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Project M Social Thread Gold


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
This one

And I liked it very much, but it did leave me in a state of... not needing any more visual novels.
wasnt that like in the beginning?

did you get all 3 endings?

im trying to figure out how this would deter you from other VNs tho.

Saya no uta was pretty cool

Ghneko obviously has a sizable power level, wanting to learn Japanese, but he shows no signs of delusion or desire to be Japanese. He's an otaku, but not a weeb. He may or may not strongly identify with his American culture, considering he consumes so much foreign culture, but he isn't acting like he is or that he understands what it means to be Japanese. This is understandle, I think.
my power level is maximum

i do digest american media, mostly comic books and movies though. my western cartoon playlist is fairly small; mostly adult cartoons like archer, chozen, and stuff from AS. i do watch children's cartoons though like gumball and sonic boom.

i'm a massive fan of the archie sonic and megaman comics, and i enjoy dc and marvel to a small extent. watchmen is an outlier though cuz i love that ****.

though fo real i only ID as 2 forms of otaku. A Sega Otaku and a JRPG Otaku.

i'd never want to be japanese though.

japan is far from paradise. there is so much ****ed up **** in japan. dont even get me started with the bull**** that goes on in japan. the school system is practically totalitarian. diet is a ****ing joke. the salarymen culture is a virus on creativity. the nationalistic / xenophobic mentality in japan is strong as ****. japan's governement still denies their hate crimes. the ****ing yakuza!

the list goes on.

japan is all sorts of ****ed up.

also here's a tidbit about the word "otaku"; when it comes to the word otaku in japan, there has been an active, but slow shift away from otaku as an insult and has become more akin to self-identifying as a geek (or rather geek+2) and culturally acceptable.

edit: saya no uta was great. personal favorite.
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[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
the visual novel that GHNeko was initially talking about has explicit sex scenes

nobody said all visual novels were pornographic (Ace Attorney, hello) but I'm pretty ****in' sure that the above images constitute pornography

Honestly, I'm probably not in the right state of mind to comment on his design right now; I just got so frustrated with For Glory that I retreated to fighting a level 9 CPU to see what the hell is wrong with me and then I got two stocked by a ****in' Yoshi that I just barely got over 50%. I'd take any complaints I have about him with a grain of salt.

Maybe I'm just tired from working this past week, I don't know. I'm putting the 3DS down for tonight before I put my fist through it.
Yoshi is mad gud, Lucina can kill for free with rage+fresh f-smash thats why.

I would suggest watching this
pac-man goes toe to toe with one of the best characters in the game, so yeah somethings up, since pac-man can be really good.

Well personally I look at characters like Mega Man and say "this character was designed with a turtle/run away playstyle in mind" or Rosalina and say "she was made to be a ***** and zone people".

I can't say I can easily define wtf pacman even is.

That said I think he's one of the better characters.

iunno, just keep playing and take FOR GLORY with a grain of salt, because wifi is still wifi
Alot of people can play an aggressive megaman, take stylesx2 as an example, his mega's great.

Rosalina typically gets played a juggler type character, someone who does B and side B over and over isnt a gud rosie, its about the up-throw, up-tilt, u-air juggles for days, and with luma there, u-air is very dangerous.
actually the worst thing about smash 4 is sheik being able to pretty much 0-death combo everyone in the game and there's nothing you can do about it

it's great


Like, whyyyyy can fair combo into fair

this isnt melee and she is not marth
Thats if you get gimped which you shouldnt, she cant kill bruh.

sleep time.


still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
yeah the original db ended fine



like why do people not reuse a universe/timeline but with a fresh cast of characters?

is that idea so bad?
eehhh idk, it might as well be a completely different series in a completely different universe. Like, other than a prequel, how would a Dragon Ball spin-off even work when the major plot device of the original series, the dragon balls, is unavailable? To be honest I don't really find the Dragon Ball universe to be terribly interesting compared to it's characters, sooo maybe I'm being preemptively pessimistic.

@ Soft Serve Soft Serve
I know how you feel man, these past few months have been really bad for me in many ways and I just can't bring myself to make things better. I want to, but I just don't do it. I don't really care what I say here, so I guess I can admit that I'm depressed, and probably have been for the past 8 years...

Hopefully you feel better soon. Who knows, maybe you can treat this emptiness as a mental vacation, or something.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
eehhh idk, it might as well be a completely different series in a completely different universe. Like, other than a prequel, how would a Dragon Ball spin-off even work when the major plot device of the original series, the dragon balls, is unavailable? To be honest I don't really find the Dragon Ball universe to be terribly interesting compared to it's characters, sooo maybe I'm being preemptively pessimistic
there are gaps of time where the dragonballs arent even used at all in the DB series.

like during the time skip from goku being a kid and then growing up?

im not saying it's easy, but its possible. of course the easiest would be to create a series that predates dragonball to avoid conflict.

akira didn't really fill in his universe when making dragonball, so the limitations of the universe are barely there so there is a lot to do with the concept of dragon ball.

i mean we didnt learn **** about goku or piccolo's origin until DBZ. tien being a decedent of the three-eyed clan is pretty much all that there is to his backstory's backstory.

its ridiculously open lol

the interesting aspect of dragonball is the otherwordly nature mixed in with light hearted, grand adventures with mysticism and martial arts thrown in.

i mean **** all "The world greatest disciple" needs to become the next dragonball is less romance and more world adventures with japanese/chinese mythological lore thrown in.

the dragonball formula isnt hard to recreate at its core. it's just hard to recreate while imitating the dragonball feel.
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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Hitting a slump is the worst

For the last few weeks I've been escaping/coping with a lot of **** by basically running away to smash

Smash isn't getting not fun or stale, it just doesn't feel the same because I've been diving into it so hard. I'm getting burnt out.

And I don't want an escape, I just want things to get better, but I don't feel any motivation to actually get myself to make changes. I've been in dark places before but it doesn't feel like that, I don't feel hurt or depressed or suicidal, I just still feel empty. I don't know. It sucks. It sucks to not have the person you relied on for years anymore, but yeah. I might not be around here that much anymore, or at least only visit this thread.

You guys move too fast, i went to one weekly and in the time it took to catch up there was another full page. I've been sitting in my car for an hour reading the thread on my phone.

Ha, we're in a dry campus, but these idiots left a 12 pack of Corona sitting in the top of thier car.

PM me if you need someone to talk to.

Super-depressed ex-suicidal panic attack on two legs here. I'm pretty good with this stuff.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Hah, going into counseling soon to get past some **** I've been dealing with for years and I just got out of a completely emotionless state of mind a week ago. Things can get overbearing.
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PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
TLDR: Literally everyone who frequents the thread will support the **** out of you, softie


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2014
Louisville, KY
You guys, this isn't a boast but more of a pleasantly surprised and confident realization just now that, apparently, I can sing Frozen's 'Let it Go' really, really well.

| Kailex |

I smell like salty coins and milk
Jun 3, 2013
Dubai - UAE
If its still about your gf then I have nothing to say, romantic relationships are troublesome, thats why Id never even care about getting into any of that; I cant help much but everyone else will


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2014
Louisville, KY
It seems when it comes to girlfriends the silly "grass is greener" metaphor is always most vindicated, but I still hate it when people complain to me about their gf troubles when I'm here sitting alone on my futon eating nutella with a fork.

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
Maybe you would be more attractive to females and get a girlfriend if you didn't eat nutella with a fork


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2014
Louisville, KY
Maybe you would be more attractive to females and get a girlfriend if you didn't eat nutella with a fork
The irony was implied ***hole give credit where its due

Anyway on the note of sexual sociology and while I'm watching Frozen: I always hated that the movie made this hyperbolic case that it's always a bad idea to jump into a marriage based on love and passion at first meet. That's bull****. That's happened billions of times throughout human history across all cultures and held strong (cue bullsh*t regurgitated feminist rebuttal that women have never actually been "happy" in the age of humanity until 60 years ago). And what are the odds that your fast-made fiance is literally going to turn out to be a Disney Villain? What the hell were the writers' agenda with this message? To make marriage look even ****tier than it already does?

/conservative rant]

That said I do like the more rightwing approach they gave with the male protagonist about men being men and girls getting over the fact and embracing it.
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PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
Lmao no there were way too many people to keep up with all the messages

Having to read 30 pages to make a post was a total drag, since I stay up to date on the convo before contributing

Also I find the conversations a bit more personal and enjoyable when it's just the regulars


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
Yeah, I definitely prefer this because I can actually keep up.
It just feels relatively lonely now is all..

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Nah I rant to this thread too much as is. I'm over her, just not used to being single. I do have a good friend who always offers to talk to me and such, but shes busy and I dont like bothering her/waking her up at like 4 am because my sleep schedule is so messed up.

All I really want to do is row, but **** man rowing is expensive. I had a good amount of money saved towards a down-payment on getting my own racing shell, but I've slowly drained that ~2k over the last few years because working less+eating out more + college supplies. Its sad when the cheapest individual boat is like 7k (albeit a very good brand of boat, like not S tier but A+), and like used cars, used boats are huge toss ups and risks because they aren't sturdy at all (wind picks up while you're carrying it on your head down the boat ramp, hand slips, falls, it splits in half). I've tried to get back onto city teams and such but scheduling is hard and they dont meet as much as I'd want to get out on the water, which is like, twice a day for a few hours each outing.

I love you guys and will lurk here forever, but I need a small break from smash, at the very VERY minimum I'm not going to let myself play or touch the non-socal threads for a while.


Verdant Pokémon
Aug 30, 2014
Someplace in the woods
Nah I rant to this thread too much as is. I'm over her, just not used to being single. I do have a good friend who always offers to talk to me and such, but shes busy and I dont like bothering her/waking her up at like 4 am because my sleep schedule is so messed up.

All I really want to do is row, but **** man rowing is expensive. I had a good amount of money saved towards a down-payment on getting my own racing shell, but I've slowly drained that ~2k over the last few years because working less+eating out more + college supplies. Its sad when the cheapest individual boat is like 7k (albeit a very good brand of boat, like not S tier but A+), and like used cars, used boats are huge toss ups and risks because they aren't sturdy at all (wind picks up while you're carrying it on your head down the boat ramp, hand slips, falls, it splits in half). I've tried to get back onto city teams and such but scheduling is hard and they dont meet as much as I'd want to get out on the water, which is like, twice a day for a few hours each outing.

I love you guys and will lurk here forever, but I need a small break from smash, at the very VERY minimum I'm not going to let myself play or touch the non-socal threads for a while.
Weeelllll... At least you'll be here. Because I did say I was gonna stay here for only you.
Even though I would probably stay here anyway, let's face it I'm addicted to Smashboards.

RIP Softie's commentating, I will miss it on his hiatus.

I thought rowing was interesting for a sport, but I didn't really understand it either...

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
It is without a doubt one of the least interesting spectator sports I can think of, but as the rower its just completely different.
Mastering it is all about completely body control and movement with rhythm, and then mentally you have to push yourself past the point of literally feeling like you are killing yourself during a race. The 2k meter sprint, the classic race is supposedly the equivalent to playing 2 back to back basketball games, energy expenditure wise. Its a 6-7 min sprint.
Outside of the race itself, rowing is an incredibly enjoyable sport, its hard but feels amazing when everything comes together. Its really surreal to me. I have some control issues (probably family related, idc, its a sensitive topic that I dont like disclosing and yeah) so feeling so incredibly in control of what is happeneing in the boat is really different. You know that whatever happens. be it boat tilting, a bad entry on the stroke that caused the swing of the boat to get interupted, or whatever, you have complete control over it. The only things that can have influences on your rowing is you, how you handle the boat, and how you adjust to the water conditions. Its hard sometimes and you can have some frustrating days, but my god the feeling of taking a couple of perfect strokes and then just balancing, "letting it fly," as you drift over the water, just amazing. I've never been happier than I have rowing.

I'd imagine dancers have similar feelings when they feel they performed perfectly, even if no-one was watching.

I might just appreciate it more it because I did/do it for so long and spent so much time trying to get good at it, but imho rowing is the best sport there is for someone to compete in.


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
You were not ready for Nitro+. (´;ω;`)

I dunno about objective wrong, but I think I can say I do know about what is objectively right.
See m reply to Sax below for what it boils down to. (IMO, of course.)

Yeah, for all I know I could be talking out of my *** unintentionally this whole time.
From what I can tell, you feel that doing right by others is the really the only way to do things, even though it can hurt and does. ...A lot.

If doing that of all things is nonsensical, or rambling, I don't want to EVER "make sense".
the implication that anime pornography is the forefront of japanese culture is literally textbook weeb
I'll take many layers of assumptions for 500, Trebek.

why can't the world make no sense? itd be more enjoyable that way
Some day soon, it will.

Oh damn, tomorrow makes my Smashboards account two years old.

There is a song about what the internet's for, but I'd rather not.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Verdant Pokémon
Aug 30, 2014
Someplace in the woods
Yeah, the way you describe it, it sounds a lot like a dance. Probably feels good to let all that energy release to be honest. I was in symphonic band in mid-high school so I can understand and relate to the feeling of "control," that you like being able to have, although it's not altogether the same thing. The frustration from it too is probably pretty same-y.

Sounds interesting.... but... it is November. I'm okay with some cold, but idk, going out in the waters in cold weather is a little pushing it for me.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2012
Damn, school time. My fav part of the day now is whoopin' goobies with my Ganon in Smash 4 without taking a stock. I was reading a bunch of new people super well yesterday, it was awesome.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Oh right, I forgot what cold was
Its just starting to get to the point where I can jeans and a pullover here. Its 4 am here and its still 55, our high is 73 today lol.

Watersports in the winter here isn't bad until the wind picks up. As long as you keep moving your body and feet dont get that cold honestly, even though you row in spandex + a hat if you want. Really just your ears/nose get cold and your hands numb-over, but not enough for you to lose feeling/stop hurting if they get wet.
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Verdant Pokémon
Aug 30, 2014
Someplace in the woods
Oh right, I forgot what cold was
Its just starting to get to the point where I can jeans and a pullover here. Its 4 am here and its still 55, our high is 73 today lol.

Watersports in the winter here isn't bad until the wind picks up. As long as you keep moving your body and feet dont get that cold honestly, even though you row in spandex + a hat if you want. Really just your ears/nose get cold and your hands numb-over, but not enough for you to lose feeling/stop hurting if they get wet.
It snowed yesterday for me, usually I don't see snow but once a year or two years. It was crazy. Especially because it's just November.

I could see the nose getting like, ridiculously cold. I should have a winter home in AZ and a summer home somewhere else lmao. 72 sounds nice af right now, meanwhile wearing a jacket with his pajamas at 5 am indoors.

PMS | Tink-er

fie on thee
Apr 2, 2014
Tampa, FL
It is without a doubt one of the least interesting spectator sports I can think of, but as the rower its just completely different.
Mastering it is all about completely body control and movement with rhythm, and then mentally you have to push yourself past the point of literally feeling like you are killing yourself during a race. The 2k meter sprint, the classic race is supposedly the equivalent to playing 2 back to back basketball games, energy expenditure wise. Its a 6-7 min sprint.
Outside of the race itself, rowing is an incredibly enjoyable sport, its hard but feels amazing when everything comes together. Its really surreal to me. I have some control issues (probably family related, idc, its a sensitive topic that I dont like disclosing and yeah) so feeling so incredibly in control of what is happeneing in the boat is really different. You know that whatever happens. be it boat tilting, a bad entry on the stroke that caused the swing of the boat to get interupted, or whatever, you have complete control over it. The only things that can have influences on your rowing is you, how you handle the boat, and how you adjust to the water conditions. Its hard sometimes and you can have some frustrating days, but my god the feeling of taking a couple of perfect strokes and then just balancing, "letting it fly," as you drift over the water, just amazing. I've never been happier than I have rowing.

I'd imagine dancers have similar feelings when they feel they performed perfectly, even if no-one was watching.

I might just appreciate it more it because I did/do it for so long and spent so much time trying to get good at it, but imho rowing is the best sport there is for someone to compete in.
You just described an art, not a sport. If it's about expression and control, it's an art, not a sport. Competitive art just sounds silly, though. But you basically didn't attach your enjoyment of rowing in any way to competitive drive, so I can't see you describing it as a sport. Your description of why you like rowing is pretty similar to why I like music and other people like cooking.


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
I leave my heat off because it gets stuffy hella quick in my house.

But if I need to cool it down to shiver-worthy temperatures?
...Open a window.

Shoveling so I can get paid, when?


Verdant Pokémon
Aug 30, 2014
Someplace in the woods
You just described an art, not a sport. If it's about expression and control, it's an art, not a sport. Competitive art just sounds silly, though. But you basically didn't attach your enjoyment of rowing in any way to competitive drive, so I can't see you describing it as a sport. Your description of why you like rowing is pretty similar to why I like music and other people like cooking.
Cooking and music and art can be competitions too lol.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
You just described an art, not a sport. If it's about expression and control, it's an art, not a sport. Competitive art just sounds silly, though. But you basically didn't attach your enjoyment of rowing in any way to competitive drive, so I can't see you describing it as a sport. Your description of why you like rowing is pretty similar to why I like music and other people like cooking.
Oh completely, I have like zero serious competitive drive in me and enjoyed rowing because how it made me feel connected to the things around me. My coach would always be like "Ryan, your technique is almost perfect, you just need more spring in your drive (Its the part of the stroke cycle where you push off the foot-boards and "drive" the oar through the water and stuff), and you need to just get angry and want to win." I've been in serious competitive mind-sets before, normally just driven by the desire to improve, not to win, but they never last longer than a month or so, I just don't really care if I win/lose if I was okay with how I felt I rowed.

Idk, my favorite feeling of rowing is when it feels like you're completely in control of everything, but at the same time its like and out of body experience. I've never done hallucinogens but I could imagine that's what a good trip would feel like. I'm pretty sure I wrote a few college app essays about just that.

Placing and getting medals are cool, I have a **** load of 3rd place medals, but I just enjoyed it for rowing and for the people on the team. I pretty much only talked about singles rowing which is my favorite, but grouping up into four-to-eight man squads is a completely different, and just as amazing experience

tl;dr, everyone should find that thing they love, just hope its not as ****ing expensive as what mine is
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Verdant Pokémon
Aug 30, 2014
Someplace in the woods
I love smash. But paying $150 to go to a tournament every day on the other end of the country to get bodied would get ****ing expensive eventually.

Maybe I should take up dancing, seeing as playing music got stale for me after a while.
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Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2014
Anyone knows how exactly the addons system will work with launcher 1.11? Just found out about the update today.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
Also what are you talking about? I don't think Freeza gets revived in Battle of the Gods. He does in one of the movies though and gets his *** kicked.
Gohan punches him once, ONCE, and he explodes...in movie 12 I think it was?
How the hell is he going to even be partially relevant when in the Son Goku and his Friends Return special, they deemed two characters as strong or a little stronger than Freeza to be okay for the children to deal with? What, is Pan going to be born and then have to fight Freeza as an infant? It's probably the best chance for Freeza to win again.
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