I've also been wondering about that for-you guessed it-Gyro. It'd be nice to get that, but there'd me just so many permutations for it that it'd be mentally scarring. Distance after being charged x amount of frames? Now after x+1 amount of frames? So tedious.
Also, I've been thinking about Snake's shield grenade grab, or whatever it's called. Does anybody know/looked into the exact mechanics of it? So far I've gleaned that 1) it can only be initiated on a droppable surface, and 2) it is some form of janky airdodge grab. What bother me about that last part is this, though: You can SGG from a plat to fall off and still catch the nade, with an airdodge animation, but you can't do the same thing off the lip of a stage.
Also, the inputs. I'm going to try and create a frame map for it, but put simply, it's hold B to pull a nade out, tilt/tap down, then immediately FLICK shield and release B. More or less. However, if you omit shield from the equation, nothing happens. If you omit down, you shield drop the nade. So I'm thinking that there's a small window in which "down tap" lingers, and when you flick shield, you buffer both a shield fall through and an airdodge, which, because it is initatiated so quickly, is cancelled by the platform. This is also evidenced when you do a "perfect" SGG, where the shield doesn't appear and only the pickup graphic appears nears Snake's head. Snake also seems to be fresh out of his soft drop animation.