Ramen King
Smash Cadet
So there's a few projects that have been bouncing around in my head for a bit, but I realized that I probably wont be able to get them all done on my own. I'm limiting swf to just a couple hours a day rather than my usual 24/7. Once I get workin, that will probably decrease to just about an hour a day. So if you guys are up for it I think that if we each put in some time to different parts of these projects we will be able to get them running in a jiff-e. Speaking of jiff-e, how many of you pronounce "GIF" as "giff" with a ga-sound? I've always pronounced it like "jiff". Alright so anyways the four projects I'd like for us to work on are:
1. Project Dictionary
2. Project Propaganda
3. Project Records
4. Project Rankings
Post here & send me a PM if you would like to be the project manager for any of these. Each of these will require their own thread. Project managers will be responsible for making the thread and assigning/regulating the tasks for the project.
Project Dictionary
So this first project is something that will take a lot of work and will need a lot of contribution to. I don't think one person can do it alone in a timely manner. Basically it is a dgames dictionary- all the dgames/mafia terms will be categorized in alphabetical order with a description and such. We can discuss what's worth putting in the dictionary but basically I was thinking of 3 main sections to start out with: Mafia terms/Dgames Regulars/Miscellaneous. Now of course most of the mafia terms we can simply pull from the mafia scum wiki. However there are some terms that are dgames specific/understood differently in dgames and there are things that can be elaborated on and altered from the wiki. The dgames regular section is basically a player guide with basic descriptions of the players, what they are known for, etc. The misc section would pretty much be for like specific thread names, other terms that aren't really mafia related such as a description of "adventure game", "pen and sword", etc. I was thinking of having the second post have everything separated into these categories (and then alphabetized) and then the first post contain a complete compiled list of everything alphabetized (Similar to this wrt organization). As you can see, this will be a lot of work and will require assigning different people different things to write up/report on for the dictionary.
Project Manager: WashedLaundry
Like I said, I was thinking we have different people simply submit different entries. For example Dark Horse (or anyone) could make an entry on Swiss. Frozen Flame (or anyone) could make an entry on WIFOM. An so on. The project manager for this would be in charge or regulating who will submit what as well as putting them all together.
Project Propaganda
Basically gaining more traffic, more activity, etc. One thing I'd like for Dgames is to be placed above Forum games on the main page, maybe even the top of "General Discussion" above the Pool Room. But that's a long term goal. I once talked to JV a long time ago about getting the Smash 64 section moved up on the main page and he basically wants the forums that produce the most traffic to be the easiest to view. Sure enough, once the 64 section proved they were still alive, they got just that.
Now when I talk about propaganda I'm not talking about going ad crazy or anything of that sort. Right now there is one thing I'd like to work on which is getting some Dgames signatures made. Each signature will basically consist of 5-7 of us reppin the dgmaes logo. We did this in the Disco Room a way while back which was pretty cool. Here are a few examples:
Project Manager: Jonny 2kayfor
Project Team: CleanLaundry, Rangaroo, Nahbay
So I personally don't know anyone who can make the sigs. I'd like for the project manager to be someone who can do so, or knows someone that can do so. The project manager will take in all the ideas for the design, organize which users are on which sigs, and either create the sigs themselves or communicate the orders with someone that does have photo editing skills.
Project Records
So for this, J and I were compiling a record of all the wins/losses for each player. This of course is just for the sake of interest/allowing one to keep stat of where they are at. This is similar to the mafia/town/indy win-loss record that J has compiled. I'm not sure if this is something that necessarily would need its own thread. It can either be added to the archive, combined with J's other list into a new thread, or just added into a post in the rankings thread. The second would actually probably be best. I think this can be made a lot simpler just by having each person compile their individual stats and send them in and then have the thread updated periodically from there.
Project Manager: J
The project manager will take in all submissions, check that all stats are accurate, and keep stats updated.
Project Rankings
Welcome to dgames seasonal rankings. Each season will last about 4 months.
Season 1: March 1 - June 30
Season 2: July 1 - October 30
Season 3: October 31 - February 28
What do I have to do?
Play Mafia.
As you play, your wins/losses will be recorded and you will gain a score based on weighted calculations. The more games you play the more accurate your score will become; however, players who play more games will not be given more points than those with fewer games, and those with fewer games will not be given a better score based on a lower ratio.
How will you keep scores balanced?
Each player may have recorded up to 7 games during a season. Scores will be calculated based on these ranges:
3 Games recorded
5 Games recorded
7 Games recorded
If you have played 4 games in a season, we will base your score on your 3 most recent games. If you have played 6 games in a season, we will base your score on your 5 most recent games. If you have played more than 7 games in a season, we will continue to base your score on your 7 most recent games.
Scores will be calculated using this formula:
(1-win Probability %) X (Large/Small) <--calculation from one game
(Calculations from other games)
6 (for 3 recorded games), 4 (for 5 recorded games), and 2 (for 7 recorded games)
I was going to set this up a while back (as you can tell from the dates above). The above was the first draft of the thread I was going to make. I needed someone to go over math with, but put it off for some reason. I have no idea what the hell I was calculating above haha. Though I'm pretty sure there is a pretty fair point system that can be created. I'll have to look over this again and figure out where I was going with it, and I'll make an update later.
Project manager: No one yet
1. Project Dictionary
2. Project Propaganda
3. Project Records
4. Project Rankings
Post here & send me a PM if you would like to be the project manager for any of these. Each of these will require their own thread. Project managers will be responsible for making the thread and assigning/regulating the tasks for the project.
Project Dictionary
So this first project is something that will take a lot of work and will need a lot of contribution to. I don't think one person can do it alone in a timely manner. Basically it is a dgames dictionary- all the dgames/mafia terms will be categorized in alphabetical order with a description and such. We can discuss what's worth putting in the dictionary but basically I was thinking of 3 main sections to start out with: Mafia terms/Dgames Regulars/Miscellaneous. Now of course most of the mafia terms we can simply pull from the mafia scum wiki. However there are some terms that are dgames specific/understood differently in dgames and there are things that can be elaborated on and altered from the wiki. The dgames regular section is basically a player guide with basic descriptions of the players, what they are known for, etc. The misc section would pretty much be for like specific thread names, other terms that aren't really mafia related such as a description of "adventure game", "pen and sword", etc. I was thinking of having the second post have everything separated into these categories (and then alphabetized) and then the first post contain a complete compiled list of everything alphabetized (Similar to this wrt organization). As you can see, this will be a lot of work and will require assigning different people different things to write up/report on for the dictionary.
Project Manager: WashedLaundry
Like I said, I was thinking we have different people simply submit different entries. For example Dark Horse (or anyone) could make an entry on Swiss. Frozen Flame (or anyone) could make an entry on WIFOM. An so on. The project manager for this would be in charge or regulating who will submit what as well as putting them all together.
Project Propaganda
Basically gaining more traffic, more activity, etc. One thing I'd like for Dgames is to be placed above Forum games on the main page, maybe even the top of "General Discussion" above the Pool Room. But that's a long term goal. I once talked to JV a long time ago about getting the Smash 64 section moved up on the main page and he basically wants the forums that produce the most traffic to be the easiest to view. Sure enough, once the 64 section proved they were still alive, they got just that.
Now when I talk about propaganda I'm not talking about going ad crazy or anything of that sort. Right now there is one thing I'd like to work on which is getting some Dgames signatures made. Each signature will basically consist of 5-7 of us reppin the dgmaes logo. We did this in the Disco Room a way while back which was pretty cool. Here are a few examples:
Project Manager: Jonny 2kayfor
Project Team: CleanLaundry, Rangaroo, Nahbay
So I personally don't know anyone who can make the sigs. I'd like for the project manager to be someone who can do so, or knows someone that can do so. The project manager will take in all the ideas for the design, organize which users are on which sigs, and either create the sigs themselves or communicate the orders with someone that does have photo editing skills.
Project Records
So for this, J and I were compiling a record of all the wins/losses for each player. This of course is just for the sake of interest/allowing one to keep stat of where they are at. This is similar to the mafia/town/indy win-loss record that J has compiled. I'm not sure if this is something that necessarily would need its own thread. It can either be added to the archive, combined with J's other list into a new thread, or just added into a post in the rankings thread. The second would actually probably be best. I think this can be made a lot simpler just by having each person compile their individual stats and send them in and then have the thread updated periodically from there.
Project Manager: J
The project manager will take in all submissions, check that all stats are accurate, and keep stats updated.
Project Rankings
This is MAFIA
It is about time we get something like this going.
It is about time we get something like this going.
Welcome to dgames seasonal rankings. Each season will last about 4 months.
Season 1: March 1 - June 30
Season 2: July 1 - October 30
Season 3: October 31 - February 28
What do I have to do?
Play Mafia.
As you play, your wins/losses will be recorded and you will gain a score based on weighted calculations. The more games you play the more accurate your score will become; however, players who play more games will not be given more points than those with fewer games, and those with fewer games will not be given a better score based on a lower ratio.
How will you keep scores balanced?
Each player may have recorded up to 7 games during a season. Scores will be calculated based on these ranges:
3 Games recorded
5 Games recorded
7 Games recorded
If you have played 4 games in a season, we will base your score on your 3 most recent games. If you have played 6 games in a season, we will base your score on your 5 most recent games. If you have played more than 7 games in a season, we will continue to base your score on your 7 most recent games.
Scores will be calculated using this formula:
(1-win Probability %) X (Large/Small) <--calculation from one game
(Calculations from other games)
6 (for 3 recorded games), 4 (for 5 recorded games), and 2 (for 7 recorded games)
I was going to set this up a while back (as you can tell from the dates above). The above was the first draft of the thread I was going to make. I needed someone to go over math with, but put it off for some reason. I have no idea what the hell I was calculating above haha. Though I'm pretty sure there is a pretty fair point system that can be created. I'll have to look over this again and figure out where I was going with it, and I'll make an update later.
Project manager: No one yet