Recently read this article that at once gave me hope and concern for Star Fox Wii U.
I mostly have to agree with this assessment basically, at least the part where she discusses how to help Star Fox Wii U gain more appeal. I really think a massive expansion of what Assault did is the best way to go. I've discussed my specific ideas in regards to this, if any of you remember, so I won't go into it too much.
Long story short, for anyone who doesn't know, I really think they could create massive replayablity if each member of the team could be picked as playable in the campaign and each team member had unique abilities or tools or dialogue that would allow special areas, items, or paths to open up. Playing through the game with each team member to experience all the content and being able to enjoy unique dialogue for these unique situations would be pretty sweet. Also, an unlockable Star Wolf campaign, maybe online and local co-op for the campaign, and a robust multiplayer. Of course, I think the campaign should be made longer too.
It's a formula I think would work, and this kind of depth of content is something that I don't think any other Nintendo franchise does really. I mean, the idea of team members with unique abilities being able to play levels has been done. DK 64 is a great example. The Country games and some Mario platformers do it to a lesser extent with less truly unique team members. But imagine "DK 64" levels of unique team member play, but with it extended not just to the characters on foot but in vehicles with unique abilities. Add to that unique path options for the characters due to their unique abilities/tools, all paired with unique dialogue. It just seems like too good of a way to extend content AND develop characters uniquely. I really hope it happens. I sure did say "unique" a lot.