Overall, fantastic work on this mod! Holy mother, it's great!
Some minor things so far, Captain Falcon's Goku skin just loads a alt Captain Falcon color. Mewtwo portrait for Mewtwo Y loads Dark Purple Mewtwo and vice versa. Same for Charizard Yveltal loading Aerodactyl and vice versa.
Also is there a Link or Toon Link alt costume on Brawl Vault that is Link Between Worlds Link? That would be a fantastic addition.
I'll update if I find or think of anything else.
Edit: Sheik as Spiderman turns into Toon Zelda.
Also, Haxorus Squirtle just really looks bad in my opinion. The model just looks fat and ...bad. Same could be said for Yveltal Charizard Alt, just looks awkward, like it doesn't fit.