Pre-marital sex is the act of having intercourse before marriage.
I do believe children fall under this category.
In history, pre-marital sex was generally frowned upon, being considered immoral and a form of adultery.
This is about the only sentence that could strictly pertain to adults, yet it can still be considered immoral for children.
In many Islamic cultures today, pre-marital sex is punishable by anything ranging from lashings to death.
Muslim children who are caught having pre-marital sex can still be punished in the same ways as adults. Still keeping kids in the debate.
In America, however, this act is often practiced by unmarried couples, in spite of the risk of STDs such as HIV and AIDs.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure kids fall under the unmarried group. This is the part I was talking about more than anything. If children need to told to wait until marriage in order to save them from an STD I agree.
It all depends on a persons morals. Like I said earlier, if it can prevent something bad form happening then I think its fine.
You see, I did read the freaking first post long ago. I still don't understand how you could even consider excluding children.
I may have been a little harsh to some people before, but do you really not see my way? Or, do you just not like me, therefore disagreeing with me?
I started English as did everyone else in the kindergarten at McRea Elementary. It was simple ABC's but English non-the-less. This continued up to 9th grade with traditional English classes. I then went to Searcy High School in Searcy Arkansas. In 9th grade my mother decided I needed to take AP classes, so throughout high school I took AP English. In the 12th grade I took a creative writing class to conclude my K-12 education. At Arkansas State University I took the basic English I & II, then World Lit. I & II. I did not major in English so I did not continue with courses in English. This is the basic history of where I learned English. Thank you.