**** twitch, and **** the people who work there that are a part of the smash community. at least have the decency to let us know what's going on so we can hate you a little less for ****ting down our throats.
Sadly, they likely can't for fear of losing their jobs, or fear of destroying PM, or something like that.
There's likely all sorts of threats and stuff from both Twitch, perhaps because of Nintendo but certainly with Nintendo. TCB and D1 didn't start hating Project M.
D1 defended Project M, saying it was the savior to unite the fandom and all this sort of stuff a long time ago on his stream when The Moon said something against it. TCB is a great guy and I've seen / talked to him in PM streams too, he's expressed his sympathies.
Giving the benefit of the doubt is an exercise in futility in scenarios like this.
Time to assume the worst~
There's no need to assume any more, though, it's all but assured.