Yea, honestly, the main thing that separates smash from traditional fighters, IMO, is the importance of movement. You need to learn basic movement skills/techniques before you can get good at this game.
Obviously, there is a lot more than just movement, the game is very complex, but movement is the majority of the game.
For falco, you really need to get L-canceling down on shield. Once you get that, learn to dair/nair->shine.
Wavedashing is pretty important too, as are wavelands.
But to start out, I suggest learning to SHFFL aerials and lasering (approaching/retreating and lasering at different heights)
Even if you don't want to be a campy falco, learning to laser well will not hurt you (I say this because my friend who is a falco player convinced himself that to be aggro he can't laser much and so his laser game isn't really there when he needs it)
Oh and learn basic combos like pillaring (shine->dair->repeat) and laser->fsmash/grab