Wanted to make this post for a while now but here we go at 1am in the morning and I got 6 or so hours til I get up for work! BUT IN ANY CASE I WANTED TO WRITE THIS UP.
Firstly, I shall wait for CBliss update in that case, what you'll notice when you compare these to the front Mario page is that the pose is much more different, I kept trying to change the pose til I got it perfect, every time I see or look at the way Smash 3 sets up renders, they are posed perfectly well and not additional tricks added.
I was too fixated on trying to make them look good I wasn't realizing that even focusing on the little things like feet on floor, if the actual 3D pose from all views look right from different angles (One trick is to picture the model as a trophy, I think that's vital in all of this believe it or not), to those who are aspiring to be renderers, you should note that these little things actually make a huge difference, same with my post on the lighting, I re-did the lighting for Link and it came out much MUCH better than before.
Anyway, let's get into the meat of all this.
Color Safe CSPs:
With Mario, you'll notice "Color Safe CSPs", this is more of an optional idea I had, in the previous post I called it Tourney safe, but I imagine that would confuse people in the point I'm trying to make, essentially and I use Smash 4 Mario as an example, all and I mean ALL of the costumes have different color pallets, in what I mean is that, you'll see that Ice Mario and Fire Mario have a matching red colors, the optional idea will be an optional choice to go over if people find that too many of the same color will crossover too much.
And additional point I want to make is that I remember Ondo pointing out in the visual thread that the top for some CSPs are cut, this time around I shall be working to make sure as best as I can (some cases not possible, but I will do my best!) make sure the CSPs don't cut off at the top, like Dr Mario for example I fixed, you can make the comparison to the first page if you wish!
I will also add I won't do requests for CSPs, these optional choices are rough ideas that run in my head when trying to think about all this, not only that with Icons being worked it's takes a lot of time for all of this to come together, at the least, not anytime soon!
Before I get into talking about icons, I shall give a mini update on BPs, not many may notice, but my old methods would be re-sizing some of the CSPs to fit for BPs, this time I shall be re-sizing the renders which will (obviously haha) produce higher quality BPs, even a little.
Moving onto my next point, ICONS, before I never cared much about working on Icons, it was something that I'd plan if it came to it in the future, but with 3.6 on the horizon doing this, I decided to dip my hand into Icon making, and funny thing is that it takes more time working on them then I would with CSPs and BPs, mainly because I'm trying to keep the original quality as best and consistent as possible rather than recoloring them all (That's right, they're all actually shrunken down renders, only color edits would be Dr Mario because to point out what color which).
Oh, another thing I did was clean up on Dr Mario's pose/model for the render, if you compare to front page Dr Mario, I thinned him down a little in regards to the coat, just so he stands out better, I hope I did it justice! I also made Smash 4 brawlish color variations of him because I wanted to give this build a new feelgood vibe... if... that makes sense? In any case! Moving on and I hope you like!
I think I've established as many points as I can, but let's talk some Links here, someone is totally going to ask, "Oh if Mario has color safe CSPs why not Link?" Well, there's two sides on this, firstly I agree to anyone who will say three green links man, but secondly I'm leaning more onto the side of Well, in PM OOT Link and Default Link are two different models and I will apply this onto HW Link, because in game he looks very different, specially with the scarf and well... everything.
Another fun fact about the HW Link's is that IWG's version is actually lagless in area's, I know I keep bringing up this point, but the fact you have a model from a Wii U game imported, optimised and running at perfect speed with little to no problems is mindblowing to me in the fact it takes a lot of time and craft to put that together, just a lesson to anyone who mods to note these things down! If not I'm probably getting too caught up in typing haha!
I more or less wanted to balance out the costumes for Link, color wise so I went with doing a mix and match on costumes, hopefully I did it in a way people will like!
I think I spoke more than I should have, people will probably ask for a link (no pun intended) to these ones above, but I assure you, the wait til when this build (eventually ;_: ) finishes shall pay off really well I hope! These will also include compressed CSPs so they all retain the same quality as the default CSPs (PM compresses CSPs to keep file size at the right limit, that said, there's a way around this that works extremely well for all this!)
Okay, it's now half 1 in the morning since I said it was 1 haha and I shall sleep, 30 mins typing record!
Moral of the story: Every little detail counts! No matter how small all!