this is not even remotely the same thing. pmdt was a more "official" source than the mountains of forks that popped up. it is very clear when a fork is a fork and not the official build and people will naturally move toward the official one as the standard for play.
with the pmdt disbanded, this standard can't exist with the same amount of authority. people will pop up and say that their joke of a build will be better or should be the standard and whatnot and you can't argue the stupid out of those people
this is pretty succinct, imo. there were all kinds of goofy (and maybe not so goofy) things out there that people would play, but if you went to a tourney, it was pretty much going to be the current pm build. there was a central body that lent credence to it and all of their source control that people whined about is what kept things strong, because there was only one real build and it could be traced back to their page and development.
it didn't matter that someone really really ****ing liked sword ganon and would only play that, because if you went to a tourney of any merit, you played base ganon. you really liked 3.02 diddy because you don't understand what balance and good design is? well, you can play it, but with your friends. anything approaching official, you played the latest build.
now, you can have any number of "offiicial" builds that are official entirely on their own declaration. even other pmdt (i don't know their name, sorry. no disrespect, i'm just too lazy to go check what it is) don't have the same central authority because the build of pm they're starting with will be the same as other people. there might be some other "shadow other pmdt" working on something in secret on their own, waiting to drop the hottest track of 2015.
and since the community is going to be able to make more pull with regards to stuff, to's do have a say, but if your community is full of silly people who like 3.02 diddy, 2.whatever sonic and ike, and sword ganon and refuse to attend because you won't play their "new official build!" you don't have any authority to really try and stem it. and then they can start just doing their own "community build!" tourneys, because it's more fun.
i mean, yeah, that's starting to hit hyperbole there, but that's the thing i'm afraid of. except it'll be balance and bug fix builds with good intentions. "man, ddd sucks. here's my brand new ddd build!" but it's actually busted wide open. "well, that new pmdt aren't really in charge. this is a much better build! so i'm gonna use it!" and then some to thinks it's a good build and now there's a rift in the overall community.
once again, more hyperbole starting up, but it only takes a few occurrences to have the issue start to be a real problem.
this isn't even getting into the legal murkiness that might or might not occur because we don't know everything that's going on in the background.
if other pmdt can pull together a well made, tightly controlled build that a lot of people adapt as the community standard, more power to them. i'll stick to what my local scene plays, because i don't travel anyway. i'm just a little sad because, at this point, it's much more likely for this to be the end than a new beginning.