their flaws, I and many others genuinely enjoyed these games for bringing something different, and it's a shame they never really did anything like them again after the Gamecube era. Maybe it seemed too alienating for their core audience of young children? I don't know.
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Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
At this point, playing each Pokemon game has become more of a chore than anything else. It's like how I went to see Episode 7, it's something I have to do. If it happens to be a great experience, that's just incidental.
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Deleted member

kendrick lamar is gonna help me win this melee tournament tomorrow

i don't give a **** about hamlin or wobbles, you can't beat kendrick


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Cancerous cacophony in the pages and pages of stupid arguments Project M has endured over the years.

****, I ruined it.
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Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
wait I just realized, since you can now pokebank from a gen 1 game:

get a machamp with fissure from gen 1
transfer it to a newer game
give it an ability capsule

no guard fissure machamp is a thing. no guard fissure machamp is a thing


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
if you didn't like the newest pokemon games have you considered maybe that you just don't ****ing like pokemon

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
if you didn't like the newest pokemon games have you considered maybe that you just don't ****ing like pokemon
Dude I ****ing learned to read playing Pokemon.

I just agree with Vashimus Vashimus in that Pokemon functions too conservatively. A lot of the coolest stuff has just been the spin-offs recently, like Mystery Dungeon and Coliseum, while the main games have stagnated and staled themselves out pretty badly.

It's just kind of become "churn out a couple hundred new pokemon, slap a new map on it, and have Team Evil try to catch Legendary #38 on a mountain but oh no they were foiled and you can try to catch it now good job beat the elite four and then **** around a bit before realizing that catching them all is no longer a realistically attainable goal and there's not really any other endgame content"


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
Why are you trying to argue with a snarky one-liner with little to no actual argument behind it? It's an argumentative dead end. It's like arguing politics and ideologies on facebook or reddit or twitter. Run awwwaaaayyy.

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
Why are you trying to argue with a snarky one-liner with little to no actual argument behind it? It's an argumentative dead end. It's like arguing politics and ideologies on facebook or reddit or twitter. Run awwwaaaayyy.
Oh, right.

I meant to say

I like Pokemon just fine, it's Bleck Bleck that's bland and repetitive.


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
"new pokemon games are boring because all you do is do the stuff that you do in pokemon games"

give me a break, kiddo


insincere personality
Nov 2, 2013
>Implying I wasn't faking

Get yo wookie warrior *** legs outta here
implying im some middle aged neckbeard
u a middle aged neckbeard, ye scurblord
enough bout this dramaboi

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I like the newer games just fine, tbh (still think DexNav from ORAS is one of the best additions to the franchise ever). But, even after all these years and all the quality of life improvements, Pokémon is still pretty damn formulaic.

Smooth Criminal
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
I mean it's only a problem if you've played past games.
??? I've played every generation lol. Kind of presumptuous to assume that to be honest.

It's just kind of become "churn out a couple hundred new pokemon, slap a new map on it, and have Team Evil try to catch Legendary #38 on a mountain but oh no they were foiled and you can try to catch it now good job beat the elite four and then **** around a bit before realizing that catching them all is no longer a realistically attainable goal and there's not really any other endgame content"
You can literally say that about every franchise ever though, including Smash, Zelda, Mario, Dark Souls, etc. That doesn't inherently make them bad games.

Pokemon gets a lot of flak, but it's hard to perfect what was already a very polished idea right from the get-go since 1996.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
If that's the case with pokemon then you've got to draw your playerbase in with it's other features that pokemon games have.

Despite the formula staying the same, the best pokemon games have been the ones that included a lot of content to do after the main game is finished.

Gold / Silver
Platnium / HG/SS
Black 2 / White 2

The formula is pretty much going to stay the same but lately we've been seeing games that keep giving us less content than the previous games which isn't a good thing for a series that has a tried and true formula.

Do you wonder why most people harp on X and Y being a bad game? The difficulty overall is lowered compared to other games which makes for a no stress and quick to blow through main story. This is okay because the main game isn't really that big of a deal for most people who are veterans anyway. So they look to the endgame challenges.

All we got was the battle tower essentially in the form of the battle mason. It does nothing to really spruce up the gameplay and strategies like the battle frontier, nor was as interesting as a tournament styled set of matches filled with past trainers like the PWT.

X and Y was filled to the brim with tons of content that wasn't battle related, but in the end pokemon is about battling. Without appealing battling content, it's harder to stay interested in the game.

This rings true for ORAS as well because while it was a remake of an older game, so was HGSS (Which touched on the original games, and brought a ton of content) but ORAS managed to bring even LESS content to the table than X and Y. I mean you could compare secret bases, but with that you lose character customization, PR videos, skates (and the tricks associated with them), Gym leader rematches (The battle villa in X and Y had those. Emerald also had those) , and we didn't even get the battle frontier. We got the delta episode which was a nice little after portion along with access to most of the legendaries which was cool. But after the delta episode and you capture the legendaries, you're essentially still in X and Y as far as what you can do.

Tutor moves have been added but those take BP which goes back to a lack of interesting content that actually rewards those.

Having contests back was nice though because **** pokemon musicals.

In my honest opinion X and Y was a better game than ORAS.
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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know that there is a majority that harps on X and Y for being a bad game.
There is, and it's for the exact same reasons that Saito Saito went on about.

Still, I'm kind of in your camp. I liked X/Y and ORAS quite a bit despite all of that. Pokémon does what it does and does it well even after all these years of staid-ness.

Smooth Criminal
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
check, 1 2 3

To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know that there is a majority that harps on X and Y for being a bad game.
that's because there's not

the series remains popular and profitable because it doesn't pander directly to moron twenty-something Gamers™ that are incapable of understanding that they are not the center of the universe
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